Order of Souls

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Order of Souls icon.png

The Order of Souls are one of the major Trading Companies in Sea of Thieves. Formed by conjurers and seers, they have found a way to recapture the memories from the Skulls of Cursed Former Pirates. With this knowledge and power, the Order has set up a purple tent on every Outpost with a Madame who sends Player Crews on Bounty Voyages to reclaim these cursed Bounty Skulls. The Order will accept any Bounty Skulls for Gold and Reputation with the Company. Player Pirates can climb up to 75 Reputation Ranks with the Order of Souls by performing various deeds for them.


The Cursed Bounty Skulls

The Order was founded as an organization dedicated to the study of evil, reading the minds of the dead in the hope of learning its secrets.[1] Despite this, there are some who claim nothing has been found as of today.[2] Members of the Order of Souls are adept at magic and may read the minds of the living and dead alike. The process requires only the skull of those whose minds they wish to read, and so they purchase skulls gathered from venturing pirates. They see their mission as revered and do not accept adventurers who only gather skulls for the joy of killing. Despite this, they often feel forced to hire adventurers to gather the skeletons of the dead, mostly because the Order is very few in number. [3]

They use Kraken ink to see beyond this world, resulting in the black markings on their faces.[4]


The following is a list of all the Order of Souls Representatives at each Outpost:

NPCs in other media

Name Appearances Notes
Madame Omina Sea of Thieves Origins 3: The Vision of Order Co-founder of the Order of Souls.
Madame Ozanne Sea of Thieves Origins 3: The Vision of Order Co-founder of the Order of Souls. A former representative at Ancient Spire Outpost.
Madame Oletta Sea of Thieves Roleplaying Game Alternate liaison at Plunder Outpost.

Offered Services

The following services are offered by the Order of Souls Madames at every Outpost:

The following service was removed with Season 11's voyage rework:


Bounty Voyages

Bounty Voyages (and their Ashen variants) are composed of Bounty Maps that lead players on a bounty hunt for cursed Skeleton Captains and their Skeleton Crews that are both defended by their Skeletal minions. When defeated, the name Captains or Crew leave behind their cursed Bounty Skulls that can be delivered back to the Order Madames for Gold and Reputation with the Company. The Voyages are counted complete as soon as all of the Skeleton Captains on the Bounty Maps are defeated.

The Cost and difficulty of these Voyages increase with any purchased Order of Souls Promotions. Players can have up to 3 Voyages in their Voyage Inventory at one time and put them up for a vote at the Voyage Table.

The more lucrative Ashen Bounty Voyages can be purchased from Morrow's Peak Outpost. These Voyages take players on islands throughout The Devil's Roar, where defeated Captains and Crew leave behind higher value Ashen Bounty Skulls.

Ghost Ship Voyages

Available for purchase from Promotion Rank 25, Ghost Ship Voyages provide Crews with a single Ghost Ship Map, leading them to a Large Island overrun by a fleet of Ghost Ships. These Ships take relatively few Cannon hits to defeat, however, they can overwhelm Crews with their numbers and Ghostly Cannonballs. Once a certain number of Grunt Ships has been defeated, a Ghostly Captain Ship will appear that has more health. The Ghost Captain Ship will always drop 4 Ghostly Skulls of the Damned and 1 Captain Skull of the Damned that are visible by a group of phantoms swirling around them. These Skulls can be taken back to the Order Madames for Gold and Reputation with the Company. The Cost and Difficulty of these Voyages increase with any purchased Order of Souls Promotions. The difficulty will affect the number of Grunt Ships needed to progress to the Captain wave and the total health of the Captain's Ship. The Voyage is counted complete once the Captain's Ship is defeated.

Reputation, Promotions & Rewards


Souls Rep Logo.png

Order of Souls Reputation is used to level up and earn higher Promotion Ranks with the Trading Company. Order of Souls Reputation is earned every time a relevant Treasure Item is sold to the Madames in their tents at Outposts (Crew-wide). Each Treasure item is worth a set amount of Reputation, which is separate from the item's Gold or Emissary Value. Players can also earn Reputation with the Order by completing Commendations for the Company (Individual) or lowering a higher than Emissary Grade II Order of Souls Emissary Flag at the Order of Souls Emissary Table (Crew-wide). Crews representing the Order as an Emissary will get increased Reputation gains with each Emissary Grade. The Order of Souls has 75 Reputation levels in total.

