Season 13/Teasers

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The Orb

  • The Orb appeared appeared in The Reaper's Hideout during the the final month of Season Ten, but sat silent.
  • Beginning from the middle of Season Eleven, the Orb became interactive, providing riddle through its dialogue. These riddles would be updated weekly, with new dialogue replacing the previous dialogue every Thursday.

Obscure Fortune-Telling Cards

In the Orb's first dialogue, it speaks of Madame Olga and the Obscure Fortune-Telling Cards found on a table in her Order of Souls building at Port Merrick. There are five cards in total; one card would be flipped per month, each time revealing a Skeleton Rune.

The five cards, their runes and translations are:

Card Rune Translation
Rune Resurrection.png Resurrection
Rune Below.png Below
Rune Dig.png Dig
Rune Blade.png Blade
Rune King.png King

Reunions at Athena's Fortune

The Orb later spoke of the reacquaintance old acquaintances at the Athena's Fortune Hideout. This refers to Briggsy and the Pirate Lord and also Teddy reuniting with his wife Louise. Speaking with Teddy, Briggsy, and the Pirate Lord offered players new lore on the story. Also, Briggsy, Teddy and Louise had poured their memories into the Burning Blade Cutlass as part of their plan to cure Tasha of her skeleton curse.

The Burning Blade Figurehead

Reaper Scouts at Island Dig Sites

Some of the Orb's riddles would lead to islands that are suspected to be the future site of Skeleton Camps. A parrot Reaper Scout would also be found perched somewhere on each island.

The islands are as follows:

  1. Barnacle Cay
  2. Lagoon of Whispers
  3. Shiver Retreat
  4. Picaroon Palms
  5. Blind Man's Lagoon

After a time, the orb confirms these to be dig sites, including a sixth island: Lookout Point. A map with the marked sites can be found in the Reaper's Hideout and on each island. Speaking to Umbra reveals that she is ready to vacate Lagoon of Whispers if skeleton activity increases.

Tasha's Curse

The Orb then speaks that the Burning Blade Cutlass has been moved to The Unicorn tavern at Ancient Spire Outpost. Tasha is slowly being cured of her skeleton curse thanks to the shackled Burning Blade Cutlass, along with Teddy and Louise now fully reunited at Athena's Fortune.

The Orb also speaks about its disgust towards Tasha's recovery.

Wonda and the Cursed Cannonball

The Orb speaks about how Port Merrick's weaponsmith Wonda is now in possession of her sister Wanda's Cursed Cannonball.

  • The Cursed Cannonball is now located in Wonda's shop.
  • Speaking with Wonda now gives dialogue on the new weapons added in Season 12, including the Bone Caller, a weapon she crafted with the magic of the cursed cannonball.

Preparing for Flameheart's Return

The Orb speaks of preparations for Captain Flameheart's return.

  • The Burning Blade Cutlass used to cure Tasha was taken.
  • The ship that was partially constructed at Shipwreck Bay was moved from the island to an unknown location.