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Festival of Giving Twitch Stream (2021)

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The Festival of Giving (2021) Twitch Stream, nicknamed by the community the Orb Stream, was a 54-hour livestream hosted on Sea of Thieves' official Twitch channel ran as part of the Festival of Giving (2021). The stream featured thirty "raids" on members of the Sea of Thieves community, thirty short Twitch Drops, and four lore teasers between several hours of footage of the Snowbound Ship Lantern resting on a table within a festively decorated The Unicorn Tavern.

The Stream would remain notable for giving rise to the Snowbound Ship Lantern's popular nickname, "The Orb", as well as it's lore teasers foreshadowing the events of future content updates. Additionally, the stream featured the first official appearance of Belle since her prominence in the game's pre-release marketing.

Raids and Twitch Drops

Double Quotations Left.png
"Aye, there be a chill in the wind. Allow me warm my belly with a pint of grog, for I have a tale of a fearsome pirate just for you."
— John McMurtrie, Narration preceding a stream raid

The most prominent part of the stream, aside from the several hours of Orb footage, were the stream's regular raids--30 minute periods where the stream would host other Sea of Thieves Twitch streamers and award Twitch Drops to those who watched raided streams for 15 minutes during the 30 minute window. The raided streamers, as well as the awarded Twitch Drops, are as follows:

Image Date & Time (UTC) Rewards Streamer
Obsidian Figurehead.png December 17

11:30 - 12:00

Obsidian Figurehead hardway_jones
Ancestral Cannon.png December 17

13:00 - 13:30

Ancestral Cannon jackdarius
Gilded Phoenix Figurehead.png December 17

14:30 - 15:00

Gilded Phoenix Figurehead justjobiwan
Hornpipe Dance Emote.png December 17

16:30 - 17:00

Hornpipe Dance Emote kingdomofmachine
Ebon Flintlock Pistol.png December 17

18:00 - 18:30

Ebon Flintlock Pistol fluffyedge
Soaring Gilded Phoenix Sails.png December 17

19:30 - 20:00

Soaring Gilded Phoenix Sails HardwareGuy
Omen Hull.png December 17

22:30 - 23:00

Omen Hull ezSting
Omen Flag.png December 18

00:00 - 00:30

Omen Flag OctagonRon
Obsidian Wheel.png December 18

01:30 - 02:00

Obsidian Wheel Gosfather
Ancestral Wheel.png December 18

03:00 - 03:30

Ancestral Wheel KHARITES_
Omen Capstan.png December 18

04:30 - 05:00

Omen Capstan GayMerGirlSammie
Gilded Phoenix Capstan.png December 18

06:00 - 06:30

Gilded Phoenix Capstan DeepSeaHomer
Gilded Phoenix Cannons.png December 18

07:30 - 08:00

Gilded Phoenix Cannons MythicalFood
Obsidian Sails.png December 18

09:00 - 09:30

Obsidian Sails CocoMayy
Ancestral Flag.png December 18

10:30 - 11:00

Ancestral Flag capnaxe
Gilded Phoenix Wheel.png December 18

12:00 - 12:30

Gilded Phoenix Wheel Hargalaten
Shuffle Dance Emote.png December 18

13:30 - 14:00

Shuffle Dance Emote Synn
Omen Sails.png December 18

15:00 - 15:30

Omen Sails MistOfHazmat
Ancestral Sails.png December 18

18:00 - 18:30

Ancestral Sails TizzyTam
Ancestral Figurehead.png December 18

20:00 - 20:30

Ancestral Figurehead OwletTV
Obsidian Hull.png December 18

21:30 - 22:00

Obsidian Hull Dyldasaur
Onyx Tankard.png December 18

23:00 - 23:30

Onyx Tankard LazyBuzzard
Gilded Phoenix Flag.png December 19

00:30 - 01:00

Gilded Phoenix Flag xEXOMx
Omen Wheel.png December 19

03:30 - 04:00

Omen Wheel Thorgal006
Gilded Phoenix Hull.png December 19

05:00 - 05:30

Gilded Phoenix Hull Voraktee
Ancestral Capstan.png December 19

06:30 - 07:00

Ancestral Capstan Potaytor
Omen Cannons.png December 19

09:30 - 10:00

Omen Cannons MythicalFood
Obsidian Flag.png December 19

11:00 - 11:30

Obsidian Flag BeeTeaDub
Ancestral Hull.png December 19

12:30 - 13:00

Ancestral Hull GoldieSG
Omen Figurehead.png December 19

15:30 - 16:00

Omen Figurehead mother0fchickens

Visions of the Orb

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Hold fast, tides are turning... And the fire is burning. Who shall not be returning. We Shall Sail together...
— Lyrics, Who Shall Not Be Returning

Between raids, the Stream would be focused on the Snowbound Ship Lantern--nicknamed the Orb--as it sat undisturbed in a festively decorated tavern. At four points during the stream, the Orb would be interrupted by the Shanty Who Shall Not Be Returning before fading into the Orb, transitioning to The Reaper's Hideout.

