Megalodons and Krakens leave meat behind when you kill them, be sure to grab it. Oh, do please tell me what it feels like to fight and battle a Megalodon!
— Merrick, Overheard at Merrick's campfire
Merrick, also known Merrick of The Hunter's Call or 'Merry' Merrick, is an NPC who offers the Blessing of Athena's Fortune to players in the Guardians of Fortune area at Athena's Fortune Hideout.
'Merry' Merrick was once a great bard, a talented drummer and storyteller, who lost his edge after a tragic encounter with a Megalodon known as the Hungering One. Deprived of his ship and both his legs, he cast himself into a groggy exile.
Since those dark days, Merrick has done a fine job of restoring his name and legacy by lending Belle his Megalodon hunting expertise and rallying pirates to defend Golden Sands against Reaper sabotage. Merrick's family, meanwhile, were instrumental in creating The Hunter's Call Trading Company found across the Seaposts of the Sea of Thieves.
Merrick is an admitted drunk most of the time, but was among the first to uncover the Megalodon, and set adventurers on a quest to track down and hunt the beast. While not an official voyage, Merrick provided hints which would lead the players to his journals and people he'd met. At first meeting, he gave players the Big Jaws Speaking Trumpet, which would unlock the Speaking Trumpet. Upon coming full circle, he would provide players with the Hungering Tattoo Set, and the Drum of the Deep, which was the only drum available at the time. After killing the Megalodon and returning to Merrick, he would reward players with the Hungering One Figurehead.
His camp on Shark Bait Cove is now abandoned, with a portrait of Merrick and his son, Derrick, and a journal thanking the pirates that rallied to him in his time of need.
With his Hungering One obsession behind him, Merrick had been given a second chance by his wife, Serik, and he was been able to reunite with his family, including his son, Derrick. He began to work as a part of The Hunter's Call, a family business focused on hunting and fishing.
He was then lured out and killed by Amaranta during The Forsaken Hunter, making him a prisoner of the Dark Brethren in the Sea of the Damned; but after he was rescued from the brethren in A Hunter's Cry, he turned down the offer to return to the living and chose to remain as a ghost, so that the Dark Brethren will never hunt him down again. After he departs with the Pirate Lord, The Pirate Lord and Larinna requested that the player pirates give Merrick's letter to Serik, as a way of saying goodbye to her.
Alright, my fellow pirate! How goes the day? It's me! Merrick.
Who are you again?
I'm Merrick! The Legendary Hunter? I've dealt with every monster in the seas! Caught Krakens an' muzzled Megalodons. Even set up me own Trading Company. I've defended Golden Sands from the onslaught of them Reapers! Blimey! How can you not have heard of me? But never mind, eh? I'm 'ere to 'elp! And what's important right now is that people hear o' you!
Ha! Well, it ain't no fishing' trip you'll be going on! You'll be hunting down the ships of the enemy. The Reapers. But like any successful hunt, the key is surprise. You can spring out of the water like a Megalodon!
Why is it so important to defeat the Reapers?
Well, that's a question to be asking Merry ole Merrick! The Reapers want us pirates that follow the code all dead! Course, I'm dead already, but that's beside the point! The point is: we're 'elping defend the Sea of Thieves. If the Servants win, it won't ever be the same.
Have you got any other tips for me?
When you're comin' at your quarry, don't bang a drum about it. Much as I likes bangin' me drum, there's a time and a place. Gotta be quiet and stealthy, like. Remember: fish beneath the waves can see your shadow even if you can't see them! Other than that, just tell em Merrick says 'hello'! Right afore you sinks 'em!
It's me, Merrick! Me shark-hunting days might be over but me musical career's just began!
What are you doing down here, Merrick?
Makin's music, o' course! I'm here in-codger-neato after that nasty business with the Dark Brethren. Belle an' I were stranded together for a good lone while an' she told me all sorts of strange stories about the Sea of the Damned. I dunno what secrets that Warsmith wanted to shake out of my head, I'm just glad I got rescued before she found what she was lookin' for. She always was a sly one, but it breaks my heart to see Duke hangin' around with that lot. Something out there must've really changed him...