Players who progress through the Order of Souls Reputation Ranks can also unlock the Rogue Sea Dog Set Items for purchase at Outpost Shops.


The following is a table of all the Order of Souls Promotions and the Items that are unlocked for purchase after achieving them:

Rank Promotion & Title Item Unlocked Item Cost
5 Mystic Follower Lowly Souls Tankard 700 Gold
10 Mystic Associate Measly Souls Lantern 700 Gold
15 Mystic Apprentice Prominent Souls Tankard
Order of Souls Emissary Flag
Order of Souls Costume
1,400 Gold
20,000 Gold
68,300 Gold
20 Mystic Acolyte Notable Souls Lantern 1,400 Gold
25 Mystic Mercenary Famed Souls Tankard 2,100 Gold
30 Mystic Hunter Renowned Souls Lantern 2,100 Gold
35 Mystic Chief Revered Souls Tankard 2,800 Gold
40 Mystic Captain Esteemed Souls Lantern 2,800 Gold
45 Mystic Grandee Legendary Souls Tankard 3,500 Gold
50 Master of the Order Notorious Souls Lantern 3,500 Gold
55 Enchanter of the Order Order of Souls Capstan 69,550 Gold
60 Conjurer of the Order Order of Souls Cannons 69,550 Gold
65 Seer of the Order Order of Souls Wheel 69,550 Gold
70 Sage of the Order Order of Souls Hull
Order of Souls Flag
69,550 Gold
2,500 Gold
75 Magus of the Order Order of Souls Figurehead
Order of Souls Sails
69,550 Gold
69,550 Gold
80 Promiser of the Order Banner of Souls 100,000 Gold
85 Mythic of the Order The Mirror of Scrying Souls 100,000 Gold
90 Augur of the Order Order of Souls Ship's Crest 100,000 Gold
95 Visionary of the Order Madame Olivia Shipmate 100,000 Gold
100 Whisperer of the Order Soul Seeker Costume 150,000 Gold


The following is a list of all Order of Souls rewards which require a certain Reputation level or Emissary Ledger progress.

