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The Hurdy-Gurdy is an Instrument that Players can use to play Shanties in Sea of Thieves.


Every Player Pirate acquires a Hurdy-Gurdy during their Maiden Voyage, which they can use at any time during their adventures on The Sea of Thieves. The Hurdy-Gurdy can be accessed from the Equipment Radial Menu. The Cosmetic design of the Player's Hurdy-Gurdy can be switched at Equipment Chests. These designs can be purchased from Equipment Shops and only change the visual appearance of the Instrument.

Hurdy-Gurdies have one Interaction, which is to play Music! Players can take out any Instrument to start playing a Sea Shanty. The Shanty will play as long as the Player holds down the button. If a player lets go of the button and holds it down again, another Shanty will play from the start. Other Player Pirates can join in on the Shanty with instruments of their own. The first Pirate to start playing a Shanty will be the lead Instrument, playing the melody of the song. Other Pirates will then play backing to the lead instrument. When the Lead Instrument player lets go of the button, they will give the lead Instrument to another Player, who will then play the melody instead. Once the previous lead player starts playing again, they will then play backing instead.

Players will start to play out of tune if they are drunk with Grog. Instruments also sound muffled if Players are using them below water.

Players can acquire the Shanty of Legends from the Mysterious Stranger once they achieve the status of Pirate Legend. With the shanty, they can use their Instruments to play the tune in front of the stairs of any Tavern to gain access to the Athena's Fortune Hideout.

List of Hurdy-Gurdies

All new players are equipped with a basic Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy by default. Other versions are available for purchase from the Equipment Shop.