Are you part of the band?
You could say that, or you could say that they're part of me crew. We was all together on the Killer Whale! The original, I mean. When the Pirate Lord said he'd let me hole up in his tavern, I never expected to find me ol' friends waiting for me with a grog in hand. We've had some fun recallin' the good old days, I can tell you! Once me head's a bit clearer I might even see me way to teachin' some new tunes. I ain't riskin' 'Summon the Megalodon' down here, though. We're too close to the sea an' I think Ramsey'd boot me out if anything happened...
Don't you have a family?
I do, an' they'll always be close to me heart, even when I'm not around to say so. But fair's fair. I broke me promise to Serik when Belle and' I went off to hunt the Shrouded Ghost. Keeping her safe's the least I can do. My lad Derrick's got a good head on his shoulders, an' the others'll keep an eye on him regardless. That's what family's for. As for Annick, so long as she's got a mouthful o' bait, I doubt she'll even notice I'm gone. Heh... Kids, eh?
Will you ever return to the seas?
I s'pose that's not up to me right now. Mind you, things have a funny way of turnin' out topsy-turvy. Never say never, that's my motto! Until then I've got free grog on-demand, shipmates to keep me company an' enough memories to last me a lifetime, or however it is you measure ghost-years. Besides, it could have been worse. At least I ain't been transmogrified into a skeleton lord, or a cursed statue, or a talkin' parrot, or... You get the idea. Until then, next time yer out on the waves, think of me an' raise a glass to yer old pal Merrick!
It's good to see another friendly face out here. And if yer here to help, so much the better!
Ah great, more hands! Come see me when yer ready to help, there's work to be done!
Beginning Chapter Two
It's good to see another friendly face out here. And if yer here to help, so much the better!
What are you all doing out here?
Restorin' Golden Sands to its former glory, o' course! That's me plan, anyways. That business with the Shrouded Ghost made me realise I miss being in the thick o' things. A few o' the locals came along to help, but we've got a lot o' rebuilding to do. At least Emily's got their dog back save an' sound! Wonda couldn't wait to get back to work. I think she'd fix the whole place up single-handed if it meant annoying Flameheart's lot after she got kidnapped. I don't blame her, though, it sounds like they had a rotten time in them Sea Forts. Lucky they got out before Flameheart got tired of keepin' 'em around... Who knows? If we can get everything back the way it was, maybe I'll run for mayor!
Have you heard from Belle recently?
I did, as it happens. She was proper puzzled when the fog hadn't cleared up here like on all 'em other islands, and went off to investigate. Turns out the Reaper's have been muckin' about with more o' them Dark Relics to keep this place green and gloomy, hoping to scare us away. Now that we've found where they were buried, this place should be back to its sunny old self before long and we'll be back in business. If you find any more Relics, bring 'em to me and I'll make sure they're smashed up before the Reapers get any more funny ideas! Oh, an' Belle reckons the Reapers are transporting the Relics in secret Rowboats. If you see one, make sure you destroy it - just be a long, long way from here when you do!
What can I do to help out?
If we're going to make this place somewhere pirates will want to trade, we'll need supplies and lots of 'em! I'll take any wood and fruit crates yer offering. There should be plenty washed up on beaches an' the like. Just make sure they're nice and full for me! Now that I think about it, there is another matter that's a bit more urgent. If you can find the time to help ol' Merrick, just let me know...
[CONTINUE HUNTER'S PATH] I'm ready to help Golden Sands!
[COMPLETE HUNTER'S PATH] That's all the cargo, safe and sound!
[CONTINUE HUNTER'S PATH] I'm ready to help Golden Sands!
The folks of Golden Sands are tough, they wanna save their home, but it's going to take sweat and tears to see it restored. Tina and Sharon went off to fetch supplies, but they never came back. I'm not gonna lie, I'm worried about 'em. Could you see your way to having a look for 'em for me?