  • Total Cost: 12,716,050 Gold
Image Name Source Cost Requires Type Set In-game description
Lowly Souls Tankard.png
Lowly Souls Tankard 700 Gold
Order of Souls 5
Tankard Order of Souls "The souls of lowly Skeletons will be your drinking partners inside this eerie tankard."
Measly Souls Lantern.png
Measly Souls Lantern 700 Gold
Order of Souls 10
Lantern Order of Souls "The spirits of measly Skeletons illuminate the first of our mysterious lanterns."
Rogue Sea Dog Capstan.png
Rogue Sea Dog Capstan 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 10
Capstan Rogue Sea Dog "More travelled than your usual capstan, built to withstand the trials of the Sea of Thieves!"
Ruffian Sea Dog Capstan.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Capstan 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 10
Capstan Ruffian Sea Dog "More travelled than your usual capstan, built to withstand the trials of the Sea of Thieves!"
Sea Dog Capstan.png
Sea Dog Capstan 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 10
Capstan Sea Dog "More travelled than your usual capstan, built to withstand the trials of the Sea of Thieves!"
Order of Souls Costume.png
Order of Souls Costume 68,300 Gold
Order of Souls 15
Costume Order of Souls "The risks you take for the Order deserve recognition through our sacred garments."
Order of Souls Emissary Flag.png
Order of Souls Emissary Flag 20,000 Gold
Order of Souls 15
Emissary Flag Order of Souls "Sail forth and seek fallen souls as one of our mystical Emissaries. Your service will be rewarded with more gold and reputation."
Prominent Souls Tankard.png
Prominent Souls Tankard 1,400 Gold
Order of Souls 15
Tankard Order of Souls "Skeletal spirits of some prominence infuse this tankard that would grace any tavern table."
Notable Souls Lantern.png
Notable Souls Lantern 1,400 Gold
Order of Souls 20
Lantern Order of Souls "Shining forth from this spectral lantern are the essence of notable Skeletons."
Famed Souls Tankard.png
Famed Souls Tankard 2,100 Gold
Order of Souls 25
Tankard Order of Souls "Famed Skeletons offer their spirits to make each sip from this tankard truly enchanting."
Rogue Sea Dog Wheel.png
Rogue Sea Dog Wheel 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 25
Wheel Rogue Sea Dog "This clunking, clattering wheel has a hefty feel to it that appeals to sturdy sailors."
Ruffian Sea Dog Wheel.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Wheel 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 25
Wheel Ruffian Sea Dog "This clunking, clattering wheel has a hefty feel to it that appeals to sturdy sailors."
Sea Dog Wheel.png
Sea Dog Wheel 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 25
Wheel Sea Dog "This clunking, clattering wheel has a hefty feel to it that appeals to sturdy sailors."
Rogue Sea Dog Boots.png
Rogue Sea Dog Boots 1,350 Gold
Order of Souls 28
Boots Rogue Sea Dog "Planning a trip to the Wilds? Then you'll need these sturdy boots to survive its razor sharp rocks."
Rogue Sea Dog Gloves.png
Rogue Sea Dog Gloves 1,350 Gold
Order of Souls 28
Gloves Rogue Sea Dog "Plenty of room to slip a few coins inside to fight your way out of any tavern brawl."
Renowned Souls Lantern.png
Renowned Souls Lantern 2,100 Gold
Order of Souls 30
Lantern Order of Souls "Lift the gloom with a lantern infused with the vitality of renowned Skeletons."
Rogue Sea Dog Bucket.png
Rogue Sea Dog Bucket 1,900 Gold
Order of Souls 31
Bucket Rogue Sea Dog "Previously used as a slop bucket by a crew who ate nothing but rotten bananas."
Rogue Sea Dog Shovel.png
Rogue Sea Dog Shovel 1,850 Gold
Order of Souls 31
Shovel Rogue Sea Dog "Certified to have dug up at least a hundred chests, it's a shovel you can rely on."
Rogue Sea Dog Belt.png
Rogue Sea Dog Belt 1,350 Gold
Order of Souls 33
Belt Rogue Sea Dog "Nothing says "Sea Dog" quite like wearing a belt made from a dog's collar. Just don't smell it."
Rogue Sea Dog Dress.png
Rogue Sea Dog Dress 5,400 Gold
Order of Souls 33
Dress Rogue Sea Dog "It might look ridiculous on the dance floor, but it's nearly as good as wearing armour."
Rogue Sea Dog Trousers.png
Rogue Sea Dog Trousers 2,700 Gold
Order of Souls 33
Bottoms Rogue Sea Dog "Double stitched. Why risk an embarassing wardrobe malfunction when bending over to load a cannon?"
Revered Souls Tankard.png
Revered Souls Tankard 2,800 Gold
Order of Souls 35
Tankard Order of Souls "Drink deep with the thirsty souls of revered Skeletons each time you raise this mythical tankard."
Rogue Sea Dog Jacket.png
Rogue Sea Dog Jacket 6,750 Gold
Order of Souls 36
Jacket Rogue Sea Dog "Rumour has it that next season's model will even be resistant to lightning strikes."
Rogue Sea Dog Shirt.png
Rogue Sea Dog Shirt 2,700 Gold
Order of Souls 36
Shirt Rogue Sea Dog "Made from the hammocks that once hung below decks in the renowned galleon, The Black Dog."
