The Sirens' Prize

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It's time for us to take a dive.

The Sirens' Prize was the seventh Adventure in Sea of Thieves. The Adventure saw players journey below the waves to uncover the secrets of the Ancients.

Official summary

Some insight into that lingering conundrum is offered by ‘The Sirens’ Prize’ cinematic trailer, which suggests Belle's attention has been occupied by a different danger altogether. The Dark Brethren are not the only group plotting to shape the seas to their own liking, and while the Pirate Lord's allies have been locking horns with the Warsmith, foes like Captain Flameheart have been able to advance their plans without hindrance.

Caution and suspicion led Belle to place Merrick's safety in pirate hands, and guided her to a tome which alluded to an approaching ‘Time of Resurrection’. Even the threat of such an event taking place was more than enough to send Belle plunging below the waves in search of aid – though who exactly she intends on seeking help from, and what the cost might be, remains to be seen.

With a portentous prophecy now looming over the Sea of Thieves, and whispers of Heralds and rituals beginning to circulate, it can only be a matter of time before pirates find themselves embroiled in more intrigue ahead of a brewing confrontation… one that fate itself seems to have declared inevitable.

You’ll be able to dive into the next chapter of our ongoing story when ‘The Sirens’ Prize’ launches on September 15th, with your window of opportunity lasting until September 29th. Mystery and history await, but be on your guard – on the Sea of Thieves, it can be difficult to forge alliances without also making enemies…

Adventure Recap before Herald of the Flame

An Ancient prophecy warns of an imminent return

Any crews who visited Plunder Valley during the recent events of ‘The Sirens’ Prize’ would have found themselves making some new and unexpected acquaintances. Their trip to the Sunken Kingdom, and subsequent retrieval of three long-lost treasures on Belle’s behalf, was courageous enough to convince an Ancient Priest and his acolytes that pirates are worthy comrades. At the Adventure’s conclusion, they pledged themselves to the cause of defending the Sea of Thieves.

It’s always good to have allies, especially in a world where the likes of Phantoms, Ocean Crawlers and Ashen Lords delight in picking fights with any pirates they encounter. But who are these Ancients, and what precisely had Belle so concerned that she was willing to risk life and limb to secure their help? To answer all that, it’s best to start before the beginning…

Time of the Ancient Mariners

While the Pirate Lord is often considered responsible for ‘creating’ the Sea of Thieves as it currently exists, he was far from the first to set foot upon its shores. Others had previously pierced the Devil’s Shroud – but none, perhaps, left so significant a legacy as the enigmatic civilisation now known as the Ancients.

Not only were the Ancients capable fighters and seafarers, they displayed remarkable mastery of the Sea of Thieves’ special qualities. Over lifetimes, they formed their own pact with the merfolk and constructed great storehouses for their vast treasures, leaving behind plenty of powerful artefacts – and quite a few cursed relics – when they suddenly departed.

Why the Ancients chose to leave their home, and where they sailed to, was a profound mystery for many years, though Belle’s recent intervention has provided an answer. The Ancients undertook a mass exodus into what they called their ‘Sea of Tribute’, an ethereal realm that pirates know better as the Sea of the Damned.

Not all the Ancients were able to make the trip. The spirit of their legendary Great Warrior remained unaccounted for, trapped in skull fragments long since stolen by the Sirens. By retrieving these fragments and reforming the skull, Belle was able to release the soul of the Great Warrior to be with his kin once more. In return, the Ancient Priest has sworn that when the time is right, he will answer her call.

Fanning the Flame

Years spent exploring the Sea of the Damned may have given Belle extensive knowledge of the Ancients and how to secure their loyalty, but it was a card she played reluctantly, having stumbled upon one of their most troubling prophecies. It details a looming Time of Resurrection, when a powerful enemy is destined to return and wreak havoc upon the Sea of Thieves.

Belle believes that this can only be referring to Captain Flameheart, who has haunted the seas in a spectral state since his release in ‘The Seabound Soul’. Given the chaos he caused when manifesting as little more than an ill-tempered cloud, the damage inflicted when he reclaims a physical form could be catastrophic – and his return would serve as a rallying cry for The Reaper’s Bones.

The Servant of the Flame, meanwhile, is aware of this omen and will be striving to ensure his father’s rebirth comes to pass. After all, Belle only discovered the prophecy’s existence while exploring the lair of a man who was instrumental in the creation of The Reaper’s Bones, and whom she now suspects will assume a fated role as the Herald of the Flame. A man named Stitcher Jim…


Deeds are challenges related to the Adventure but reward renown, and the Warrior of the Ancients title if all are completed.

