Vaults of the Ancients

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Vaults of the Ancients
Vaults of the Ancients.png
Start date
September 9, 2020
End date
October 28, 2020
Double Quotations Left.png
The next free Sea of Thieves content update is here! In Vaults of the Ancients, the Gold Hoarders are tasking worthy pirates with seeking the keys to Treasure Vaults scattered across the seas. Finding these keys and the riches held within the Vaults will prove to be a challenge...

Vaults of the Ancients is the name of the September 2020 monthly Content Update, released on September 9th, 2020. The update introduces a new type of Gold Hoarders Voyages along with new Treasure and unlockable Cosmetics. The Vaults of the Ancients was preceded by the July 2020 Ashen Winds Content Update and followed by the October Fate of the Damned Content Update.

New Features

With Flameheart unleashing ever more powerful servants onto the Sea of Thieves, the Gold Hoarders have lost faith in the security of their gold-filled Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults. Only the most trusted adventurers are tasked with tracking down the hidden Treasure Vault Keys and bringing them home to the Hoarders... or going out and finding the locks they open!

Wayfinder Voyages

Main article: Wayfinder Voyages

Voyages to seek the hidden Treasure Vault Keys are available from any of the Gold Hoarders’ representatives after reaching rank 25 in their Trading Company. These new Wayfinder Voyages task players with uncovering a Vault Key's hidden location by seeking out the torn fragments of a map buried beneath the sand. To aid pirates on their journey, they’ll be given an enchanted Golden Wayfinder Compass to help them find the elusive Torn Map pieces leading to the Vault Key.

Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults

While Treasure Vault Keys retrieved from Wayfinder Voyages can be returned to the Gold Hoarders (or The Reaper’s Bones) for a substantial reward, there are potentially even greater riches inside the Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults that these keys unlock. Each Vault Key is unique to a specific Treasure Vault. Inspect a Vault Key for a clue to the Vault that it opens. Once a Treasure Vault has been opened, your crew will have a limited time to grab as much treasure as possible before the Vault is sealed once more. With piles of Gold, Treasure Chests and Trinkets to collect, what can you grab before the time runs out? For the Gold Hoarders’ true prize, search for the Vault Medallions and solve the altar’s mystery to reveal the Chest of Ancient Tributes. The Vault door will slowly close as time ticks on, so make sure you’re out before the timer reaches zero as being on the wrong side will see you consigned to the Ferry of the Damned!


Main article: Larinna

The founder of the Bilge Rats, Larinna, has arrived to take Duke’s place at the Tavern. Larinna has taken over the Black Market and all of the related services, while Duke has taken refuge at the Lagoon of Whispers aside Umbra, taking it easy. Larinna will be selling a Wayfinder Voyage for free during the Vaults of the Ancients update.

New Treasure and Items

Three new Treasure Items have been added to the game

New Outpost Cosmetics

Two Sails related to Wayfinder Voyages and Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults are now available for purchase from Larinna or the Shipwright Shop. These require the completion of Gold Hoarders Commendations related to the Voyages.

New Black Market Cosmetics

Main article: Black Market

The founder of the Bilge Rats, Larinna, has returned to Outpost society. She’s taken over Bilge Rat operations and has plans for the future, but for now she continues to offer Voyages, bring new stock to the Black Market and uphold the Black Market Archive in Duke’s stead.

Desirables for Doubloons

This month, players will have to put aside 125 Doubloons if they want to buy all the new items from the Black Market.

Wild Rose Equipment

  • Wild Rose Bucket - 10 Doubloons | This is a lovely bucket and it would be an awful shame if you were to be sick in it.
  • Wild Rose Fishing Rod - 40 Doubloons | Rose had a fishing rod just like this, but saved it for special occasions. It's too nice to get wet!
  • Wild Rose Lantern - 10 Doubloons | The light of this lantern glows as warmly as the light between George and Rose.
  • Wild Rose Pocket Watch - 15 Doubloons | Crafted as a gift for Rose after the tenth time she was late for a date with George.
  • Wild Rose Shovel - 10 Doubloons | A beautiful shovel that pretty much does the ground a favour.
  • Wild Rose Speaking Trumpet - 10 Doubloons | Wild Rose knew that looking pretty was nice, but being loud was fun.
  • Wild Rose Spyglass - 20 Doubloons | A spyglass this pretty will surely always spot the finest treasures.
  • Wild Rose Tankard - 10 Doubloons | Rose drank out of a tankard just like this one. The original was gifted to Madame Olivia.

Note: The Wild Rose Compass is a Tall Tale reward and cannot be purchased individually

Goodies for Gold

This month, players will have to put aside 120,840 Gold to buy everything new from the Black Market.

Inky Kraken Clothing

  • Inky Kraken Belt - 9,115 Gold | Marked with a Kraken Eye, this belt is for a master of monsters.
  • Inky Kraken Boots - 9,115 Gold | You should look the part when you're dragged overboard by a sea creature.
  • Inky Kraken Gloves - 9,115 Gold | Gloves that are fit for wrangling a slippery tentacle!
  • Inky Kraken Trousers - 18,225 Gold | Kraken trousers! No longer just a tavern insult.
  • Inky Kraken Eyepatch - 20,590 Gold | Nothing below the waves scares you; not while you've still got one good eye.
  • Inky Kraken Pegleg - 27,340 Gold | This eerie peg-leg is wrapped in the Kraken's embrace, a reminder of the perils of the deep.
  • Inky Kraken Hook - 27,340 Gold | This hook looks wicked enough to catch a Kraken... but if you're that close, it's already too late.