Each teaser is delivered by the voice of The Servant of the Flame in the form of a one-sided conversation with an unknown individual, assumed --except in the second teaser--to be Flameheart.

A King of Fire

The first of the Teasers appeared approximately 11 hours into the stream. While there's some debate over the source of the sounds preceding the Servant's dialogue, it is likely the hatch in the center of The Reaper's Hideout being lifted followed by the Servant's descent into the depths.

The Servant of the Flame

The flame burns brighter now, here in the dark.
There shall be no glory for the Dark Brethren, your fierce fire will shatter their bones.
No Lords of the Sea, but a king of fire!
Once bound at sea, but now true freedom calls you back, moving like a deathly veil across the waves.
The Sands of Gold will be shrouded and all be chained eternally as seabound souls.
Her sister will be bound to your will.
She of the deep will not stop it now.
May our flame burn eternally, Father.

After fading back to the Orb in the tavern, Belle can be seen in the background warming her hands at the fire.


Many lines in the teaser alluded to events in the coming content updates and adventures, especially those of Season Six. These events included Golden Sands Outpost becoming shrouded in the final weeks of Season Five, it's residents being imprisoned in Forts of the Forgotten, Flameheart's attempt to recruit Wanda's twin sister Wonda, and Belle, Legend of the Deep's appearance in-game. Additionally, the closing line confirmed a popular fan theory that The Servant of the Flame is none other than Flameheart Junior, Flameheart's son.

Memories Can be Powerful

Beginning around 30 hours and 23 minutes into the stream, flames around the tavern begin fading to a bright green. The teaser itself begins at approximately 30 hours and 26 minutes with similar sounds as before, with the sounds of what is assumed to be a hatch opening.


[Unclear shouting]

The Servant of the Flame

Memories can be harnessed and focused - bent to your will.
Memories can be powerful allies and accursed weapons.


They're breaking down the defences!
A hit! The walls are crumbling!

The Servant of the Flame

Your king is dead in the world beyond, long live the king.
He shall give you freedom unchained and life everlasting - endless riches vast.
Bring your forts of stone and bow to the blade of fire.

After fading back to the Orb in the tavern, a pair of Stonewall Imperial Sovereign Hats can be seen resting on a nearby table.


This teaser is unique in that the Servant appears to be addressing someone other than Flameheart. We can assume based on the events that followed that the individual being addressed is someone in a position of power over the Spanish Navy, as this teaser would come to foreshadow the arrival of Spanish Sea Forts to the Sea of Thieves. Additionally, the intelligible Phantom dialogue used would later appear in the Legend of the Veil.

The Relic of the Ancients

Beginning around 39 hours and 54 minutes into the stream, flames around the tavern begin fading to a bright green. The teaser itself begins at approximately 39 hours and 58 minutes to the same sounds as before, this time followed by the sound of parchment being unfolded.

The Servant of the Flame

Found at last!
The Relic of the Ancients, passing between worlds in a belly of gold.
The Hunter is broken and his ship is no more - it is ours, Father.
Finally we will break the seals and the Reaper's Chests will open.
The soul flames will burn once more and weaken the veil between.
Tides will turn once the relic is ours.
Memories into bones. Will into iron. Souls into life.
You will arise to a new pirate life as our king for a new dawn.

After fading back to the Orb in the tavern, the Veil of the Ancients and a Reaper's Chest can be seen resting on a nearby table.


This teaser would foreshadow a number of events in the game's near future, including the opening of the Box of Wondrous Secrets to release the Soulflame Captains during Shrouded Islands, the discovery of the Veil of the Ancients in the belly of the Shrouded Ghost, Belle's raising of The Killer Whale, and the eventual resurrection of Captain Flameheart during Return of the Damned.

Pirates for all Eternity

Beginning around 51 hours and 52 minutes into the stream, flames around the tavern began fading to a bright green. The teaser itself begins at approximately 51 hours and 56 minutes to the same sounds as before, this time followed by the sound of a liquid being poured into a container and subsequently being consumed, then a clash of metal on metal.

The Servant of the Flame

Pirates for all eternity!
The curse is a gift. They will descent to claim it, then arise to a sea of bones.
Your gift will unite all thieves to true piracy.
They will drink, they will die, and they will live again to serve the fire.

After fading back to the Orb in the tavern, Skeleton Runes can be seen fading into the wood of the table: "Pirates for all Eternity".


This teaser would foreshadow the Skeleton Curse and the Reaper's Lair introduced in Season Eight.


  • The exact length of the stream was 54:04:13.
    • Due to Twitch's limit on stream length, the stream had to be split into two 45:29:16 and 8:34:57 streams, both titled "Festival of Giving".


  • The "Orb" nickname born from the stream would later be recognized by Rare in the title of the official "Visions of the Orb..." playlist as well as a News post about the lantern.


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