  • Investigate Plunder Valley
    • Strange sightings have been reported out at Plunder Valley. Find out who's responsible.
  • Find the Dreams of the Ancients
  • Find the Eyes of the Ancients
  • Find the Voice of the Ancients
  • Read tablets in the Shrine of Ocean's Fortune (5)
  • Read tablets in the Shrine of Ancient Tears (5)
    • The wisdom of the Ancients has been inscribed for a new age. Speak to the Ancient Priest for clues.
  • Read tablets in the Shrine of Tributes (5)
    • The wisdom of the Ancients has been inscribed for a new age. Speak to the Ancient Priest for clues.
  • Complete the Ritual
    • A ritual is being prepared at Plunder Valley. See that it's successful to complete this Adventure!


Image Memento Description Requirement
Sails of the Ancient Warrior.png Sails of the Ancient Warrior Colourful sails that depict the Ancients and their war against the Sirens through striking designs. Complete The Sirens' Prize Adventure to earn this Memento.
Warrior of the Ancients emblem.png Warrior of the Ancients A Title awarded to those who freed the soul of the Great Warrior from a watery grave. Complete all Deeds in The Sirens' Prize Adventure to earn this Title.


Chapter One: The Adventure Begins... / An Unexpected Meeting

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Strange sightings at Plunder Valley have Larinna and the Bilge Rats intrigued. Investigate the area and see what's happening with your own eyes...
— Quest Journal
  1. As you approach any Outpost tavern, Larinna can be heard beckoning you over. Speak with her and select the "[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I want to check out what's happening at Plunder Valley!" dialogue option.
  2. Once Larinna has delivered the dialogue, you will receive a note directing you to Plunder Valley.
  3. Speak with Belle on the north east beach and select the "[COMPLETE CHAPTER] Belle! It's been a while..." dialogue option to complete Chapter One.

Chapter Two: Treasures of the Past / A Fated Reunion

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Belle, in the company of some mysterious Ancients, is seeking particular treasures from the Sunken Kingdom. Dive below the waves and help retrieve them...
— Quest Journal
  1. Speak with Belle and select the "[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm here to help you with your search." dialogue option to begin Chapter Two.
  2. After a short section of spoken dialogue you will receive a note directing you retrieve:
  3. Once you arrive at each Shrine, speak to the Ancient Priest near the start to receive a note detailing your objection. This step is optional.
  4. Traverse through the Shrine, completing puzzles and fighting Ocean Crawlers alongside the Ancient Warriors. Retrieve the artefacts from the following locations:
  5. Deliver each artefact to the Ancient Priest within the Shrine in which you found it.
    • Note: All artefacts must be delivered within the same game session.
  6. Once all artefacts have been delivered to their respective Ancient Priests in all three Shrines, speak with Belle back on Plunder Valley and select the "[COMPLETE CHAPTER] We found all of the treasures!" dialogue option to complete Chapter Two.

Chapter Three: The Ritual Begins / Adventure Complete

  1. Speak with Belle and select the "[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] I'm ready. Let's start the ritual!" dialogue option to begin Chapter Three.
  2. Head to the top of the island to fight waves of Reaper Phantoms and a Soulflame Captain alongside the Ancient Warriors.
  3. Once the Soulflame Captain is defeated, speak with the Ancient Priest at the top of the island and select the "[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] What happened to the Great Warrior?" dialogue option to complete the Adventure.
  4. After a short section of spoken dialogue, the Adventure will complete and the Sails of the Ancient Warrior will be awarded immediately.


Chapter One dialogue

Beginning Chapter One


Dialogue icon.png

Are you ready for a new Adventure, Captain? Something strange is going on at Plunder Valley...

Why did you call me a Captain?

You haven't heard? It's the Pirate Lord's idea, helping pirates become Captains of Adventure with a ship of their own to command He'll even help you give it a name!
Obviously, buying a ship costs gold, and you'll need more to decorate your quarters, keep the barrels stocked and make sure everything stays in fine condition.
Once you own a ship, the Shipwrights can make a record of the customisations and decorations you've chosen, so you can set sail all the quicker next time.
On top of that, there are perks like supply delivery and special Voyages that are reserved for Captains and any crewmates sailing with them.
Honestly, if I didn't have work to do at the Outpost, even I might be counting my coins right now...