Rogue Sea Dog Lantern.png
Rogue Sea Dog Lantern 1,900 Gold
Order of Souls 38
Lantern Rogue Sea Dog "Built to last, a heave duty lantern that won't go out even when dropped from the crow's nest."
Esteemed Souls Lantern.png
Esteemed Souls Lantern 2,800 Gold
Order of Souls 40
Lantern Order of Souls "The highly respected souls of esteemed pirates ignites this shadow banishing lantern ."
Rogue Sea Dog Cannons.png
Rogue Sea Dog Cannons 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 40
Cannons Rogue Sea Dog "These cannons may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're always ready for battle."
Ruffian Sea Dog Cannons.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Cannons 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 40
Cannons Ruffian Sea Dog "These cannons may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're always ready for battle."
Sea Dog Cannons.png
Sea Dog Cannons 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 40
Cannons Sea Dog "These cannons may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're always ready for battle."
Rogue Sea Dog Banjo.png
Rogue Sea Dog Banjo 3,500 Gold
Order of Souls 41
Banjo Rogue Sea Dog "A banjo for the salt of the earth - sturdy, simple and tuned to perfection."
Rogue Sea Dog Concertina.png
Rogue Sea Dog Concertina 2,850 Gold
Order of Souls 41
Concertina Rogue Sea Dog "Bilge Rat Beanland played the very first shanty ever heard on one of these."
Rogue Sea Dog Drum.png
Rogue Sea Dog Drum 3,500 Gold
Order of Souls 41
Drum Rogue Sea Dog "This can't help you play better but it also can't help you play worse. Win win."
Rogue Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Rogue Sea Dog Hurdy-Gurdy 2,850 Gold
Order of Souls 41
Hurdy-Gurdy Rogue Sea Dog "Part time pirates will have abosolutely no idea what this is. You'll know better of course."
Rogue Sea Dog Pocket Watch.png
Rogue Sea Dog Pocket Watch 2,800 Gold
Order of Souls 43
Pocket Watch Rogue Sea Dog "It's been bitten by a shark and swallowed by a Kraken. yet it still works!"
Rogue Sea Dog Speaking Trumpet.png
Rogue Sea Dog Speaking Trumpet 2,300 Gold
Order of Souls 43
Speaking Trumpet Rogue Sea Dog "Hunders of orders have been barked through this speaking trumpet, and hunderds more ignored."
Legendary Souls Tankard.png
Legendary Souls Tankard 3,500 Gold
Order of Souls 45
Tankard Order of Souls "Truly a unique wonder to hold, this tankard is brimming with the souls of legendary Skeletons."
Rogue Sea Dog Compass.png
Rogue Sea Dog Compass 2,800 Gold
Order of Souls 46
Compass Rogue Sea Dog "No-one had ever sailed east until the buccaneering forefathers invented this."
Rogue Sea Dog Spyglass.png
Rogue Sea Dog Spyglass 3,800 Gold
Order of Souls 46
Spyglass Rogue Sea Dog "Allows you to get a close up of the terror in your rival's eyes."
Rogue Sea Dog Eyepatch.png
Rogue Sea Dog Eyepatch 3,050 Gold
Order of Souls 47
Eyepatch Rogue Sea Dog "Crafted by stitching two whole different fabrics together. The Sea Dogs are a talented bunch."
Rogue Sea Dog Hook.png
Rogue Sea Dog Hook 4,050 Gold
Order of Souls 47
Hook Rogue Sea Dog "Forged from old cutlasses discarded by veteran crews."
Rogue Sea Dog Pegleg.png
Rogue Sea Dog Pegleg 4,050 Gold
Order of Souls 47
Pegleg Rogue Sea Dog "Who knew taking a bit of old rope and turning a hook upside down would make such a fetching new leg?"
Rogue Sea Dog Blunderbuss.png
Rogue Sea Dog Blunderbuss 9,450 Gold
Order of Souls 48
Blunderbuss Rogue Sea Dog "Spread the word, this is the original and still the best Skeleton horde stopper."
Rogue Sea Dog Cutlass.png
Rogue Sea Dog Cutlass 7,000 Gold
Order of Souls 48
Cutlass Rogue Sea Dog "Rivals have been known to leap into shark infested waters to escape this menacing blade."
Rogue Sea Dog Eye of Reach.png
Rogue Sea Dog Eye of Reach 9,450 Gold
Order of Souls 48
Eye of Reach Rogue Sea Dog "When Blind Bob was not quite so blind, he added his spyglass to a musket and created this."
Rogue Sea Dog Pistol.png
Rogue Sea Dog Pistol 9,450 Gold
Order of Souls 48
Pistol Rogue Sea Dog "It's design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Rogue Sea Dog Hat.png
Rogue Sea Dog Hat 6,800 Gold
Order of Souls 49
Hat Rogue Sea Dog "Once used by wily scoundrels to hide an extra cannonball, despite the headaches it caused."
Notorious Souls Lantern.png
Notorious Souls Lantern 3,500 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Lantern Order of Souls "Only the most notorious Skeleton souls were used to light this most enigmatic lantern."
Order of Souls Compass.png
Order of Souls Compass 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Compass Order of Souls "Just because your destination came to you in a vision doesn't mean you won't need a bit of help finding your way."
Order of Souls Pocket Watch.png
