Point of interest

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Points of interest are notable landmarks or features that are found across multiple locations. They usually have a specific use, or benefit to players. Some might have limited interaction outside very specific tasks or quests.

List of point of interests

Image Name Description Locations
Gold Hoarder Treasure Vaults.jpg Ancient Vaults Vaults built by the Ancients hidden on large islands. They are accessed during Tall Tales and Wayfinder Voyages. Common to large islands.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Beacons.jpg Beacons Large braziers originally built for the Festival of the Damned that may be lit by a player's lantern using a regular flame, or a Flame of Fate. A lit Beacon can be seen from a distance. Common to large islands.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Ach Dining With the Stars.jpg Cooking spots Campfires or ovens equipped with pans to be used for cooking. Lit campfires will emit a tall pillar of smoke that can be seen from a distance. Common to large islands, Outposts, and other locations.
Cannons split view.png Cannon towers & stations Cannons stationed in strategic lookout locations to guard Skeleton Forts and numerous islands. They can be used by Skeletonsto attack nearby threats such as ships. Common to large islands and Skeleton Forts.
Fizzy-fy.png Easter Eggs Varying from objects and rock paintings, Easter Eggs often immortalize a notable action or story. Hidden in various locations.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Journal icon.png Journals Books written by NPCs that uncover Sea of Thieves lore. Some may be stumbled upon at all times, while others appear exclusively during an active Tall Tale or Adventure. Hidden in various locations.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Obscure Fortune-Telling Cards.png Obscure Fortune-Telling Cards Fortune-telling cards, depicting Skeleton Runes, used by Madame Olga for glimpsing at what events may come in thenear future. Currently to Port Merrick.
Ponds.png Ponds Small bodies of water found in-land that are often ideal to go fishing for Pondies.
(Refer to Ponds for a full list.)
DiscoveryRidge Riddle1 Answer.png Rock paintings Decorative artwork created by the Ancients, often used as landmarks for Riddle Map. Common to large islands.
Rune Tablet item.png Rune Tablets Mysterious slabs of stone with Skeleton Runes carved into them; Some may be found with possible translations. Hidden in various locations.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Skeleton Thrones Event.png Skeleton Thrones Extravagent seats said to have been constructed by the Bilge Rats. Hidden in various locations.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Summoning altar.png Summoning altars Objects used during Tall Tales. Hidden in various locations.
(Refer to full list here for details.)
Sunken Merfolk Statue inside flooded embrace.png Sunken Merfolk Statues Statues used as quick transportation for moving players and treasure up to the water's surface. Common in Siren Treasuries and Siren Shrines.
A Pirates Life Tunnel of the Damned.png Tunnels of the Damned Portals that allow travel from The Sea of Thieves into the Sea of the Damned and back again. Often framed by sea rock formations. Common near Outposts and in the Sea of the Damned.

See also