See any interesting newcomers lately?

Now that you mention it, I did hear an awful lot of sawing and hammering the other day. When I went to poke around, I met a very... strange... stranger.
They were dressed up like they were heading out to a noble's court and barely gave me the time of day when they found out I wasn't a Captain. Hmph.
Since then I've seen them running this way and that, delivering chests to the Gold Hoarders, skulls to the Order of Souls - you name it, they seem to be transporting it!
Their marquee is a little out of the way, but if you're sailing on a Captained ship, maybe you can talk to them and see what all the fuss is about...

[BEGIN ADVENTURE] I want to check out what's happening at Plunder Valley!

(Voiceover starts and Chapter One begins)


That's great! It's not much, but here's everything we Bilge Rats have learned so far. I hope you find some excitement out there!

During Chapter One

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My Bilge Rats have reported seeing strange figures at Plunder Valley. I don't know what they want out there, but maybe you can find out?


Plunder Valley

Ancient Guard (left)

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Our kin await you below the waves.


Ancient Guard (right)

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Words should wait until our swords are sleeping.


Ancient Guard

(Initiating conversation is spoken in Ancient dialect, exact spelling unknown.)

Ancient Guard

Initiating conversation

Imuran en dracu.

Ending conversation

Hear our call.


Dialogue icon.png

Ah. I see we have company...

[COMPLETE CHAPTER] Belle! It's been awhile...

Completing Chapter One


We meet again. I should have known my work here would draw Larinna's attention sooner or later.
Still... Perhaps it's fortunate you arrived. My associates and I are on a particularly dangerous quest.
If you decide you wish to help, come and speak with me once more...

Chapter Two dialogue

Beginning Chapter Two


Dialogue icon.png

Ah. I see we have company...

What are you doing out here?

Making preparations. The final stage of my plan requires a location with an unfettered view of the sky...
Make no mistake; I dearly wished to rescue Merrick, not leave him to suffer by the Brethren's hand. But while I was hunting for a way to save him, I stumbled upon something...
Though few yet realise it, the Sea of Thieves is in grave danger! Even if it meant losing my friend, I had no choice but to abandon Merrick - and trust in Ramsey to save his soul.
Unfortunately, the complexity of my work here means that I'm no closer to finding what I seek. Without the three treasures, this will all be meaningless.
I know you care about the future of this place. If you'll agree to join my search, we will stand a better chance of avoiding the calamity that is to come...

Looks like you've made some friends...

Not yet. For now, these are simply... Let us call them observers.
Most would tell you that the Ancients vanished from this region long ago, and they would be correct. But for many years, the waves within the Devil's Shroud were their domain.
Like pirates, they lived out their lives here, and when they died, they also journeyed to the Sea of the Damned, though they knew it very differently.
Now that the living are crossing the divide into the realm of the dead, just as the Ancients once did, their actions are beginning to draw attention.
And so I-- Well, that's enough history for now. I have work to do.

[CONTINUE ADVENTURE] I'm here to help you with your search.

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two begins)


Excellent. The value of the treasures I seek cannot be underestimated. They may well be our last hope to save the Sea of Thieves.
Three relics of the past - the Eyes, the Dreams and the Voice of the Ancients.
Once they were kept safely in sanctuaries filled with hidden knowledge, until they were claimed by the Sirens as part of their Sunken Kingdom.
You must enter these Shrines and recover the treasures. The Sirens will jealously guard their prize, but you need not fight alone.
When you enter a Shrine, seek out the Ancient Priest. His followers will do all they can to help you recover the relics.
We must move quickly, but when you succeed, return to me here. There is much more for you to learn...

Dialogue icon.png

Travel to the shrines of the Sunken Kingdom and search for the three treasures. The Ancient Priest will be waiting for you there, and will do everything in his power to guard them.


Shrine of Ocean's Fortune

Ancient Priest

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Take Belle's words and study them well. A sharp mind will be needed here.

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What knowledge do you seek from me?

What is this place?

These walls are unfamiliar to me, but what lies within would seem to be remains of ships and the treasures they carried.
The Sea Queen's kind are formidable warriors. Many of our strongest vessels were overwhelmed during battle and dragged below. Clearly, others met the same fate.
If the Dreams of the Ancients were brought here, perhaps these vessels, too, are considered trophies of battle by the Sea Queen.
It would be best not to waste time pondering her motives. Hers is a mind clouded with hate, and there is no stronger force for twisting thought.
Focus your efforts on recovering the treasure and returning it to me. Belle is waiting...