Order of Souls Pocket Watch 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Pocket Watch Order of Souls "When you're prone to seeing visions of the future, a timepiece is vital for keeping track of the here and now."
Order of Souls Shovel.png
Order of Souls Shovel 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Shovel Order of Souls "Using a shovel like this to exhume remains is sometimes a necessary evil if you're the Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Speaking Trumpet.png
Order of Souls Speaking Trumpet 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Speaking Trumpet Order of Souls "Amplify your voice until you're loud enough to wake the dead."
Rogue Sea Dog Figurehead.png
Rogue Sea Dog Figurehead 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Figurehead Rogue Sea Dog "The first crew of Sea Dogs battle giant skeletons and made trophies out of their skulls."
Rogue Sea Dog Hull.png
Rogue Sea Dog Hull 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Hull Livery Rogue Sea Dog "Made from trees felled by pirate pioneers on Lone Cove. Also full of very old woodworms."
Rogue Sea Dog Sails.png
Rogue Sea Dog Sails 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Sails Rogue Sea Dog "The most recognized sail on the seas, but only because they've refused to change the dated design."
Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead.png
Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead 49,000 Gold
Order of Souls 50
Figurehead Ruffian Sea Dog "The first crew of Sea Dogs battled giant skeletons and made trophies out of their skulls."
Order of Souls Banjo.png
Order of Souls Banjo 500,000 Gold
Order of Souls 55
Banjo Order of Souls "It's rumoured that this banjo is possessed by the spirit of a forlorn pirate who died without ever getting to perform..."
Order of Souls Capstan.png
Order of Souls Capstan 69,550 Gold
Order of Souls 55
Capstan Order of Souls "This capstan creaks like the bones of the dead returning to life..."
Order of Souls Concertina.png
Order of Souls Concertina 500,000 Gold
Order of Souls 55
Concertina Order of Souls "After a hard day's divination, even the Order of Souls sometimes enjoy a good knees-up."
Order of Souls Drum.png
Order of Souls Drum 500,000 Gold
Order of Souls 55
Drum Order of Souls "Supposedly, this drum can communicate with lost souls. They bang once for yes, twice for no..."
Order of Souls Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Order of Souls Hurdy-Gurdy 500,000 Gold
Order of Souls 55
Hurdy-Gurdy Order of Souls "A hefty musical instrument once famously used by Madame Olivia. She beat up a skeleton with it."
Order of Souls Cannons.png
Order of Souls Cannons 69,550 Gold
Order of Souls 60
Cannons Order of Souls "These prized cannons are infused with the spirits of skeletons defeated in battle."
Order of Souls Fateful Hair.png
Order of Souls Fateful Hair 135,000 Gold
Order of Souls 60
Hair Order of Souls "Not even the Champion of Souls has hair this good."
Order of Souls Ordained Hair.png
Order of Souls Ordained Hair 135,000 Gold
Order of Souls 60
Hair Order of Souls "Hair bound tightly, like a forsaken soul sealed in an artefact."
Order of Souls Dress.png
Order of Souls Dress 875,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Dress Order of Souls "A style favoured by those in the Order of Souls - but you don't need to be a mind-reader to work that one out."
Order of Souls Eyepatch.png
Order of Souls Eyepatch 600,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Eyepatch Order of Souls "When you've disposed of as many skulls as Madame Olivia has, you're bound to amass quite the collection of eyepatches."
Order of Souls Gloves.png
Order of Souls Gloves 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Gloves Order of Souls "When you're carrying a smouldering Ashen Bounty Skull back to the Order of Souls, wearing gloves is advisable. Shame about the fingers..."
Order of Souls Hook.png
Order of Souls Hook 600,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Hook Order of Souls "They say this hook was once owned by the nefarious Steel-Eye Simeon. Larinna assures the Order of Souls he doesn't need it any more."
Order of Souls Pegleg.png
Order of Souls Pegleg 600,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Pegleg Order of Souls "A life spent going blade-to-blade with skeletons can sometimes lead to unfortunate consequences."
Order of Souls Shirt.png
Order of Souls Shirt 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Shirt Order of Souls "This shirt. Your shoulders. It has already been foreseen..."
Order of Souls Trousers.png
Order of Souls Trousers 600,000 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Bottoms Order of Souls "Even when you're running for your life from a Gunpowder Skeleton, these trusty trousers won't let you down."