New Emporium Items

Loyal canine companions are now available from the Pirate Emporium along with a truly fearsome ship set, new ways to purchase and plenty more!

Counting Bundles, players will have to put aside a total of ‬15,970 Ancient Coins to purchase everything new added to the Emporium.



Dogs are the pet of choice for pirates who want at least one loyal crewmate.


Alsatians bred for the Sea of Thieves are loyal, clever and barely get seasick at all.

  • Domino Alsatian - 499 Ancient Coins | Full of enthusiasm, this dog will follow you into any adventure.
  • Russet Alsatian - 499 Ancient Coins | Full of enthusiasm, this dog will follow you into any adventure.
  • Saddleback Alsatian - 499 Ancient Coins | Full of enthusiasm, this dog will follow you into any adventure.
  • Stalwart Alsatian - 499 Ancient Coins | Full of enthusiasm, this dog will follow you into any adventure.
  • Snowy Alsatian - 499 Ancient Coins | Full of enthusiasm, this dog will follow you into any adventure.

This quick and playful breed is perfect for a pirate who never stops.

  • Silverfoot Whippet - 499 Ancient Coins | Whippets run as fast as a cannonball and destroy about the same amount.
  • Streaked Whippet - 499 Ancient Coins | Whippets run as fast as a cannonball and destroy about the same amount.
  • Fawn Whippet - 499 Ancient Coins | Whippets run as fast as a cannonball and destroy about the same amount.
  • Redback Whippet - 499 Ancient Coins | Whippets run as fast as a cannonball and destroy about the same amount.
  • Ashpaw Whippet - 499 Ancient Coins | Whippets run as fast as a cannonball and destroy about the same amount.

Inus are big, bouncy bundles of fun, but take days to dry out after a swim.

  • Coral Inu - 499 Ancient Coins | If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.
  • Smoky Inu - 499 Ancient Coins | If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.
  • Chocolate Inu - 499 Ancient Coins | If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.
  • Mudraker Inu - 499 Ancient Coins | If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.
  • Cotton Boll Inu - 499 Ancient Coins | If you're allergic to dog fur, you'll sense this exciteable fuzzball coming long before you see it.

Pet Outfits for Dogs

Bilge Rat Pet Outfits
Sovereign Pet Outfits
Kraken Pet Outfits
  • Alsatian Kraken Outfit - 249 Ancient Coins | Your Alsatian is the perfect guard dog against the toughest of sea monsters!
  • Whippet Kraken Outfit - 249 Ancient Coins | This peg-legged Whippet outfit expresses a hunger for both revenge and Kraken meat.
  • Inu Kraken Outfit - 249 Ancient Coins | A tough, Kraken-inspired outfit with only a hint of wet dog smell.
Pirate Legend Pet Outfits
Ghost Pet Outfits
Dog Pack Bundle

Grab yourself and Inu, a Whippet and an Alsatian and a fetching Bilge Rat Outfit for each!

Alsatian Sovereign Bundle

Buy a handsome Alsatian with a Sovereign outfit and you'll be 'best on shore'.


  • Dog Dance Emote - Ancient Coins | Time-limited price | This dance captures the true essence of doggy delight. Someone fetch a beat!
  • Shrouded Ghost Hunter Blunderbuss - 249 Ancient Coins | Megalodon hunters favour this gun because it can't miss... when you're harpooned to a Megalodon.

Shrouded Ghost Hunter Costumes Bundle

Get two Shrouded Ghost Hunter Costume options to express your hatred for all things Megalodon.

Hunter's Call Emote Bundle

This bundle includes four Hunter's Call themed emotes for hunters, chefs and pirate foodies.

  • Total Bundle Cost - 499 Ancient Coins
  • Salt Bay Emote - 149 Ancient Coins | A special salting technique pioneered by Hendrick, scattering the salt like sand on a bay...
  • Toothpick Emote - 149 Ancient Coins | A real pirate picks his teeth clean with a knife. Megalodon meat is really tough!
  • Tracking Emote - 149 Ancient Coins | Track your prey like a true hunter, sniffing any suspicious markings. Now that's bravery.
  • Knife Trick Emote - 149 Ancient Coins | You're a master of knife tricks, picked up from hunting, cooking and not being able to dance.


Shrouded Ghost Hunter Ship Bundle

Own the Shrouded Ghost Hunter ship set, a livery scary as your prey! Excludes Collector's variants.

Collector’s Ship Pieces

Hunters of the Deep Event Bundle

Complete the fearsome ship set earned from the Hunters of the Deep event.

Commendations, Achievements & Titles

Wayfinder Voyage Commendations

Gold Hoarders Commendations:

Reaper’s Bones Commendations:


The following are all the new Titles made available:

Title Requirement
Hoarder of Ancient Tributes Return 50 Chests of Ancient Tributes to the Gold Hoarders.
Seeker of Ancient Vaults Open 100 Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults using a Vault Key.


New Xbox and Steam achievements can be unlocked by progressing through the new in-game Commendations. A total of 50 Gamerscore is available to earn from this update, and these achievements will remain in the game indefinitely.




The Content Update video: