Mandrake Set

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Set Components


  • Total Cost: 999 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Mandrake Costume (Plain).png
Mandrake Costume (Plain) Bundle Only n/a n/a Costume "Half human, half plant, all deadly - dress up as the flesh-eating Mandrake with this thorny outfit."
Mandrake Costume (Tinted skin).png
Mandrake Costume (Tinted skin) Bundle Only n/a n/a Costume "Half human, half plant, all deadly - dress up as the flesh-eating Mandrake with this thorny outfit."


  • Total Cost: 249 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Mandrake Speaking Trumpet.png
Mandrake Speaking Trumpet 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Speaking Trumpet "Pirates swear that this bristly speaking trumpet is whispering for someone to feed it."


  • Total Cost: 996 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Mandrake Blunderbuss.png
Mandrake Blunderbuss 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Blunderbuss "Don't go sniffing this blunderbuss' enticing flower - the only thing you'll be smelling is gunpowder. And blood."
Mandrake Cutlass.png
Mandrake Cutlass 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cutlass "Thanks to the ravenous plant that grows from this brass blade, it quite literally thirsts for blood."
Mandrake Eye of Reach.png
Mandrake Eye of Reach 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Eye of Reach "For those on long assassination missions, the foliage growing out of this gun works as fantastic camouflage."
Mandrake Pistol.png
Mandrake Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Pistol "Botanists are absolutely entranced by this palnt-based pistol. Some are already trying to grow their own armaments."

Ship Customisations

  • Total Cost: 4,890 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Collector's Mandrake Figurehead.png
Collector's Mandrake Figurehead 799 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Figurehead "This variant of the mandrake mutates in unexpected ways. Those jaws will look truly fearsome at the bow of your ship."
Collector's Mandrake Sails.png
Collector's Mandrake Sails 799 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sails "These sails depict the predatory power of the mandrake in full bloom, terrifying other crews even in the dead of night."
Mandrake Cannon Flare.png
Mandrake Cannon Flare 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cannon Flare "Enemy crews can admire a tasteful cerise flourish as their hull explodes beneath them."
Mandrake Cannons.png
Mandrake Cannons 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cannons "Knotted with thorny vines and other flora, these brassy cannons need maintaining with a pair of secateurs."
Mandrake Capstan.png
Mandrake Capstan 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Capstan "It's said that this flower takes 20 years to bloom, and the aroma could fell in elephant. Let's hope it doesn't happen during an anchor turn."
Mandrake Figurehead.png
Mandrake Figurehead 599 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Figurehead "It's a trap! And a hardy perennial that shrugs off brine and bad weather alike."
Mandrake Flag.png
Mandrake Flag 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Flags "Shows a neat curl of spiky vine, not a bramble fishing hook, although pirates will try anything once."
Mandrake Hull.png
Mandrake Hull 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Hull "A hull as green as jeweled spring leaves and the faces of other crews as you ram them at full speed."
Mandrake Sails.png
Mandrake Sails 599 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sails "Descend upon other ships like a rolling tide of briars, teeth, and thorns. Plants are so calming."
Mandrake Wheel.png
Mandrake Wheel 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Wheel "Considering the way it keeps the wheel wrapped in vines and tendrils, it's almost like the plant is steering the ship."


Patch history

  • 2.6.1 (September 1, 2022)
    • Introduced.