Graveyard Gladiator Set

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Set Components


  • Total Cost: 999 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Graveyard Gladiator Costume.png
Graveyard Gladiator Costume 999 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Costume "Not just born for battle but reborn for it too, this undead champion will never stop seeking challengers."


  • Total Cost: 249 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Graveyard Gladiator Drum.png
Graveyard Gladiator Drum 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Drum "A battle drum passed down thrugh generations of people who savour the sensation of hitting things."


  • Total Cost: 996 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Graveyard Gladiator Blunderbuss.png
Graveyard Gladiator Blunderbuss 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Blunderbuss "Embellished with the scales of a rare and deadly beast, possibly now extinct, probably because of this."
Graveyard Gladiator Cutlass.png
Graveyard Gladiator Cutlass 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cutlass "A durable, no-nonsense blade for dispatching enemies in single combat. Also butters toast beautifully."
Graveyard Gladiator Eye of Reach.png
Graveyard Gladiator Eye of Reach 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Eye of Reach "A long-range weapon with some pointed remodelling to feel more suited to a close-quarters fighter."
Graveyard Gladiator Pistol.png
Graveyard Gladiator Pistol 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Pistol "Adapted to match the costume after other gladiators made unnecessarily scathing fashion comments."

Ship Customisations

  • Total Cost: 4,890 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Type In-game description
Collector's Graveyard Gladiator Figurehead.png
Collector's Graveyard Gladiator Figurehead 799 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Figurehead "Race across the waves in the wake of a sturdy chariot, a dauntless stallion and a little artistic licence."
Collector's Graveyard Gladiator Sails.png
Collector's Graveyard Gladiator Sails 799 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sails "The gates of the fighters' entrance to the amphitheatre are forever raised for you now. Unending battle awaits!"
Graveyard Gladiator Cannon Flare.png
Graveyard Gladiator Cannon Flare 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cannon Flare "More spectacle for the battleground! Are you not entertained? Tough crowd."
Graveyard Gladiator Cannons.png
Graveyard Gladiator Cannons 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Cannons "Ready to unleash hell at signal. Well, not just a signal. They do have to be manually operated."
Graveyard Gladiator Capstan.png
Graveyard Gladiator Capstan 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Capstan "The skull belonged to a mortal foe you beheaded in an epic duel centuries ago. Or so you tell people."
Graveyard Gladiator Figurehead.png
Graveyard Gladiator Figurehead 599 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Figurehead "If the crew keep disrespecting your symbolic chariot by storing fish in it, you will fight every last one of them."
Graveyard Gladiator Flag.png
Graveyard Gladiator Flag 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Flags "A flag buried with a famous warrior as a sign of respect... then dragged back to the living world and flown again."
Graveyard Gladiator Hull.png
Graveyard Gladiator Hull 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Hull "If death cannot hold you, why not spend at least one lifetime scouring the seas for satisfactory opponents?"
Graveyard Gladiator Sails.png
Graveyard Gladiator Sails 599 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Sails "A constant reminder that you may be cut or even killed, but your warrior's heart will always beat again."
Graveyard Gladiator Wheel.png
Graveyard Gladiator Wheel 349 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Wheel "It didn't work too well as a spoked chariot wheel, so it's much less of a liability on your ship's deck."




Patch history

  • 2.6.3 (October 20, 2022)
    • Introduced.