Stitcher Jim

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Don’t do anything Jim would do! Hahahahaa.
— Stitcher Jim

Stitcher Jim is a former member of the Bilge Rats Bilge Rats, Forsaken Shores Alliance Forsaken Shores Alliance, and was a founding member of the Gold Hoarders Gold Hoarders, with whom his current relationship is unknown. His most recent appearance is in The Herald of the Flame adventure as a follower of Flameheart after becoming a new Ashen Lord, the Herald of the Flame, although whether or not he continues to be is unclear.

Official Description

Considerably older than he looked, Stitcher Jim had lied and cheated his way through life since before the Sea of Thieves even had a name of its own. He often allowed history to swallow up his misdeeds before returning to commit some new treachery in another master's name. This was the case when he betrayed the Forsaken Shores Alliance, letting them perish in the ash-filled air of The Devil's Roar, then took a brief role among the Bilge Rats to mislead others into doing Flameheart's bidding.

Eventually his luck had to come to an end. After being transformed into the raging Herald of the Flame only to be overthrown by allies of the Pirate Lord, his skull was stolen away by The Reaper’s Bones for use in a ritual intended to resurrect the villainous Flameheart.[2]


Stitcher Jim is arguably one of the most experienced Pirates sailing the Sea of Thieves, having been there longer than almost anyone currently alive. He's long been portrayed as a low-life and often a drunk, pledging his allegiance to the most powerful figure who'll accept his loyalty.

Athena's Fortune Novel

This article contains information from canon sources outside of the game.

In Athena's Fortune (novel), Jim is revealed to be among the first pirates to breach the Devil's Shroud after the Magpie's Wing first made the voyage. He allied himself with Rathbone the night after the Wing's return, accepting a chart mapping a route through the Devil's Shroud and distributing copies of it to other Pirates.

Years later, Jim would join Rathbone's crew after his betrayal of Ramsey at Golden Sands. He and Rathbone, armed with the keys to Ramsey's unbreakable chests, would form their own small fleet of Pirates who's monetary success would earn them the name Gold Hoarders. After a long series of voyages ending in lost plunder, Stitcher Jim would have the idea of turning the Gold Hoarders fleet into a Trading Company, with representatives stationed at each Outpost.

Forsaken Shores

Decades ago, Stitcher Jim was among the members of the alliance that explored The Devil's Roar. There he discovered the Box of Wondrous Secrets, and destroyed the alliance all except alliance leader Grace Morrow (who he jokingly calls Captain Sorrow), who survived his attempt to poison.

After the Devil's Roar was cleared of the shroud, Jim was located on the shores of Liar's Backbone, observing the area with his spyglass. He denied Grace's accusations - calling her a traitor and murderer, driven mad from living in the Devil's Roar. However, Grace uncovered evidence that proves his connection to the first Gold Hoarder, arousing suspicion of his ulterior motives. Stitcher didn't intend to escape from Grace because he had successfully retrieved his hidden Box of Wondrous Secrets, and was already progressing his plans with the Gold Hoarders.

Sometime later, Stitcher was marooned in the Devil's Roar on the verge of death, but a Masked Stranger gave him a second chance at life. Infatuated by his rescuer, he took his chance at salvation, repented, and joined the Bilge Rats to prove his reformation, going so far as to fill in for Duke as a Bilge Rat representative. However his position did not last long as Duke soon returned, and Stitcher Jim moved on, tending to unknown business.

Heart of Fire

Stitcher Jim's unknown business was revealed with the Heart of Fire Tall Tale, which had Player Crews use Grace Morrow's notes to track Jim down. The Players are led to Liar's Backbone to Stitcher Jim's Hideout, where they find out about the Masked Stranger's identity being Wanda, and about Jim's plans to resurrect Captain Flameheart as his new lord after the defeat of the Gold Hoarder. Players can read five of Jim's Journals during the Tall Tale, where his motivations for joining the Bilge Rats and releasing Pendragon are revealed. The Journals also reveal that Flameheart tasked Jim with cursing the crew of the Blackwyche inside a Chest of Rage in order to summon an Ashen Lord.

At the end of the Tall Tale, Jim gets burned and betrayed by Flameheart, with Flameheart indicating that Jim is on his way to becoming an Ashen Lord.

The Herald of the Flame and Return of the Damned

Stitcher Jim returns in The Herald of the Flame adventure, now inflicted with The Ashen Curse. After his supposed betrayal, he flees from The Devil's Thirst to Ashen Reaches, loathing at what Flameheart has done, and in a note in the Sun Vault, he plans to sail back to Flintlock Peninsula to destroy the remaining bones of Flameheart to dust.

However, The Servant of the Flame approached Jim and explained that his curse is all part of a prophecy, and is neccessary to bring about Flameheart's resurrection. With that, he reassembles the remains of Captain Flameheart, and drinks from the cursed chalice to complete his transformation.

