Skeleton Crew

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Skeleton Crew are named skeleton targets of Bounty Parchments that do not have the "Captain" prefix to their names. They are distinguished by their clothing and red nameplates. They may appear either solo or with waves of underlings during these quests. They have higher health than regular Skeletons and can appear as regular, Plant, Shadow, or Gold variants.


Skeleton Crews may spawn without a weapon, or with either a Cutlass, Flintlock, or Blunderbuss. Skeleton Crews will generally not spawn with Gunpowder Barrels, although during an Order of Souls Emissary Quest, one island will always spawn Gunpowder Skeleton Captain or Skeleton Crew.

It takes around 17 cutlass hits or 6-7 Combos to kill one regular, Shadow or Plant Skeleton Crew. Gold Skeleton variants are strong against Cutlass hits, but can be easily taken down with firearms or a single Gunpowder Barrel.

Any players sailing as Order of Souls Emissaries will gain Emissary Grade Reputation for killing a Skeleton Crew.



Hunter of Cursed Crews emblem
Hunter of Cursed CrewsDefeat 180 Skeleton Crews.
  • Grade I: 2
  • Grade II: 10
  • Grade III: 35
  • Grade IV: 90?
  • Grade V: 180
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Cursed Crews Title.

List of Skeleton Crew names

Skeleton Crew share the same possible names as Skeleton Captains though without the "Captain" title.

