Ancient Phantom

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Disambig.png This article is about Ancient phantoms encountered during multiple Adventures and Voyages. For the prominent Ancient who fell in love with the Siren Queen, see The Great Warrior.

Ancient Phantoms are NPC Phantoms encountered during certain Adventures, as well as the Legend of the Veil Voyage. They most often appear as allies to the player, but can be encountered as hostiles under certain conditions in the Return of the Damned Adventure.


The Ancient Phantoms are Ancients, the native inhabitants of the Sea of Thieves. While they had disappeared long before the arrival of pirates, they have since resurfaced and allied themselves with Belle and the Pirate Lord to defend the Sea of Thieves from those that may threaten it, including Captain Flameheart and the Reaper's Bones.


Legend of the Veil

Players fight alongside phantom like Ancients on Haunted Islands to defeat waves of Reaper Phantoms during the Legend of the Veil Voyage.

The Sirens' Prize

Players fought alongside Ancient Warriors in Shrines during Chapter Two of The Sirens' Prize Adventure to defeat Ocean Crawlers.

Players also fought alongside Ancient Warriors, taking on waves of Reaper Phantoms to defeat a Soulflame Captain atop Plunder Valley during Chapter Three.

The Herald of the Flame

Players fought alongside Ancient Phantoms to defeat the Herald of the Flame during Chapter Three of The Herald of the Flame Adventure.

Return of the Damned

Ancient Phantoms were encountered during the Return of the Damned Adventure, defending Sea Forts captured for Belle's side. They were friendly to players representing the Belle's side but hostile to players representing the Reaper's side.


In most of their appearances (excluding the Return of the Damned Adventure), Ancient Phantoms appear as allies to players who will help battle Reaper Phantoms and Soulflame Captains.

In the Return of the Damned Adventure, Ancient Phantoms replace Sea Fort Phantoms as the guardians of Sea Forts under the control of Belle, where they will be friendly to players representing Belle and hostile to players representing The Servant of the Flame. During this Adventure, they will not make use of any Firearms during combat, but are otherwise identical to Sea Fort Phantoms. Should enough waves of Ancient Phantoms be defeated at a Sea Fort, a Priest of the Fort will arrive during the final wave in place of a Captain of the Fortress.


Five variations of Ancient Phantoms have appeared. The most common variation wears a mask similar in appearance to the Veil of the Ancients, while others appear wearing masks which appear to represent beetles, birds, boars, and Sharks.

Patch history

  • (April 21, 2022)
    • Introduced.