Dark Relics

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Disambig.svg This article is about the Treasure and Quest Items. For the Content Update, see Dark Relics (Content Update).

Dark Relics are a group of Treasure and Quest Items that have appeared during several time-limited voyages and adventures.

They are shown to be powerful magical artefacts used for rituals by the Order of Souls and other factions. They were first added as a type of Order of Souls Treasure in the time-limited Dark Relics Voyages, where they could be recovered from thieving skeletons. Since then, forces beyond the Order of Souls have taken interest in these Relics, causing many of them to return as Quest Items alongside brand new Relic types and the Dark Relic Athena's Fortune Treasure.



Some Dark Relics can be obtained and sold to Trading Companies:

Name Value Company Sell to Notes
Artifact of Legendary Hunger 2,500 - 2,750 Gold Athena's Fortune Athena's Fortune Mysterious Stranger or The Servant of the Flame
Skull of Athena's Blessing 3,550 - 3,850 Gold Athena's Fortune Athena's Fortune Mysterious Stranger or The Servant of the Flame
Ritual Skull 10 Doubloons Bilge Rats Bilge Rats Larinna or The Servant of the Flame Required to activate the Fort of the Damned.

Quest Items

After the Dark Relics Voyages, some Dark Relics have returned to be used as Quest Items during time-limited Adventures.

Name Value Sell to Notes
Hungering One Effigy n/a n/a Obtained during The Shrouded Deep to capture Megalodon souls for summoning the Shrouded Ghost at Belle's Ritual Table.
Crested Queen Effigy
Shadowmaw Effigy
Ancient Terror Effigy
Enchantment Vessel 1,000 Gold Belle Obtained during Forts of the Forgotten at Sea Forts.
Hexing Skull n/a Belle Obtained during Shrouded Islands.

Dark Relic Voyage treasures

There were six types of Dark Relics that had a chance to be dug up on Dark Relic Voyages and sold to the Order of Souls for Gold, Reputation, and Commendations:

Name Value Notes
Evil Eye 3,715 - 4,995 Gold
Mutinous Effigy 3,510 - 5,205 Gold
Enchantment Vessel 3,770 - 5,460 Gold Referred to as the "Black Coffer" in Commendations.
Hexing Skull 4,200 - 5,405 Gold
Bewitching Doll 3,500 Gold The only Dark Relic that has a guaranteed flat Gold reward, with the rest having variable values.
Ritual Skull 1,200 - 4,885 Gold


  • Some Dark Relics cannot be placed inside Container Chests, despite being small enough to fit. This is possibly a bug.



Secrets Stolen emblem
Secrets StolenSell 480 Order of Souls Treasures to the Reaper's Bones.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 30
  • Grade II: 60
  • Grade III: 120
  • Grade IV: 240
  • Grade V: 480
Plundered Prizes emblem
Plundered PrizesSell 600 of any Trading Company items while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 120
  • Grade II: 240
  • Grade III: 360
  • Grade IV: 480
  • Grade V: 600
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Dawn Hunter instruments for purchase at Grade I, the Dawn Hunter equipment for purchase at Grade II, the Dawn Hunter clothing and vanity for purchase at Grade III, the Dawn Hunter weapons for purchase at Grade IV, the Dawn Hunter ship set for purchase at Grade V.
Fearless Reaper emblem
Fearless ReaperSell 320 of any Trading Company items while flying a Grade 5 Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 60
  • Grade II: 120
  • Grade III: 200
  • Grade IV: 260
  • Grade V: 320
Treasured Company emblem
Treasured CompanySell treasures that you or another pirate earned from completing Trading Company Voyages.
  • Grade I: 50
  • Grade II: 100
  • Grade III: 250
  • Grade IV: 500
  • Grade V: 1000
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Cartographer Blunderbuss and Pistol for purchase.
Evil Eye Blinded emblem
Evil Eye BlindedSell an Evil Eye to the Order of Souls.
In the Right Hands emblem
In the Right HandsSell a Mutinous Effigy to The Order of Souls.
May Contain Evil emblem
May Contain EvilSell a Black Coffer to The Order of Souls.
Dark Dealings emblem
Dark DealingsSell a Hexing Skull to The Order of Souls.
Curse Averted emblem
Curse AvertedSell a Bewitching Doll to The Order of Souls.
A Dark Collection emblem
A Dark CollectionSell one of each type of Dark Relic to the Order of Souls.
+50 Doubloons
Title reward Rewards the Relic Collector Title.
Disrupting the Darkness emblem
Disrupting the DarknessSell 5 Ritual Skulls for the Order of Souls.
The Ritual is Broken emblem
The Ritual is BrokenSell 10 Ritual Skulls for the Order of Souls.
+10 Doubloons
Dark Magics Dispelled emblem
Dark Magics DispelledSell five Ritual Skulls to the Mysterious Stranger.
Relics Returned emblem
Relics ReturnedSell any 10 Dark Relics to The Order of Souls.
+15 Doubloons