Completing Hunter's Path
[COMPLETE HUNTER'S PATH] That's all the cargo, safe and sound!
Well now, would you look at that! Everything we need to continue our repairs. I'm grateful for what you've done, truly I am, but we're far from done here. The Phantoms won't let this place be and the Reapers neither, we're gonna need people keeping a weather eye out for us. Keep bringing us resources and destroy any of them Soulflame Rowboats you come across. Together, we can see Golden Sands back to its former glory.
Cor, am I glad to see yer out here. We're stranded!
What happened to your ship Merrick?
The Shrouded Ghost, that's what! Cor, now there's a beastie that don't like being disturbed. After it beached us on these rocks we got stranded, and me crew all jumped ship sooner or later. Now it's just me and Belle! It's not been so bad, she even taught me a new tune, but we're low on grog an' I'd rather not fight with a clear head. Throws me off-balance. But now that yer 'ere to bring us more of 'em effy-jeffies, we'll be able to finish what we started!
Do you know much about hunting Megalodons?
Course I do! I wrote the book, you might say. Well, the journals. At least I think so. Things were a bit hazy back in 'em days. Megs roam all over the map, but I've marked a few sea charts at the places you'll be able to summon 'em with me special flares. Talk to Belle if you need one. She took 'em off me 'cos I kept using 'em to mop up spilled grog! Now, if you can find some other crews to 'elp with the hunt, this'll all be over in time for a fish supper. This job's too much for one ship to handle!
How do we complete the ritual?
It's all about me special shanty. I call it... 'Summon the Megalodon'. Good, innit? Once all them souls are in place, playin' me tune will call the Shrouded Ghost. But don't think you can go hogging all the glory. Me shanty needs at least five pirates playing at once! Least you won't have to carry it... This means you'll need to find some willing crews to join the fight or wait fer Larinna to send more ships our way. Once the table's full an' you're all gathered 'round it, play me shanty and get ready for the fight of yer lives!
Fight commentary
• I think the beastie's starting to tire! • 'Av it you great white beastie! • Keep firing! • This one's for me leg! • Don't give it a moment's rest!
Oh-ho! I recognise that steely glint in your eye. You're here on business, ain'tcha? Asking about them fancy skellies in these parts! Well, I ain't got time to chat. As they were leaving, some clumsy oafs went and knocked my priceless family heirloom into the sea! An' not just any heirloom - Old Stompy, my Dad's prize-winning boot! He was a shoemaker, y'see. An' those louts treated it like junk! I ain't so good at diving these days. Too buoyant! If you can find my beloved boot an' bring it back safely, I'll help you any way I can.
That's it! Old Stompy, home safe and sound! Dad was head of the Shoemaker Society, you know. What a load of old Cobblers they were! Now, those clumsy oafs were asking about the same skellies as you. In a real hurry, they were. Didn't even stop for lunch! I overheard 'em talking about an island they wanted to check, and marked this old map so I wouldn't forget. Here... If you'd rather not find them skellies, you could always stay here and catch me a fish or two. I need to make a start on dinner!
It's me, Merrick! Me shark hunting days might be over but me Hunter's Call days have just begun!
Good to see you again, Merrick. How's life treating you?
I can't complain, really. Apart from having no legs. Missing an eye isn't great, either. I also found out that me wife Serik swam off with a Merman while I was hunting the Hungering One. But that's all waters behind me now. I'm a new man with a new mission in life.
I never expected to see you with a real job. What happened?
Well, Serik decided to give me another chance. She wanted to start The Hunter's Call to provide hungry and gold-rich pirates with more than just bananas. Fish and cook the fish and animals found in these seas, then bring them to us for a true hunter's reward! Who am I to deny her this dream? She's the finest catch of me life and a rare beauty!
Hunter's Call eh? Would you be interested in a little Megalodon hunting for old time's sake?