  • Total Items: 74
  • Total Cost: 3,220,525 Gold  1,620 Doubloons  896 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Ltd Requires Set In-game description
Admiral Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Admiral Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Admiral "Let your hair down a little and enjoy some music. Not too much, though."
Aristocrat Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Aristocrat Hurdy-Gurdy 25 Doubloons n/a n/a Aristocrat "Play a charming ditty for your high society friends... Or for your pirate scum mates."
Azure Ocean Crawler Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Azure Ocean Crawler Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Hunter of Trophy Fish emblem.png
Hunter of Trophy Fish
Deliver 25 Trophy Fish.
Azure Ocean Crawler "What better way to serenade the sea than with this epic crab-claw hurdy?"
Bilge Rat Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Bilge Rat Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Bilge Rat "Suffered a few minor scrapes after a lively shanty session in the tavern at Golden Sands outpost."
Black Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Black Dog Hurdy-Gurdy
Pre-order bonus
Time-limited item
Black Dog "Easily the most popular choice at pirate funerals. Hopefully not played at yours."
Bone Crusher Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Bone Crusher Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a
Scourge of Skeleton Ships
Scourge of Skeleton Ships emblem.png
Scourge of Skeleton Ships
Defeat 50 Skeleton Ships.
Bone Crusher "A skeleton hurdy-gurdy will surely play a tune loud enough to wake the dead."
Castaway Bilge Rat Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Castaway Bilge Rat Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "Suffered a few minor scrapes after a lively shanty session in the tavern at Golden Sands outpost."
Ceremonial Admiral Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Ceremonial Admiral Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a
Merchant Alliance 41
Ceremonial Admiral "Proudly strike up a rousing shanty that inspires all pirates to do the very best."
Cultured Aristocrat Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Cultured Aristocrat Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise emblem.png
The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise
Curse another crews' ship with Peaceball while flying Reaper's Mark flag.
Cultured Aristocrat "Play a charming ditty for your high society friends... Or for your pirate scum mates."
Dark Adventurers Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Dark Adventurers Hurdy-Gurdy 961,875 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Dark Adventurers "Even a jolly hurdy-gurdy can be used to intimidate others, given the right coat of paint."
Dawn Hunter Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Dawn Hunter Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
Plundered Prizes
Plundered Prizes emblem.png
Plundered Prizes
Sell 600 of any Trading Company items while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
  • 120
  • 240
  • 360
  • 480
  • 600
Dawn Hunter "For regaling your crew of fellow killers with songs of glorious hunts past."
Decorated Hurdy Gurdy.png
Decorated Hurdy Gurdy 1,500 Doubloons n/a n/a Standalone Cosmetics "An inspired sailor was so taken by a view of the rising sun, they painted this instrument to remember the moment."
Deep Ocean Crawler Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Deep Ocean Crawler Hurdy-Gurdy 25,650 Gold n/a n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "What better way to serenade the sea than with this epic crab-claw hurdy?"
Eastern Winds Jade Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Eastern Winds Jade Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
Generous Giving for Many
Generous Giving for Many emblem.png
Generous Giving for Many
Deliver 25 Generous Gifts.
Eastern Winds Jade "The bejewelled crank of this hurdy-gurdy is probably worth the ransom of an entire royal family."
Eastern Winds Ruby Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Eastern Winds Ruby Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Ruby "The bejewelled crank of this hurdy-gurdy is probably worth the ransom of an entire royal family."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Eastern Winds Sapphire Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "The bejewelled crank of this hurdy-gurdy is probably worth the ransom of an entire royal family."
Fates of Fortune Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Fates of Fortune Hurdy-Gurdy 150,000 Gold n/a
Reaper's Riches
Reaper's Riches emblem.png
Reaper's Riches
  • 30
  • 60
  • 90
  • 120
  • 150
  • 180
Fates of Fortune "Play us a tune to keep ill winds at bay on this beauteous wind-up instrument."
Fearless Bone Crusher Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Fearless Bone Crusher Hurdy-Gurdy 25 Doubloons n/a n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "A skeleton hurdy-gurdy will surely play a tune loud enough to wake the dead."
Flaming Jackal Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Flaming Jackal Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a n/a Flaming Jackal "Celebrate your victories with a jaunty tune on this hurdy-gurdy, adorned with a medal won from past accomplishments."
Forsaken Ashes Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Forsaken Ashes Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a
Master Devil's Voyager
Master Devil's Voyager emblem.png
Master Devil's Voyager
Complete all 'Devil's Voyager' Commendations.
Forsaken Ashes "This heavy-duty hurdy was played by Ruby of the Forsaken Shores Alliance, before her untimely fall..."
Frostbite Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Frostbite Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
Humble Giving for All
Humble Giving for All emblem.png
Humble Giving for All
Deliver 50 Humble Gifts.
Frostbite "Many a pirate has lost a frostbitten fingertip on the frozen metal keys of this instrument, but you'll be fine. Probably."
Frozen Horizon Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Frozen Horizon Hurdy-Gurdy 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Frozen Horizon "You'll get in quite the workout trying to turn the frozen crank of this hoarfrosted hurdy-gurdy."
Ghost Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Ghost Hurdy-Gurdy 20,250 Gold n/a
Athena's Fortune 13
Ghost "If you want to play a haunting melody, start with a haunted instrument!"
Gilded Phoenix Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Gilded Phoenix Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Gilded Phoenix "The classic hurdy enjoys a gilded upgrade, to ensure that it plays the most beautiful music."