Order of Souls Wheel.png
Order of Souls Wheel 69,550 Gold
Order of Souls 65
Wheel Order of Souls "This wheel was repurposed from the first Skeleton Ship sunk at the Order's request."
Order of Souls Flag.png
Order of Souls Flag 2,500 Gold
Order of Souls 70
Flags Order of Souls "We foresaw long ago that your soul was destined to bear this mystical flag."
Order of Souls Heavy Sword.png
Order of Souls Heavy Sword 875,000 Gold
Order of Souls 70
Cutlass Order of Souls "It's no Sword of Souls, but this brutal blade certainly gets the job done."
Order of Souls Hull.png
Order of Souls Hull 69,550 Gold
Order of Souls 70
Hull Livery Order of Souls "The Order's livery is steeped in a secret, mythical history."
Order of Souls Rapier.png
Order of Souls Rapier 875,000 Gold
Order of Souls 70
Cutlass Order of Souls "A graceful but deadly blade that your skeletal nemesis will never see coming."
Order of Souls Belt.png
Order of Souls Belt 300,000 Gold
Order of Souls 75
Belt Order of Souls "A stunning sash completes the Order of Souls ensemble. It's hard to look mysterious if you're always hoisting up your trousers."
Order of Souls Figurehead.png
Order of Souls Figurehead 69,550 Gold
Order of Souls 75
Figurehead Order of Souls "This haunting idol is a reminder that the Order are the true keepers of arcane power on the seas."
Order of Souls Sails.png
Order of Souls Sails 69,550 Gold
Order of Souls 75
Sails Order of Souls "These sails will instil terror in any skeletons who wish to keep their skulls."
Banner of Souls.png
Banner of Souls 100,000 Gold
Order of Souls 80
Ornaments Order of Souls "Relive your memories of battling skeletons with this fearsome flag."
The Mirror of Scrying Souls.png
The Mirror of Scrying Souls 100,000 Gold
Order of Souls 85
Ornaments Order of Souls "Place this with care to pierce the veil, and glimpse a shadow in the glass."
Order of Souls Ship's Crest.png
Order of Souls Ship's Crest 100,000 Gold
Order of Souls 90
Ship's Crest Order of Souls "Bind your vessel's name and soul to this mysterious insignia."
Madame Olivia Shipmate.png
Madame Olivia Shipmate 100,000 Gold
Order of Souls 95
Ornaments Order of Souls "Your very own mystical Madame Olivia to keep your shelves safe from skeletons."
Soul Seeker Costume.png
Soul Seeker Costume 150,000 Gold
Order of Souls 100
Costume Order of Souls "Unlocked by reaching Reputation Level 100 in the Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction I.png
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction I 100,000 Gold
Rings Order of Souls "Right and left hand rings, unlocked by reaching Distinction I with Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction II.png
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction II 200,000 Gold
Rings Order of Souls "Right and left hand rings, unlocked by reaching Distinction II with Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction III.png
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction III 300,000 Gold
Rings Order of Souls "Right and left hand rings, unlocked by reaching Distinction III with Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction IV.png
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction IV 400,000 Gold
Rings Order of Souls "Right and left hand rings, unlocked by reaching Distinction IV with Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction V.png
Order of Souls Rings of Distinction V 500,000 Gold
Rings Order of Souls "Right and left hand rings, unlocked by reaching Distinction V with Order of Souls."
Order of Souls Inaugural Chief Sails.png
Order of Souls Inaugural Chief Sails
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 1 times 1x Sails Order of Souls "You're quite the skull taker and should proudly show our colours."
Order of Souls Inaugural Grandee Sails.png
Order of Souls Inaugural Grandee Sails
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 1 times 1x Sails Order of Souls "None other has provided so much for the Order. These sails befit your stature!"
Relic of Darkness Hull.png
Relic of Darkness Hull
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 2 times 2x Hull Livery Relic of Darkness "The patterns on this hull evoke memories of certain ritualistic objects that are highly prized by the Order of Souls."
Relic of Darkness Figurehead.png
Relic of Darkness Figurehead
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 2 times 2x Figurehead Relic of Darkness "A strange, patchwork approximation of an Order of Souls representative. The glowing eyes make it seem oddly lifelike..."
Relic of Darkness Cannons.png
Relic of Darkness Cannons
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 3 times 3x Cannons Relic of Darkness "Being shrouded in swathes of the Order's signature purple cloth makes these cannons seem almost mysterious."
