Arthur Pendragon
Sir Arthur Pendragon is the Captain of the Blackwyche, which is Shipwrecked at Shipwreck Bay.
Pendragon has been banished to the Sea of the Damned following the conclusion of the Return of the Damned Adventure.
Official Description
Raised by a powerful and noble family, Pendragon made his mark as an adventurer with a talent for dispatching the undead – a path that eventually led him to a cursed vessel known as the Blackwyche, a ship that would ultimately be bequeathed to Pendragon himself.
Having been pointed to the Sea of Thieves, this gentleman explorer soon found himself in league with the Order of Souls before his own essence was imprisoned during a fateful encounter with the Skeleton Lord Graymarrow. After regaining his freedom for a while, Pendragon put this time to good use by valiantly opposing all threats to the Sea of Thieves, but a desperate gambit to stop the return of Captain Flameheart ultimately saw him banished to the Sea of the Damned once more.[1]
According to his journal, Pendragon was once a prince of an unknown kingdom. During his time in the Sea of Thieves, he was given the Sword of Souls by Madame Olivia and was considered the "Champion" of the Order of Souls. During one of his quests, Pendragon fought with Graymarrow who sealed Pendragon's soul in a painting on his ship, the Blackwyche.
The Seabound Soul
During The Seabound Soul Tall Tale, Player Crews will find Pendragon released from a cursed painting of his likeness in the Captain's Quarters of his ship Blackwyche thanks to Stitcher Jim, who freed him with a Ritual. With his Sword of Souls and Enchanted Lantern, Pendragon offers the player the chance to retrace the steps and release the souls of three other cursed Captains. The Tall Tale sees Player Crews doing just that by finding each of the Captain's Skulls imprisoning the cursed souls and releasing them.
These three Captains are: Captain Martha Jane, Captain Randal Stone and a third mystery Captain who was supposedly imprisoned on a Ship called the Ashen Dragon who turns out to be Captain Flameheart with the Ashen Dragon acting as his funeral pyre.
Heart of Fire
During the Heart of Fire Tall Tale, Player Crews will once again join Pendragon to locate Stitcher Jim and Captain Flameheart with the aid of Grace Morrow. Pendragon claims that it was Stitcher Jim who released him from the painting and it was Jim who planned the release of Captain Flameheart. He also states that Jim has cursed the souls of his remaining Blackwyche Crew away into Stitcher’s Chest of Rage. The player is tasked with finding Jim and Flameheart's Lair. Once there, Jim will get burned by Flameheart, leaving the cursed chest behind. The Player Crews then deliver the Chest back to Pendragon on the shore so that he can finally set his cursed crew free.
A Pirate's Life
During the A Pirate's Life tall tales, Pendragon helps convince Jack Sparrow to return to The Sea of Thieves and also assists in defeating Davy Jones and the Dark Brethren. After that, he chose to stay in the Sea of Thieves to protect it from future threats.
The Shrouded Deep
Pendragon later appears in The Shrouded Deep Adventure, assisting the crews by repelling the Ghost Ships while the pirates focus on defeating the Shrouded Ghost. After its defeat, he retrieves the Veil of the Ancients and he, Belle and Merrick discover that the Veil Stones are missing. He then takes the veil to the Pirate Lord for safekeeping.
The Herald of the Flame
In The Herald of the Flame Adventure, Pendragon investigates the trail of Stitcher Jim, learning that Jim is the Herald of the Flame. After the Herald was defeated, he used his sword to destroy Flameheart's skull. But, both the Herald and Flameheart's remains were missing once he returned to try to tie up loose ends.
Return of the Damned
During the Return of the Damned Adventure, Pendragon and Belle attempted to perform a counter-ritual to summon Captain Flameheart and banish him to the Sea of the Damned for eternity, but at the risk of Pendragon meeting the same fate if they failed. Many crews, eager to prevent Flameheart's revival aided Pendragon in his efforts, but ultimately the Reaper's efforts were successful in reviving Flameheart and instead Pendragon banished to the Sea of the Damned.
A Dark Deception
During the A Dark Deception Adventure, some time after Pendragon was banished, it's revealed that two of his possessions remained in the Sea of Thieves: His Pocket Watch, which was entrusted to Madame Olivia; and his Sword of Souls, which is now tainted by Flameheart's fiery essence. An imposter posing as the Pirate Lord deceived pirates into taking the pocket watch for the creation of an enchanted compass so that the imposter themselves can steal the sword.
(During The Seabound Soul)
The first meeting:
After recovering the Skull of Captain Martha Jane:
After giving the Skull to him:
After recovering the Skull of Captain Randal Stone:
After giving the Skull to him:
After recovering the Ancient Skull:
After giving the Skull to him:
To browse the journals written by Arthur Pendragon, please refer to Arthur Pendragon/Journals.
Tale Book Entries
Entries from the The Seabound Soul Tale Book
Bequeathed to me by her former captain, whose soul I saved from its eternal torment. A fine reward, if I am any judge.
I shall sail her out from Dragon Skulle Isle and set a course for the Sea of Thieves. Grand adventures await me there, I have no doubt, and I wish to meet them head-on.
Today, Olivia surprised me with a gift - a Sword of Souls, she called it. The touch of its blade can free any spirit from the bones that bind it. It seems I am to be the Order's champion, of a sort.
Rumour has it he too has an interest in the Order's secrets. He shall experience them first-hand as my blade splits his spirit from what remains of his cursed body!
Was I trapped for days?
I have no way to tell.
It was the price I paid for my hubris.
To be captured by Graymarrow, forced to explain the binding ritual only to then become its next victim... The shame I feel is indescribable, as is being trapped in this phantom-like state.
I must atone. I will atone! The kindly stranger who freed me spoke of others whose spirits, like mine, have been trapped...
...Imprisoned in their own decaying remnants. My lantern would guide me to them if I still had substance enough to carry it.
While I consider my options, I shall make note of all the stranger told me. I must not fail those poor wretches as I failed myself!
- Sir Arthur Pendragon was the main character in the 1985 action-adventure video game, Blackwyche, developed and published by Ultimate Play the Game, a British game developer company that would evolve into Rare Ltd. The game follows aristocrat adventurer Sir Arthur Pendragon who is trapped on the haunted Blackwyche and must fight off skeletons while attempting to free the soul of its former captain, Richard Cavendish.
- Arthur Pendragon is also the name of King Arthur who became a king by taking of a sword from a stone, and obtaining the mythical Excalibur.
- Sir Arthur Pendragon makes an appearance on Captains of the Damned, convincing Jack Sparrow to go to the Sea of Thieves. During the Lords of the Sea, Sir Arthur Pendragon can be seen sailing the Blackwyche.
- Sir Arthur Pendragon appears on a Steam Trading Card awarded to players playing the Steam release of Sea of Thieves.
Pendragon using his Sword of Souls to free Captain Martha Jane from her curse.
Pendragon and Grace Morrow in Heart of Fire.
Pendragon using his Sword to release his cursed Crew from Stitcher’s Chest of Rage.
Pendragon finally reunited with the Blackwyche Crew.
- ↑ Sir Arthur Pendragon, Sea of Thieves Who's Who.