Glorious Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Glorious Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a n/a Glorious Sea Dog "This elegant hurdy bears the mark of the Sea Dogs. Play it with pride!"
Gold Hoarders Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Gold Hoarders Hurdy-Gurdy 500,000 Gold n/a
Gold Hoarders 55
Gold Hoarders "Gold Hoarders make excellent musicians. They always know the right key."
Golden Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Golden Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy
Commemorative gift
Time-limited item
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Golden Legendary "Play a tune for foe or friend, for Legends who sailed before year's end."
Grand Admiral Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Grand Admiral Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Grand Admiral "Let your hair down a little and enjoy some music. Not too much, though."
Guardian Ghost Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Guardian Ghost Hurdy-Gurdy 20,250 Gold n/a
The Poltergeists
The Poltergeists emblem.png
The Poltergeists
While wearing the Ghostly Curse, play 'We Shall Sail Together' with at least one other Ghost.
Guardian Ghost "If you want to play a haunting melody, start with a haunted instrument!"
Hunter Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Hunter Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Hunter "For regaling your crew of fellow killers with songs of glorious hunts past."
Hurdy Gurdy of the Wailing Barnacle.png
Hurdy Gurdy of the Wailing Barnacle 25 Doubloons n/a n/a Wailing Barnacle "However badly you might play, you'll always have a rapt audience of barnacles."
Hurdy-Gurdy of Plenty.png
Hurdy-Gurdy of Plenty 249 Ancient Coins
Time-limited item
n/a Festival of Plenty "Can you reach the end of a shanty without another pirate trying to bite into this hurdy-gurdy?"
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Ashen Dragon.png
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Ashen Dragon 4,000 Gold n/a
Tome of Fire II
Tome of Fire II emblem.png
Tome of Fire II
Sell the Tome of Fire II.
Ashen Dragon "A proud instrument that will be the envy of anyone who sees your fiery performance."
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Bristling Barnacle.png
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Bristling Barnacle 38,475 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Bristling Barnacle "However badly you might play, you'll always have a rapt audience of barnacles."
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Damned.png
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Damned
Captain of Haunted Waters
Captain of Haunted Waters emblem.png
Captain of Haunted Waters
Legendary Commendation: Complete all commendations for 'Captains of the Damned'.
Damned "Even in the Sea of the Damned, an instrument like this can liven up a gloomy evening with the power of music."
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Silent Barnacle.png
Hurdy-Gurdy of the Silent Barnacle 38,475 Gold n/a
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold emblem.png
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
Sell 300 Shipwrecked Chests to the Gold Hoarders.
  • 5
  • 20
  • 60
  • 150
  • 300
Silent Barnacle "However badly you might play, you'll always have a rapt audience of barnacles."
Imperial Sovereign Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Imperial Sovereign Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Imperial Sovereign "If the music you play is as beautiful as this, you'll be a liar."
Inky Kraken Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Inky Kraken Hurdy-Gurdy 25,650 Gold n/a n/a Inky Kraken "Play a tune on your Kraken hurdy, while being reminded not to get complacent on the Sea of Thieves..."
Kraken Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Kraken Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a n/a Kraken "Play a tune on your Kraken hurdy, while being reminded not to get complacent on the Sea of Thieves..."
Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Legendary Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a
Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend emblem.png
Pirate Legend
Obtained from the Mysterious Stranger after reaching Level 50 in any three Trading Companies.
Legendary "Ornate, finely-tuned and sturdy, this is a real pirate's hurdy gurdy."
Lionfish Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Lionfish Hurdy-Gurdy 149 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Lionfish "Expect some psychedelic jams when you're rocking out with this harlequin hurdy-gurdy. Groovy."
Maestro Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Maestro Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
The Artistic Souls
The Artistic Souls emblem.png
The Artistic Souls
Complete all Commendations within this collection. (5)
Maestro "The ornate carvings give the instrument perfect acoustic resonance. Or, at least, that's what you tell people."
Magpie's Glory Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Magpie's Glory Hurdy-Gurdy
Guardian tier in Athena's Fortune Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x
Magpie's Glory "Being a skilled musician opens up many paths in life - like the one leading to the Pirate Lord's hideout."
Masked Renegade Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Masked Renegade Hurdy-Gurdy
Keeper tier in Reaper's Bones Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x
Masked Renegade "For once, why not express your fiery passion through music rather than mayhem?"
Mercenary Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Mercenary Hurdy-Gurdy 25 Doubloons n/a n/a Mercenary "The hurdy shows off your softer side, perfect for luring people into a trap..."
Merchant Alliance Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Merchant Alliance Hurdy-Gurdy 500,000 Gold n/a
Merchant Alliance 55
Merchant Alliance "Music may seem like a frivolous waste of time, but it can also be used to mesmerise any snakes you're transporting."
Merchant Ambassador Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Merchant Ambassador Hurdy-Gurdy
Commander tier in Merchant Alliance Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x
Merchant Ambassador "A boisterous instrument that can even drown out the sound of hungry pigs below deck."
Nightshine Parrot Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Nightshine Parrot Hurdy-Gurdy 25,650 Gold n/a n/a Nightshine Parrot "A colourful instrument, best suited to uplifting shanties."
Ocean Crawler Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Ocean Crawler Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a n/a Ocean Crawler "What better way to serenade the sea than with this epic crab-claw hurdy?"