How can I explore this Shrine?

It was customary for us to secure our most valuable relics in the deepest part of our Treasure Vaults. Here, I suspect the opposite to be true.
You must climb. Ascend the chamber using these ship parts. Work the capstans, use the pulleys and trust in your intelligence to guide you.
To begin your journey, I suggest lowering the platform overhead. Use it to leap across the divide and move further into the Shrine.
There are many treasures here. If you offer them to the carving of our sea-kin, they will be safely guarded until you choose to claim them.
But do not let gold blind you to a more noble purpose - bring the Dreams of the Ancients to me, and I shall deliver them safely to Belle.

I want to learn more about the Ancients.

Then prove your skill and seek my writings. The first lies at the base of the Shrine, beneath our feet.
The second, near the ropes that are still tied to the ship's mast.
The third rests above the gate of iron, unheeded.
The fourth is high above, near where treasures await.
The last is high above, among debris. It gazes out to sea through the window used by the Sea Queen and her kind.

[CANCEL ADVENTURE] I'm afraid one of the treasures has been lost.

(Adventure is cancelled)

Shrine of Ancient Tears

Ancient Priest

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Take Belle's words and study them well. The path ahead is long and winding...

Dialogue icon.png

What knowledge do you seek from me?

What is this place?

Once this was a hallowed meeting ground between our kind and our sea-kin... The ones you know as 'merfolk'.
At the heart of this Shrine is a large pool, around which we would stand. The earrings we wore allowed us to understand their song.
That was long ago, when the Shrine still stood proudly above the waves. Now, its hallways are infested with those loyal to the Sea Queen.
The way ahead will be perilous, but if Belle believes that the Eyes of the Ancients were brought here, it is a fight that must be fought.
The treasure surely lies within the sealed vault below. Once it is in your hands, return it to me...

How can I explore this Shrine?

To begin, light the torches that surround us here and the way to the four paths shall be revealed.
The graceful butterfly and the patient turtle....
On each path,bring light to dark places. Seek the switches and false flagstones, then work them with haste. Press onwards until the turtle's treasure is within your grasp.

I want to learn more about the Ancients.

Then prove your skill and seek my writings. The first waits above, near a way to drive back the sea.
The second swims at the bottom of a hallowed meeting ground.
The third rests near the gateway of the patient turtle.
The fourth, near a shallow pool of the soaring parrot.
The last, near the four flames, gazing upon hiiden treasures.

[CANCEL ADVENTURE] I'm afraid one of the treasures has been lost.

(Adventure is cancelled)

Shrine of Tribute

Ancient Priest

Dialogue icon.png

Take Belle's words and study them well. A sharp mind will be needed here.

Dialogue icon.png

What knowledge do you seek from me?

What is this place?

Before it was claimed by the sea, this was a sacred place for us. People would sail from far and wide with offerings for the dead.
It was customary to prepare treasures, weapons and other belongings for the recently deceased and to place them at the statue's feet.
From there, according to our beliefs, they would find their way to the next life and become part of a glittering Sea of Tribute.
It is likely that the Sea Queen has discovered the chamber below the statue and now uses it to safeguard her own treasured possessions.
The Voice of the Ancients is doubtlessly among them.Be on your guard. I sense life here...

How can I explore this Shrine?

To dive beneath the throne here at the Shrine's heart and locate the treasure we seek - that should be your goal. However...
The Sea Queen's interference has plucked the means to do so from our grasp. Seek her statues, and see to it that they mirror the carving at the Shrine's entrance.
Once all is in place, strike the statue outside this chamber to call forth the rising tide. Then it will be possible to reach the upper level.
Above us, three switches await one who is fleet of foot, ready to reveal the secret stars...
The treasure Belle wishes you to recover lies beneath us. Be swift!

I want to learn more about the Ancients.

Then prove your skill and seek my writings. The first, you have already passed as you descended into the Shrine.
The second, in the corridor that rings the throne room, by the growth of green.
The third, atop an archway leading to the main chamber, watched over by a stony guardian.
The fourth, atop steps of coral as you ascend the Shrine and leave the sea behind.
The fifth, beneath the throne, where tribute is guarded.

[CANCEL ADVENTURE] I'm afraid one of the treasures has been lost.

(Adventure is cancelled)

After returning all three treasures to their Ancient Priests


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Travel to the Shrines of the Sunken Kingdom and search for the three treasures. The Ancient Priest will be waiting for you there, and will do everything in his power to guard them.