After discovering all of his visions, he has transformed into a new Ashen Lord, the Herald of the Flame, and confronts the pirates at Molten Sands Fortress. However, he was defeated, forcing him to flee with Captain Flameheart's remains. His skull would return in the trailer for the following adventure, Return of the Damned, where it was used as a replacement for Flameheart's skull during Flameheart's resurrection.


Current Dialogue

Stitcher Jim's last appeared in The Herald of the Flame. For his dialogue from the Tall Tale, see The Herald of the Flame.

Previous Dialogue

No dialogue available.

Stitcher Jim left his position as Bilge Rat shopkeeper, disappearing without a trace. The Masked Stranger hints at Jim tending to "important business".

Found in Taverns, standing in for Duke, tending to Bilge Rats duties.

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Care to browse the Black Market, help me deliver some gifts, or are you here to take on some Skeleton Lords? Yep, you heard right!

Skeleton Lords?! That’s bad news!

You bet. I’ve heard of three Skeleton Lords rising up, taking over Forts and hiding their Ashen Chests within. Seems we rattled some ribcages.
These Tomes are different - Ashen Tomes of Power. I want all five chapters.
Remember, Ashen Chests and Keys can also be found while exploring. Skeleton ships with Skull Clouds above are likely to have a Chest too.

You have gifts to deliver?

Well, a shipment of gifts came drifting in through the Shroud, but it sank. Odd! Who goes around delivering wrapped gifts to strangers?
I can offer Voyages to help you find the gifts, but please deliver them to my love, in my name? Help me prove my devotion!
She’s waiting at The Reaper’s Hideout. That’s the name she chose for that little isle, east of Wanderer’s Refuge. She’s so creative!
Take her a gift and I’m sure she’ll share some Doubloons. Maybe I’ve gone soft, but you could even leave gifts there for other crews to cash in.

When will Duke be back?

I haven’t heard from him. We’ll just have to trust that he knows what he’s doing.
Larinna isn’t always easy to find. The Bilge Rats don’t really have a structure, like the Gold Hoarders or Merchant Alliance.
Like most of us Bilge Rats, she spends her time doing dangerous stuff, exploring strange places, or drinking. We’ll have to be patient.

Found in Taverns, standing in for Duke, tending to Bilge Rats duties.

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Look! I’m finally a member of the Bilge Rats and I’m even watching over Duke’s business! Such an honour. I suppose you’re here about the Ashen Tomes?

What’s this about Ashen Tomes, Jim?

My old master said the Ashen Tomes tell the secrets of the vile Ashen Lords. The skellies have been hoarding them, inside Ashen Chests!
We must get hold of some. You’ll find Ashen Chests by defeating Ashen Guardians, or look for the tellatale clouds that reveal Skeleton Ship battles.
I also have Voyages leading to the Ashen Guardians, but it’s a job for Legends only. Otherwise try bartering for or stealing an Ashen Chest!
That’s not all. The Ashen Chests are locked by Ashen Keys. I have separate Voyages to help you find those, but be warned - they’re also guarded!

Where has Duke gone?!

Duke feels that we’re underestimating the skellies. They seem far too organised. So, he’s gone to find Larinna!
She’s kind of the Bilge Rat leader, if there is such a thing. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands with me.

Where is your… beloved?

Ah, she’s not one for rowdy taverns. She said she’s found a nice little refuge where she can work on something important.

At Castaway Isle with Masked Stranger

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Here, have you seen what's happening at Old Boot Fort? I've been watching dark forces at work, there. more like a Fort of the Damned, now!

Fort of the Damned?! That sounds bad.

It is! I scouted it out. The fort has been twisted, somehow... turned into unhallowed ground for some dark ritual. But you can still stop it!
There are six weird statues in the Fort. Each one appears to accept a Flame of Fate. You know, from the Ferry! Six colours, six ways to die...
Once all six are lit, place a Ritual Skull on the plinth and you'll wake the fort, giving you a chance to smash the skellies and their schemes!

What don't you go and light the statues?

Ha! Because you can only get the coloured flame you need from the Ferryman's Flames of Fate. They change colour depending on how you die, right?
Then you can carry that flame back, in your lantern. Problem is... The Ferryman has a bone to pick with me. I don't dare go down there!
I did some bad things, I'll be honest. They don't call me Cuddly Jim, right? and now I fear if I end up on the Ferry, the skipper won't let me leave.

What's happening at that fort?

I scouted the place out and I think I know what's afoot. I learnt a thing or two from spending time with a certain shiny Skeleton Lord...
The skellies recently stole some Dark Relics. With those and the right ritual, you could create a kind of... window to the Sea of the Damned.
The whole place is being warped by the other world... it's like a dark mockery of the Ferryman's Portal!
No wonder those Shadow's of Fate are slipping through. If you think you can stop them, take a strout crew and do it now!