Order of Souls Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Order of Souls Hurdy-Gurdy 500,000 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 55
Order of Souls "A hefty musical instrument once famously used by Madame Olivia. She beat up a skeleton with it."
Parrot Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Parrot Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a n/a Parrot "A colourful instrument, best suited to uplifting shanties."
Rascal Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Rascal Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Rascal Sea Dog "Part-time pirates will have absolutely no idea what this is. You'll know better, of course."
Reaper's Heart Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Reaper's Heart Hurdy-Gurdy 249 Ancient Coins n/a n/a Reaper's Heart "There's no better compass to guide you towards your heart's desire."
Relic of Darkness Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Relic of Darkness Hurdy-Gurdy
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x
Relic of Darkness "It is said that during the Festival of the Damned, this hurdy-gurdy has been known to wind itself..."
Rogue Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Rogue Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a
Order of Souls 41
Rogue Sea Dog "Part time pirates will have abosolutely no idea what this is. You'll know better of course."
Royal Sovereign Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Royal Sovereign Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a
Gold Hoarders 41
Royal Sovereign "If the music you play is as beautiful as this is, you'll be a liar."
Ruffian Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "Part time pirates will have absolutely no idea what this is. You'll know better, of course."
Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy
Default item
n/a n/a Sailor "It might look expensive, but don't be fooled. It's as cheap as the rest of the range."
Sapphire Blade Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Sapphire Blade Hurdy-Gurdy
n/a n/a Sapphire Blade "A deliciously decadent Hurdy-Gurdy that comes laden with precious stones. Play it with care!"
Scarlet Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Scarlet Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "It might look expensive, but don't be fooled. It's as cheap as the rest of the range."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a
Hunter of the Ashen Winds
Hunter of the Ashen Winds emblem.png
Hunter of the Ashen Winds
Scorched Forsaken Ashes "This heavy-duty hurdy was played by Old Coop of the Forsaken Shores Alliance, before his demise..."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Scurvy Bilge Rat Hurdy-Gurdy 8,200 Gold n/a n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "Suffered a few minor scrapes after a lively shanty session in the tavern at Golden Sands outpost."
Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Sea Dog "Part time pirates will have absolutely no idea what this is. You'll know better, of course."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Seared Forsaken Ashes Hurdy-Gurdy 4,000 Gold n/a
Hunter of the Ashen Winds
Hunter of the Ashen Winds emblem.png
Hunter of the Ashen Winds
Seared Forsaken Ashes "This heavy-duty hurdy was played by 'Flintlock' Bert of the Forsaken Shores Alliance, before he was betrayed by a friend."
Seasoned Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Seasoned Sailor Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Seasoned Sailor "It might look expensive, but don't be fooled. It's as cheap as the rest of the range."
Silver Blade Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Silver Blade Hurdy-Gurdy
n/a n/a Silver Blade "A stunning silver instrument that's sure to inspire the spirit of exploration in your crew."
Sovereign Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Sovereign Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold n/a n/a Sovereign "If the music you play is as beautiful as this, you'll be a liar."
Sunshine Parrot Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Sunshine Parrot Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
Legends of the Sea II
Legends of the Sea II emblem.png
Legends of the Sea II
Find Umbra's book on Crescent Isle, where Salty once rested.
Sunshine Parrot "A colourful instrument, best suited to uplifting shanties."
Thriving Wild Rose Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Thriving Wild Rose Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
Always Yours
Always Yours emblem.png
Always Yours
Legendary Commendation: Complete all Commendations for 'Wild Rose'.
Thriving Wild Rose "This delicate instrument looks and sounds as elegant as Wild Rose herself."
Tribute Peak Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Tribute Peak Hurdy-Gurdy
Marauder tier in Gold Hoarders Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x
Tribute Peak "Once you've used this to dream up a smash-hit shanty, the coin is bound to start pouring in."
Triumphant Sea Dog Hurdy Gurdy.png
Triumphant Sea Dog Hurdy Gurdy 17,200 Gold
Time-limited item
Musical Sea Dog
Musical Sea Dog emblem.png
Musical Sea Dog
Play a Shanty with 3 other pirates on the stage in the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern using a Glorious Sea Dog Instrument
Note: All participants must have a Glorious Sea Dog Instrument equipped.
Triumphant Sea Dog "This elegant hurdy bears the mark of the Sea Dogs. Play it with pride!"
Twilight Hunter Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Twilight Hunter Hurdy-Gurdy
Time-limited item
n/a Twilight Hunter "For regaling your crew of fellow killers with songs of glorious hunts past."
Venomous Kraken Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Venomous Kraken Hurdy-Gurdy 38,475 Gold n/a
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Legendary Kraken Hunter emblem.png
Legendary Kraken Hunter
Defeat 10 Krakens
Venomous Kraken "Play a tune on your Kraken hurdy, while being reminded not to get complacent on the Sea of Thieves..."
Wild Rose Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Wild Rose Hurdy-Gurdy 20 Doubloons n/a n/a Wild Rose "This delicate instrument looks and sounds as elegant as Wild Rose herself."


  • The Hurdy-Gurdy likely originated from European and Middle Eastern fiddles, and was designed to be played on the lap.
  • The Hurdy-Gurdy is hand-cranked, using a rosined wheel to replace the typical bow found in fiddles and violins.
  • While the Hurdy-Gurdy is considered a stringed instrument, it shares many features with other drone instruments such as the Didgeridoo and the Bagpipes. The instrument relies on a solid droning note in the backdrop, while keys pressed on other parts of the neck play additional notes.

Pirate Chat

Here is the Pirate Chat Wheel for Hurdy-Gurdies:

Hurdy-Gurdy chat.png

External links