No, I must stay strong! Life is good for me now. Serik hasn't looked at a Merman in a week and me son and daughter have started talking to me again. Derrick is just like me, although he does have two legs and both eyes. Annick is charming in her own special way. I'm not risking losing them again!
Initiating Conversation
• Come to answer our call? • Is it Grog time yet? It must be! • It's always great to see a fellow hunter!
Ending Conversation
• Good hunting! Wish I could join ya! Ha ha ha ha! • Put in a good word with Serik for me? • Watch those mer-men! Sneaky devils, they are...
Come to hear ole Merrick perform? Well, I'm retired. And this is the soberest I've been in weeks. And if one more person asks me how I lost my legs...
How did you lose your legs, Merrick? — (Only available at first meeting)
Very funny. You wanna hear me story? Go read me journals. There's one on this island, by the fin-rock that stands in a lagoon. But be careful out there. See, for me latest shanty, I took inspiration from the writins' of the tribes that once lived here. They worshipped a great beast... the Hungering One. Don't you go looking for it! I couldn't handle it, and neither can you. Hmm... I can't give you a bigger boat, but I can give you this... it'll make it easier to speak to other ships. It's dangerous out there alone!
Got any more stories, Merrick?
Fine, I can't resist strechin' me bardic muscles. What do you fancy?
— Something about your injuries?
Good idea. Let me tell you a real tale of terror- how I lost my eye! I was out on Black Sand Atoll in the Wilds. Out of nowhere... a huge, fearsome, crazed beast swooped down and plucked out me eye - just like THAT! What was it? Well, it was a parrot. Don't laugh! A parrot's no joke when it's pecked out your peeper!
— Something about sea monsters?
How about the time I frightened off a Kraken wiv nothin' but me powerful performance? Me crew fell afoul of that beast after workin wiv that stinkin' Merchant Alliance. We were doomed. The Kraken was angry. But inspiration hit me. I played me drum like never before! A stirrin' war-song! That slimy squid fled in terror! And no, NOT because my playing was so awful. I wonder if it was because...
Got any shanties to share?
I'm not some performing monkey! And I'm a bit nervous about playing, lately...
You seem remarkably skelly-free!
True, at first I thought they were takin' pity on me after me brush with death. But maybe it's me pungent aroma. Makes even the dead's eyes water. Sorry.
Found all your journals. Spill the beans about the beast, Merrick! — (Available after finding all of Merrick's Journals)
Oh... you really found all those? Okay, I’m impressed. Alright, I’ll change me tune and share the secret of me shanty... When played properly... meaning you need at least five people, playing in harmony... The rhythm calls to the finned fiend that took me legs... as well as me crew. I wasn’t up to the challenge, but maybe you can avenge us... I’ll teach you me shanty. It must be played in that special place I mentioned in me journals... Just don’t get too close to the Shroud! I hope you can carry a tune... Take this drum with you. I’m thinking of making more, now I’m retired. And hey, wear me tattoo. I want that thing to know who sent you!
Thanks for sharing your tale, Merrick. — (Available after defeating the Hungering One during the event)
I’m just glad that you avenged me crew and dealt wiv' my unfinished business. I hope there aren’t any more of those things out there... Enjoy using those things I gave you. I might even come out of retirement!
To browse the journals written by Merrick, please refer to Merrick/Journals.
During The Hungering Deep event, a picture was sent via twitter[2] to Sea of Thieves' handle, which had a player character (Dr Nefari0us) dancing next to Merrick who looked very similar in appearance, and captioned "Hey @SeaOfThieves its me, merricks son, derrick". After the event was completed and Merrick was removed from the game, an in-game portrait of the two characters was left at his camp. When interacting with the painting, text reads "Met me son Derrick for the first time! Well, he says he's me son. How can I deny it wiv a handsome mug like that?"
Merrick lost both of his legs to the Megalodon, and now has double peglegs.
A parrot took his eye. He describes the bird as a "huge, fearsome, vicious, crazed beast".
Prior to the Hungering Deep campaign, Pirate Times described a livestock thief fitting Merrick's description.