On the previously uncharted The Reaper’s Hideout

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Hmm? Yes, I'm Stitcher Jim. Sorry, I don't remember you. So much has happened since the Shroud opened. I just want to be useful, along with my beloved.

Didn't you betray your Allliance and pin it all on Captain Morrow?!

Ah, I can't tell you how much it stings to hear it aloud... but yes, you're right. I was weak and foolish. Maybe I still am. I regret it every day.
My master had his gilded claws in me... I became blinded by greed, I stole a Box of Wondrous Secrets and peered inside! And you know what I saw?
Myself. That... was... painful, to put it lightly. I almost lost my mind. Would've died of thirst in The Devil's Roar if not for my beloved!
It took a long time to claw my way back here and regain my senses. Now, my guilt stabs at me every day like a lance. I've wasted so much time...
But this is the Sea of Thieves! Misfits of all kinds can find a place here. Duke gave me a second chance - to prove my worth and join the Bilge Rats!

What are you doing out here?

I don't think I should show my ugly mug on the Outposts until after I've earned Duke's trusts, do you?
It won't take long, though. I've helped him broker deals to sell those nasty old Rag and Bone Crates to the Seaposts. I'm good at bargaining!
Some are just disposing of them, some are turning them into soap, plant food, amulets... maybe old rubbish really can be something good?

Who's your... erm... friend?

My beloved! The flame in my heart, the stars in my sky! NO, she doesn't say much. She likes her privacy. Please don't disturb her.
She found me, broken and dying in the Devil's Roar. She rescured me, literally gave me a second chance at life. I'd do anything for her!

On Liar's Backbone

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Hmm? Can you see it? So near, yet so far.

What are you looking at?

The Devil's Shroud... it keeps the Sea of Thieves hidden from the outside world, but... what does it hide from us, in turn?
If we can get through, well, there are lands beyond that haven't been plundered for many, many years.
We could have a gold rush on our hands!
If only my old Alliance was still together. We'd be setting sail in earnest.

What's out there to find?

The Devil's Roar, one of many places that the Shroud covers.
My Alliance called such places 'Forsaken Shores'. But this one is more forsaken than most, a land blighted by volcanoes and quakes!
Forget skellies. The very ground tries to kill you, there! Yet there are also riches and rare, valuable mysteries... oh, yes...
Agh. I've waited so long to get back there!

What's that necklace you're wearing?

This? All members of the Forsaken Shores Alliance wore one. A band of pirates dedicated to finding all the regions lost to the fog.
And we were good at it. We found our way to The Devil's Roar!
But only I made it back. We were betrayed by our leader, Captain Sorrow. A pirate who spread sadness and misery wherever she goes.
She got us, one by one, in the pursuit of riches. Perhaps I'll make it back there one day and get my revenge on her!

On Liar's Backbone

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Hmm? Can you see it? So near, yet so far.

Grace Morrow had a lot to say about you

Grace... well, hehe, 'Sorrow' was more a nickname.
Don't believe everything she says! She's a traitor. A stone-cold murderer!
She'll say anything to shift the blame on me! Trust old Jim.
Living in the Roar has probably driven her mad! You have to believe me!

She had a letter from you to your 'master'...

What?! A forgery! Why would I just leave something like that behind? ...huh...
Alrighty then, fine. There's no arguing with that.
Don't expect me to tell you any more, though.
I've got plans to make, if Morrow's going around telling pirates I'm a murderer.
Should've used a stronger poison...

You can't hide from her forever.

Don't need to. I have a very big, very wealthy friend. Not that he parts with his coin easily...
And while everyone was scrabbling to explore The Devil's Roar and get the grog flowing, I was digging up my old stash.
My Box of Wondrous Secrets...right where I left it! So old Morrow can squawk all she wants. Our plans are already in motion...

(Provided by Grace during Forsaken Shores)

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He even mentioned it in a letter. Found it a week or so later. I have it right here, look.

Read Jim's Letter

Master...the Forsaken Shores Alliance has now been exploring The Devil's Roar of months. They all trust me.
There is such untapped plunder here! I have much to add to your hoard.
And something else... as you predicted. A box of... of... wondrous secrets!
I peeked inside but it hurt my head! Who knows that forgotten lore it hides? The power to make curses... or to break them?
I'll soon deal with the others and return to you. Morrow will be harder... she's smart, she watches me. But she still has to drink...


Journal icon.png To browse the journals written by Stitcher Jim, please refer to Stitcher Jim/Journals.


Sticher's Sorrow is a shanty which was introduced in the Forsaken Shores teaser trailer. The full song was added as a playable shanty with the Haunted Shores Update. Stitcher's Sorrow can be also be found on music streaming services where Sea of Thieves soundtrack is available.

Sticher's Sorrow

The Devil's Roar, a land left unexplored
The Devil's Roar, the omen they ignored

And those who land upon her shore
Best write to those who they adore
Just ask the souls who came before

Those poor forgotten sailors

02:55 07-Sept-2018


