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LOOK OUT! No, really. This guy's the lookout.

The Lookout is an NPC featured in Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island.


The Journey to Mêlée Island

Speaking to Lookout:

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Yikes! Don't sneak up on me like that.

What are you doing up here?

My job, that's what. I'm the official Lookout of Mêlée Island! Appointed by Governor Squinky Thriftweed himself.
It's my job to keep an eye out for storms, incoming ships and so on and report them directly to the Governor. Well, usually his guard nowadays.
Did you report my ship?
YOUR ship? No offence, but that's barely a rowboat compared to the sort of ships made famous by the Legend of Monkey Island.
The Sea Monkey, now, that was a ship worth talking about! A fearless crew, a gallant captain and the largest cereal supply you've ever seen.

Must get pretty lonely up here.

Eh, I don't so much care for chatting with the folks in town. Most of them just sit around, telling tales about the Legend of Monkey Island.
I'd just as soon tend to my fire and stay out of trouble. But if you're looking for excitement, you should stop by the Scumm Bar if you haven't.
Here's a little free advice, though, chum. Stay out of the way of the Governor's guards. They may seem harmless, but nope. I don't trust them. Not one bit...

Look out there, I see a ship!

Dialogue menu closes and Lookout searches for a ship.

When distracted:


Y'whuh? A ship, you say? Ooh, this could be serious!

Plays one of the following lines randomly.

  • Is that a shi-- No, no, that's a seagull...
  • Now, are you sure you saw a ship out there?
  • There! I see her! I... no, no, it's just a trick of the moonlight.
  • Hmm... No sign of anything yet...
  • That's the last time I ever buy a second-hand spyglass...

Attempting to steal their Pieces o' Eight while not distracted:


Hey! HEY! Get your sticky fingers off of my money. Don't think I don't see you!

The Quest for Guybrush

Speaking to Lookout before clearing the fog from the island:

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See here, I don't have time for chit-chat! I've got to keep watch, especially when there's a pickpocket sneaking around in all this fog...


Reaction to the player using the potion at the beacon:


Yikes! What did you do? What's happening?!

Speaking to Lookout after clearing the fog from the island:

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Hey, you! Stay away from my beacon. I don't want any more weird surprises.

Why didn't you warn anyone when LeChuck attacked?

LeChuck? Don't be ridiculous. Why, if he'd sailed into town, don't you think I would have spotted him?
Well, actually...
Besides, when the Legend of Monkey Island is in charge, not even LeChuck would be foolish enough to set foot in these parts.
No, what you saw was probably just a very large manatee.

I'm undertaking the Legendary Trials! Got any advice?

I'd advise you to give up while you still can! Those Trials were darn-near impossible by the time they were discontinued.
You know, you really should head back to town and tell them you've changed your mind. No-one would think any less of you.
Sorry, but I'm not giving up.
Well, don't say I didn't warn you... Anyway, you might want to speak with the pirates down on Low Street. There isn't much going on around here that they don't know about.
As for me, I've got duties to attend to, so if you wouldn't mind...

It's quite a view from up here.

Mm-hmm. I never get tired of it. Even if I have been looking at it for thirty years now.
Is that a circus tent down there?
Hmph! I wouldn't know. I'm paid to be the Lookout, and that means staring out to sea and looking for inbound ships.
What happens on the rest of the island is none of my business.


  • Unlike most other NPCs during The Journey to Mêlée Island, the Lookout makes no special commentary after the raid by LeChuck, even though LeChuck sails away in a ship.



Patch history

  • 2.8.4 (July 20, 2023)
    • Introduced.