[COMPLETE CHAPTER] We found all of the treasures!

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two completes)


[COMPLETE CHAPTER] We found all of the treasures!

Incredible... To see the treasures recovered at last.
All that remains is to reunite them, and I have been preparing the island for that moment.
When you are ready, we will begin the ritual. Be sure that you're prepared - we will certainly attract some unwanted visitors...

Chapter Three dialogue

Beginning Chapter Three


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Ah. I see we have company...

What are you doing out here?

Making preparations. The final stage of my plan requires a location with an unfettered view of the sky...
Make no mistake; I dearly wished to rescue Merrick, not leave him to suffer by the Brethren's hand. But while I was hunting for a way to save him, I stumbled upon something...
Though few yet realise it, the Sea of Thieves is in grave danger! Even if it meant losing my friend, I had no choice but to abandon Merrick - and trust in Ramsey to save his soul.
Unfortunately, the complexity of my work here means that I'm no closer to finding what I seek. Without the three treasures, this will all be meaningless.
I know you care about the future of this place. If you'll agree to join my search, we will stand a better chance of avoiding the calamity that is to come...

Looks like you've made some friends...

Not yet. For now, these are simply... Let us call them observers.
Most would tell you that the Ancients vanished from this region long ago, and they would be correct. But for many years, the waves within the Devil's Shroud were their domain.
Like pirates, they lived out their lives here, and when they died, they also journeyed to the Sea of the Damned, though they knew it very differently.
Now that the living are crossing the divide into the realm of the dead, just as the Ancients once did, their actions are beginning to draw attention.
And so I-- Well, that's enough history for now. I have work to do.

[REPLAY CHAPTER] I'm here to help you with your search.

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Two begins)

[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] I'm ready. Let's start the ritual!

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Three begins)


Very well, but before we begin, you deserve to learn what is at stake.
I have... allies, in the Sea of the Damned. They have warned me that a time of resurrection is nearing.
BELLE: The Servant's recent actions all point to one calamitous conclusion - he seeks the rebirth of Captain Flameheart. That must be prevented, for all our sakes.
I have agreed to free the soul of their Great Warrior. A powerful champion, and one of the Ancients' oldest legends. If we succeed, they will fight at our side.
To begin with, I must unify the fragments...

(Belle begins to perform a ritual involving three floating skulls)

Hear me, Ancient Eyes, beholder of distant shores...
Hear me, Ancient Dreams, drawn from ceaseless slumber...
Hear me, Ancient Voice, and speak your wisdom once again...
Hear my call, and awake!

(Using the power of of all three artefacts, Belle fires a beam into the sky)

The ritual is beginning! Climb to the island peak, and hurry. The Priest is waiting.

Completing Chapter Three

Ancient Priest

Ancient Priest

Initiating conversation

• You have questions?
• Much has changed.
• I shall speak.

Ending conversation

• Go well.
• Our task continues.
• We shall be close at hand.

Dialogue icon.png

It is done. The ritual is complete, and those who sought to interfere have been cast back into the void.

[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] What happened to the Great Warrior?

(Voiceover starts and Chapter Three completes)

Ancient Priest

[COMPLETE ADVENTURE] What happened to the Great Warrior?

Our Great Warrior is returned to us at last. His essence carried safely across the veil to our Sea of Tribute.
Perhaps your paths may one day cross. Until then, know this: you have battled our greatest enemies with courage and skill.
We see now that this realm, the sea we once called home, has rightly called to you as it did to us. It must be protected.
Upon our oath, when the time is right, we will return.

Combat dialogue

Reaper Phantoms

• Attack!
• Brought some friends, eh?
• Found 'em at last!
• Ha ha ha ha!
• I don't give up so easy!
• I love a good fight!
• I see another one!
• I'll fight anyone, living or dead!
• Now I'm getting really angry!
• Stop that ritual!
• That the best you've got?
• The more, the merrier!
• The sea belongs to us now!
• They're too strong!
• This ends here!
• Watch out!
• We know what you're up to!
• We've come for the skull!
• Who invited this lot?!
• You can do better than that!

Ancient Warrior

• Be swift!
• Carry them onwards!
• Death to the Sea Queen!
• Feel my blade!
• For the Great Warrior!
• More shall fall!
• My sword seeks justice!
• Obey the Priest!
• Our blades are yours.
• Our kin fight well.
• Protect our kin!
• Raaarrrghh!
• Seek all that was taken!
• Show no fear!
• Stay together!
• The treasures are ours!
• Together, we triumph!
• Vengeance!
• We fight as one!
• What was lost, we shall reclaim!