    1. 5 Paces West
    2. Aarrron Leigh
    3. Adam Bones
    4. Alex Thieves
    5. Amir The Feared
    6. Andrew Foulplay
    7. Andy Blastable
    8. Arrrndria Warren
    9. Aye Aye Rai
    10. Bad Bradford
    11. Bad Deal Lindsey
    12. Bad Luckingham
    13. Bad Omen Davies
    14. Bad Penny Coppens
    15. Bad Tidings Tidmarsh
    16. Bad 'Un Haddon
    17. Bam Bam Wymerz
    18. Battling Catling
    19. Beastly Ben Siddons
    20. Ben The Black
    21. Benjamin Slain
    22. Big Trouble Troughton
    23. Bilge Rat Beanland
    24. Black Artur
    25. Black Sheep Thomas
    26. Black Spot Baker
    27. Blackheart Blake
    28. Bloodkowski
    29. Board em' Bowler
    30. Bosun Bolton
    31. Boombaca
    32. Both Barrels Barrett
    33. Brave Dave Stevens
    34. Brawl Carter
    35. Brawlin' Hall
    36. Breachin McEachern
    37. Bret The Bretrayer
    38. Brigantine Kozin
    39. Brown The Drowner
    40. Buccaneer Bridle
    41. Bucko Betts
    42. Campion The Wonderous
    43. Cannonball Khan
    44. Carousin' Russell
    45. Cast Away Cross
    46. Catarina Nine Tails
    47. Caulkin' Chalk
    48. Chartin' Ballantyne
    49. Cheat Daniels
    50. Choke 'em Coppens
    51. Chris Maiming
    52. Ciardi The Cheat
    53. Commander White
    54. Crazy Crosbie
    55. Crew Quakenbush
    56. Cross Boney Neilly
    57. Cussin' Russ
    58. Daring Nourish
    59. Dark Soul Cole
    60. Darrryl Yarrrdner
    61. David Ahoymond
    62. David Sandybeach
    63. David The Bladesmith
    64. Davide The Greed
    65. Deadly Daley
    66. Death O' Me Timmins
    67. Deeceitful
    68. Devil's Kiss Davies
    69. Devious Deakes
    70. Diamond Geezer Melizza
    71. Dirty Deal Mitchell
    72. Dirty Diggle
    73. Dirty McMurtrie
    74. Dirty Play Derman
    75. Doominguez
    76. Double Crosser Prosser
    77. Double Dealin' Dempsey
    78. Double-Gun Dunn
    79. Doubloons Donaldson
    80. Drunken Duncan
    81. Esther the Blessed
    82. Feared Ford
    83. Fearsome Fisher
    84. Fiendish Field
    85. Filthy Rich Semmens
    86. Fire Bomb Dom
    87. Fire Bomb Thomas
    88. Flash Ashby
    89. Flay J
    90. Flintlock Jocevicius
    91. Foul Deeds Rashed
    92. Frightening Frith
    93. Full O' Sin Quinn
    94. Gilded Giddings
    95. Glenn Deadwards
    96. Glorious Gluyas
    97. Go To Hell Huxell
    98. Gold Grasper
    99. Grabbin' Garner
    100. Grandee Preston
    101. Great Doomfield
    102. Grim Dimi
    103. Grim Jim Spain
    104. Grisly Chisholm
    105. Grog Mayles
    106. Grog Swill Hill
    107. Grog Swillin' Dillon
    108. Guillaume Le Terrible
    109. Gun 'Em Down Dunham
    110. Gunnin' Gulliver
    111. Hannes Shipwrecke
    112. Heave To Hughes
    113. Hellbound Ellis
    114. Hoardin' Agnew
    115. Hole Em' Hollands
    116. Hold Fast Holland
    117. Hook Handy Burt
    118. Hornpipe Holmes
    119. Horrendisett
    120. Horrifying Hunt
    121. Horth Of The North
    122. Huge Hoard Ward
    123. Ill Manners Smith
    124. Ill Will Hinds
    125. Iron Bryan Smyth
    126. Iron Johnson
    127. Jacob Scourgegaard
    128. Jak The Black
    129. Jessica Bonebreaker
    130. Jewels Williams
    131. Jolly Prodger
    132. John Traitor
    133. Jorge El Fuerte
    134. Josh The Dosh
    135. Katie O' Nine Tails
    136. Katrine o' Nine Tails
    137. Katie Tyrant
    138. Keelhaul Cartwright
    139. Keelhaul King
    140. Keith Steals Ale
    141. Kill Again Milligan
    142. Kraken Beater Orlowski
    143. Kwoken
    144. Lady Katherine
    145. Lash Me Barnard
    146. Last Dawn Davies
    147. Last Laugh Efraim
    148. Leighvil Loveday
    149. Logun
    150. Long John Bradshaw
    151. Lootin' Lauren
    152. Lootin' Liz Burton
    153. Lootin' Lobacz
    154. Lord Lloyd
    155. Lordly Clark
    156. Lorenzo The Assassina
    157. Lost At Sea Kuczynski
    158. Lucky Lawrence
    159. Lucky Lukasz
    160. Lucky Luke Gracie
    161. Mad Dog McNulty
    162. Mad Man Baran
    163. Mad Miss Tina
    164. Mad Oli
    165. Mahon 'Of War
    166. Maim Me Stirling
    167. Maims Griffiths
    168. Malicious Malham
    169. Mark Grandrews
    170. Maroonin' Masella
    171. Martin Adrift
    172. Matey Marlow
    173. Matt Doom All
    174. Max Picaroon
    175. Mayhem Machacek
    176. McGrath O' Great Wrath
    177. Me Hearty Milne
    178. Meaner T'Sjoen
    179. Meenbeard
    180. Merry Berry
    181. Mighty McFarlane
    182. Mike The Mutinous
    183. Miller The Killer
    184. Mister Cur Johnson
    185. Mitchell Munter Pirate Hunter
    186. Monstrous Morris
    187. Musket Mike
    188. Nastalie Oberg
    189. Ne'er Trust ‘Im Bell
    190. Never Yield Field
    191. Neelke Skull Cracker
    192. 'Nick It' Nicholson
    193. Nightmare Ang
    194. No Deal Atkinson
    195. No Mercier
    196. No Quarter Norris
    197. No Truce Nesbit
    198. Ofri Scar
    199. Okon The Condemned
    200. Orrible Ollive
    201. Payne Killer
    202. Parrley
    203. Paul Cunningscam
    204. Peglegory
    205. Peter Deathknell
    206. Pilfering Piasecki
    207. Pinch It Finch
    208. Pistol Proof Palmer
    209. Plunderin' Parkes
    210. Pretty Paulie Collins
    211. Quick Dicken
    212. Raidin' Bower
    213. Raidin Zalewski
    214. Ram 'Em Retnasamy
    215. Rammin' Hamlin
    216. Red Jed
    217. Red Rage Timmins
    218. Rhys O' Eight
    219. Rich Bludgeons
    220. Rickam El Rojo
    221. Rob 'Em Stothard
    222. Robbing Ronowski
    223. Robdog
    224. Rowdy Rodak
    225. Rumi Gillig
    226. Run Yer Thru Stevens
    227. Ryan Scurvyson
    228. Sam Chester Treasure
    229. Scam You All Joyce
    230. Scar Lots De Abreu
    231. Scareface Chase
    232. Scarred Pritchard
    233. Scourge Orton
    234. Sea Legs Lucas
    235. Shady Jones
    236. Shameful Shane Scott
    237. Shan't Tell Porritt
    238. Shantyroinen
    239. Shark Bait Wilson
    240. Shark Bite Wright
    241. Shelley Pressgang
    242. Shifty Shuvojit
    243. Shipwrecks Flynn
    244. Shipwrecky Hewitt
    245. Sink 'em Simkin
    246. Sly Dog Soltani
    247. Sneaky Snookes
    248. So Mean Guidot
    249. Spew Hard Benson
    250. Stealin Styles
    251. Stern Heart Holland
    252. Stowaway Longdin
    253. Stowaway Thomas
    254. Sure Shot Shaw
    255. Swabertson
    256. Tall Tale Mikael
    257. Tha' Damned Park
    258. Tha' Vile Vincent
    259. The Duncan Sailor
    260. The Gent Clement
    261. The Great White
    262. The Greater White
    263. The Man McMahan
    264. The Scourge Oberg
    265. The Wild Grover
    266. Thief O'Keeffe
    267. Thievin' Frost
    268. Thomas Skullvanny
    269. Three Sheets Neate
    270. Tie 'Em Up Tysdal
    271. Tom Picaroon
    272. Tom Thunder
    273. Topdog Topham
    274. Topher Twinsword
    275. Tough Luck
    276. Treachereiss
    277. Treacherous Todd
    278. Tricky Abell
    279. Trigger Happy Tristan
    280. Two-Faced Tuohy
    281. Tyrant Skilton
    282. Typhoonan
    283. Vasil Stormatov
    284. Vicious Vic
    285. Watch Yer Backson
    286. Wheeler the Stealer
    287. Whip 'Em Whapples
    288. Wildfire Wilkins
    289. Wild Man Whittemore
    290. Wily Whelpton
    291. Wily Whaley
    292. Witgold
    293. Wolf Doswell
    294. Wong John Silver
    295. Wrath of Martin
    296. Xander Slashwell
    297. Yo Ho Hentze
    298. Yo-Ho-Hohan
    299. Zoe Banshee
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