Reaper Phantom

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The Reaper Phantom is a Phantom type enemy encountered during certain Adventures. They fight for their master, The Servant of the Flame, and are modelled similar to a ghostly version of the Reaper's Bones Costume, with the dark hood and golden mask. They most often appear as enemies to players, but can be encountered as allies under certain conditions in the Return of the Damned Adventure.


Shrouded Islands

Groups of Reaper Phantoms were encountered on Shipwreck Bay during Chapter Two of the Shrouded Islands Adventure. Each time a surrounding brazier was lit, three Reaper Phantoms to take on would materialise. Once all surrounding braziers had been lit, the central ritual could begin. Lighting the central beacon would start a battle consisting of many waves of Reaper Phantoms leading up to the Soulflame Captain boss.

The Sirens' Prize

Players fought alongside Ancient Warriors, taking on waves of Reaper Phantoms to defeat a Soulflame Captain atop Plunder Valley during Chapter Three of The Sirens' Prize Adventure.

Return of the Damned

Reaper Phantoms were encountered during the Return of the Damned Adventure, defending Sea Forts captured for the Reaper's side. They were friendly to players representing the Reaper's side but hostile to players representing Belle's side.


During Shrouded Islands

Reaper Phantom

• That's enough snoopin'!
• Stay away from the relics!
• Stop your snoopin'!
• Pirates for all eternity!
• Aye! Get over here!
• Boo!
• May the Flame burn!
• Freedom and glory!
• You'll never find 'em all!
• Stop meddlin'!

Patch history

  • 2.4.2 (February 10, 2022)
    • Introduced.