Soulflame Captain

• Cut them all down!
• Destroy them all!
• Fear the Flame!
• I'll end this myself!
• Obey the Master!
• That skull's as good as mine!
• This world shall be ours!
• Weapons won't save you!
• You should have stayed dead!


Five stone tablets are hidden in each of the three used Siren Shrines, with locations hinted at by the Ancient Priest in each. The tablets are semi-circle shaped and give off glowing, blue particles.

Shrine of Ocean's Fortune

Tablet 1

(By a growth of light blue coral on the right as you first enter the Shrine.)

Dialogue icon.png

The Great Warrior. The first among our kind to shoulder that duty, walking the path with courage and strength. To honour all that he achieved, there was always to be a Warrior among our ranks.
In times of peace, whoever was Warrior trained others to track, to hunt and to fight. They remained watchful, for peace is a flighty creature, and startles easily.
In times of war, the Warrior would advise our leaders in matters of tactics and strategy. If a new threat appeared, they would be the first to face it in battle.
Not all of our Warriors were worthy of respect. The one who fled to the Sea Queen's arms, and who caused so much pain for our people, died a traitor's death.
Belle speaks of those with a desire to learn - learn of our past, and of our legends. While I await her arrival, I shall indulge her, and carve these stories into stone...


Tablet Location:

ASP Ocean's Fortune Tablet 1 Location.jpg

Tablet 2

(By a purple coral plant to the left as you enter the pulley room after moving the platforms to jump across, part way up the first chamber.)

Dialogue icon.png

It is said that when the Great Warrior was born, his infant cry was such that the setting sun briefly rose once more, to learn who had made this great commotion.
By the time the sun dared rise again, the Great Warrior was standing on two tiny feet, and had already ventured out of his home, to see all that he could see.
The child began to howl with hunger, and his cries enraged a mighty boar. It charged from the woods towards the Warrior, eager to trample him underfoot.
The boy grabbed the furious beast by its twin horns, and tossed it straight into the cooking pot. There was a great feast, though the Warrior ate but a few bites. The fight itself had sated him.


Tablet Location:

ASP Ocean's Fortune Tablet 2 Location.jpg

Tablet 3

(On a blue coral shelf above the iron gate. You must drop down from above from the ledge past the skeleton spawns to reach this.)

Dialogue icon.png

Once the Great Warrior was grown,he left his home behind and began to wander the land, destroying monsters and helping those in need.
When he learned that Many-Arms, child of Old Mother, was plucking ships from the sea and devouring them, the Warrior knew what must be done.
He took a bowl and filled it, intending to drink the ocean dry, for Many-Arms shunned the light and would surely perish lying under the sun.
The people cried out for him to stop, for their lives were tied to the waves, and they would not be able to sail their ships for home.
And so the Great Warrior reached below the waves to snare Many-Arms, and dragged him to the palace. The King took pity, and kept the beast as a pet for many years.


Tablet Location:

ASP Ocean's Fortune Tablet 3 Location.jpg

Tablet 4

(On the ground by some light blue coral to the west side of the middle room.)

Dialogue icon.png

Men and women came from far and wide to train the young Warrior in the ways of the blade, but none could spar with him for long before they were bested.
In desperation, the king sought out Patient Turtle, who was asleep on the sea bed, and asked for counsel. Who could be a worthy opponent for the Great Warrior!
Patient Turtle sent for the Warrior, told him that he must face one whose skill and ferocity matched his own, and bade him look to the water...
The Warrior saw his own reflection, and raised his blade at once. He fought the water for ten days and nights, then returned to Patient Turtle, claiming victory.
Sure enough, the Warrior's face no longer stared back at him from the sea. His reflection had fled! Patient Turtle declared the Warrior's training complete, and went back to sleep.


Tablet Location:

ASP Ocean's Fortune Tablet 4 Location.jpg

Tablet 5

(On a rock to the right of the siren window at the base of the tall final chamber.)

Dialogue icon.png

When the time came for the Great Warrior to lay down his blade, he went to the palace and knelt before the King. "Where shall I rest?" he asked.
The Great Warrior had travelled to every corner of the sea in his tar-pitch boat, which had been both his bed and his shelter. He had needed no home until now.
The king thought hard on this. He thought of the blue horizon to the west, the raging fires to the east, the thick jungle to the north and the stone cliffs to the south.
At last, he opened a doorway for the Great Warrior, beyond which lay countless golden steps. "Climb to the top," he told the Warrior, "and take your rest there."
The Great Warrior ascended to the heavens, such was the King's power, and took his place among the stars. He remains there still, to guard us while we slumber.


Tablet Location:

ASP Ocean's Fortune Tablet 5 Location.jpg

Shrine of Ancient Tears

Tablet 1

(On a barrel in the upper level lever room.)

Dialogue icon.png

I do not know when the first meeting with our sea-kin took place. Perhaps none remain among our number who do. Perhaps it no longer matters.
How strange it must have been to look down from one's boat, expecting to see your own face in the water - and staring into the eyes of another.
We've constructed meeting places where the land met the sea, and used them to commune as best we could. Over time, a bond between our peoples began to form.
Legend tells us it was a young Prince, barely two summers old, who became the first to topple from his perch, only to be carried safely to shore by our sea-kin.
It seems that sightings of the 'mer', as Belle calls them, became common in distant waters once we had departed. I wonder... Might they have been searching for us?


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 2

(On a rock to the west, at the bottom of the central water pit.)

Dialogue icon.png

The song of our sea-kin is vast, replete with harmonies and refrains. For a single mind to hold it all would be to invite madness.
No matter how many times our leaders travelled to the meeting places and communed with them, there was much that they never came to understand.
Spotting a silvered figure while hunting would often lead to speculation. Where did our sea-kin come from? Had they travelled to these waters from afar, just as we had?
There were some among our number who believed that the sea-kin were once as we were, and that some demon or trickster was responsible for their current shape.
One among us, who at that time held the title of Warrior, went further, and consorted with the Sea Queen. So by joining our two worlds, he nearly destroyed both.


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 3

(On the wall to the right of the turtle vault in the second area of hallways.)

Dialogue icon.png

Years passed, and the Warrior who had forsaken his duty for a life below the waves slipped from our minds. Perhaps we noticed fewer sea-kin on the waves. Perhaps not.
We had no way of knowing that, for below, a sickness was spreading. It robbed many, the Sea Queen among them, of their voice - and of their song.
With no harmonious words to give them purpose, the afflicted become isolated, resentful and cruel. They saw us as if for the first time; we were strangers once more.
Who struck first? I cannot say. I know only that from the time of my childhood, to travel into deep water, while often necessary, invited great peril from below.
Their new song was one of hatred. They clawed our boats apart and dragged us down in a baleful embrace. Without a word spoken, our two worlds were now at war.


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 4

(Near a small pool of water on the first corner of the parrot hallway.)

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How it must have pleased the Sea Queen to trespass into the King's reliquary and lay claim to the Great Warrior's remains, all those years ago.
Our legends do not speak the whole truth. The Great Warrior's spirit was not delivered to the heavens by the King. That was not his fate.
The Great Warrior had taken an oath to serve the Royal Family, even beyond death. His spirit was not permitted to rest.
The Warrior's soul remained bound to his body, ready to be summoned again should he be needed. A royal secret handed down from father to son, mother to daughter.
When my Queen learned the truth, she bade me recover the Warrior's body, to end his servitude at last. I set forth at once, not knowing I was already too late.


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 5

(In the front-left corner of the final vault room.)

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I did all that I could to obey my Queen's command, but to search the entire ocean? One might as well seek to count all the stars in the sky.
When the time came to depart these waters, I felt great shame. I had failed to find the Great Warrior, and his spirit would remain trapped here.
Then the stranger, Belle, came to us. She had news of the places we had left behind. Of ones who now sailed as we once did, and the danger they faced.
I, of course, saw a second chance to complete my task - but experience has gifted me with a cautious nature. I chose first to observe and be sure her intentions were sincere.
Once I was convinced, I summoned my most loyal acolytes, and bade farewell to paradise.


Tablet Location: Center

Shrine of Tribute

Tablet 1

(On the spiral staircase in the first tall chamber.)

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Like many, I do not remember my dreams. Some, however, experience them with great clarity, and we find they can contain both wit and wisdom.
The dreams of our Kings and Queens, when they can be recalled, are habitually noted down by Priests such as myself, and examined for portents.
This is simple practicality. If the dreams are meaningless, little is wasted. If they do offer a glimpse into the future, our rulers now possess vital information.
In this place, on these waters, some began to dream of the dead. They would be told of unfinished work, hidden secrets and other impossible knowledge.
Sometimes, the dreams would speak of events that would not come to pass for countless lifetimes. Our Priests continued to record these prophecies...


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 2

(By the second patch of green coral after heading south from the entrance chamber.)

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For all the untold wonders we had discovered in this place, it was our dreams that now occupied the Royal Court's attention.
It was concluded that our dead, for reasons of their own, had reached back to those they had left behind. Calling to us from a world beyond the world.
We had always believed that death was a journey with a single destination, and one that we would make only once - at the end of our lives.
What if the path could be travelled more frequently, like a great road connecting two cities? Might we visit the dead? Trade with them? Bring them home?
These were questions our greatest minds endeavoured to find out. It was work that took many lifetimes, but they were determined, and they succeeded.


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 3

(On a ledge above the main siren statue after raising the water level.)

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Once the path to reunite with our ancestors was understood, it needed to be guarded.
We soon learned that their realm reacted to our living thoughts; shaping itself to resemble places from our past while manifesting our hopes and fears.
It was not inconceivable that a stray thought could lead to destruction or disaster, so travel between the worlds was permitted only sparingly.
Weapons capable of great devastation, fashioned using all that we had learned since our arrival, were hidden beyond the veil until the day they would be needed.
A temple, once a site of great power, was also cast into the abyss. Such was the nature of our hubris, one of my kin even sought to merge the worlds entirely...


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 4

(In the central throne room, on a blue coral shelf to the left of the stairs leading up after raising the water level.)

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Once the truth was known, the Royal Court strived to keep it a closely-guarded secret, for they were fearful that discontent and unrest would be inevitable.
Our devout ancestors had passed between the worlds expecting to find a great Sea of Tribute; with all their treasures and comforts waiting for them.
All that they believed they would find, the land that they held in their hearts... Of course, it was there waiting for them. Their minds made it so.
The knowledge that an eternity of contentment lay just out of reach would cause upheaval; possibly even conflict, among our kin. Life as we knew it would be over.
And so the declaration was made. "We go together, or not at all."


Tablet Location: Center

Tablet 5

(To the back right of the final underwater treasure room under the throne after stepping on all pressure plates.)

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A mask was formed, and gems - cut from the same stone we had always used to move between the worlds-were set into its features.
At the same time, my Queen prepared our people for a great journey, though most were kept oblivious to the true nature of their new home.
Some remained behind. Those deemed dangerous or disruptive, the Eternal Guard - who were left to honour their oath-and the High Priest.
He was the one who wore the mask, providing us passage to our new home. When his work was done, he cast the mask into the deep and scattered its stones.
That is where our story should have ended. But now that the truth is known, I fear that even paradise may not last forever...


Tablet Location: Center

Progress Log

Beginning the Adventure

Reports of oddly-dressed figures and strange lights have made their way from Plunder Valley. Always eager to set pirates on the path to Adventure, Larinna is encouraging everyone she encounters to investigate.

Chapter One End
A search of Plunder Valley revealed Belle in the company of some unusual individuals. Could these really be members of the long-lost society known as 'the Ancients'?

Chapter Two Start
Belle's motives remain elusive, but she entreats pirates to dive down to the Sirens' Sunken Kingdom and recover three Ancient Treasures.

Chapter Two End
The Ancient Treasures have been recovered - mysterious fragments of bone. What could these possibly be worth to Belle? A return trip to Plunder Valley may provide answers.

Chapter Three Start
The truth behind Belle's quest has been revealed - the Ancient Treasures are what remains of their legendary Great Warrior. A ritual to release his long-dormant spirit is about to begin, but Belle warns it will certainly draw unwanted attention.

Chapter Three End
The Great Warrior's spirit has been released, and the Ancient Priest has pledged loyalty to those who would protect the Sea of Thieves. If what Belle says about Captain Flameheart's imminent return is true, his allegiance may just prove invaluable in the weeks ahead...


  • The Skeleton Runes seen within the book Belle is examining during the cinematic trailer are commonly used by the Order of Souls, although their current translation is unknown. Curiously, the book doesn't contain the rune for "resurrection" even though it's interpreted by Belle as referring to a "Time of Resurrection".


Quest Notes


The Sirens' Prize Cinematic Trailer
The Sirens' Prize Launch Trailer

Patch history

  • 2.6.2 (September 29, 2022)
    • Adventure concludes.
  • (September 15, 2022)
    • Adventure begins.

Externals links