Relic of Darkness Wheel.png
Relic of Darkness Wheel
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 3 times 3x Wheel Relic of Darkness "While you're watching the horizon, try not to worry that the eye on this wheel might be watching you..."
Relic of Darkness Capstan.png
Relic of Darkness Capstan
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 4 times 4x Capstan Relic of Darkness "Mystical foresight won't help you raise the anchor, only old-fashioned brute force."
Relic of Darkness Flag.png
Relic of Darkness Flag
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 4 times 4x Flags Relic of Darkness "Spy this flag on the horizon and it's hard not to imagine that it's staring back..."
Relic of Darkness Sails.png
Relic of Darkness Sails
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 4 times 4x Sails Relic of Darkness "Madame Olivia prophesies a profitable journey for any ship adorned with these sails."
Relic of Darkness Pistol.png
Relic of Darkness Pistol
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 5 times 5x Pistol Relic of Darkness "Created by the Order to shatter skeletons, but it works just as well against any other foe."
Relic of Darkness Cutlass.png
Relic of Darkness Cutlass
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 5 times 5x Cutlass Relic of Darkness "A blade that's been slightly weathered from striking skeletons. Many, many skeletons..."
Relic of Darkness Blunderbuss.png
Relic of Darkness Blunderbuss
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 6 times 6x Blunderbuss Relic of Darkness "Frees skeletons from the bane of their undead existence, whether they like it or not."
Relic of Darkness Eye of Reach.png
Relic of Darkness Eye of Reach
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 6 times 6x Eye of Reach Relic of Darkness "Peace, tranquility and a calm mind are needed to land shots with this weapon. Oh, and bullets."
Relic of Darkness Drum.png
Relic of Darkness Drum
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 7 times 7x Drum Relic of Darkness "Madame Olivia claims that music can soothe the soul - coming from her, that may not be a figure of speech..."
Relic of Darkness Concertina.png
Relic of Darkness Concertina
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 7 times 7x Concertina Relic of Darkness "Plays many shanties, including Madame Olivia's favourite, 'Seek the Dead'."
Relic of Darkness Hurdy-Gurdy.png
Relic of Darkness Hurdy-Gurdy
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x Hurdy-Gurdy Relic of Darkness "It is said that during the Festival of the Damned, this hurdy-gurdy has been known to wind itself..."
Relic of Darkness Banjo.png
Relic of Darkness Banjo
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 8 times 8x Banjo Relic of Darkness "Prove your prophetic prowess by striking up a tune that won't be composed until tomorrow."
Relic of Darkness Fishing Rod.png
Relic of Darkness Fishing Rod
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x Fishing Rod Relic of Darkness "Created by an easily distracted weaponsmith who thought she was working with the Order of Shoals."
Relic of Darkness Tankard.png
Relic of Darkness Tankard
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 9 times 9x Tankard Relic of Darkness "This tankard carries a vision of the future... More grog!"
Relic of Darkness Spyglass.png
Relic of Darkness Spyglass
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 10 times 10x Spyglass Relic of Darkness "It won't help you see into the souls of pirates, but it can spot a skeleton on a beach or a skull in the water..."
Relic of Darkness Bucket.png
Relic of Darkness Bucket
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 10 times 10x Bucket Relic of Darkness "Carefully crafted by the Order of Souls to ensure no evil spirits can affect its contents."
Relic of Darkness Shovel.png
Relic of Darkness Shovel
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 11 times 11x Shovel Relic of Darkness "Bury bones or bring to light bright bounties with this tool from the Order of Souls."
Relic of Darkness Compass.png
Relic of Darkness Compass
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 11 times 11x Compass Relic of Darkness "South for skulls or East for the esoteric, West for the weird and North for the nocturnal."
Relic of Darkness Speaking Trumpet.png
Relic of Darkness Speaking Trumpet
Chief tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x Speaking Trumpet Relic of Darkness "Is there anybody there? Find out with this hailer of the spirit world!"
Relic of Darkness Lantern.png
Relic of Darkness Lantern
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x Lantern Relic of Darkness "A darkness lantern is a thing of beauty and confusion."
Relic of Darkness Pocket Watch.png
Relic of Darkness Pocket Watch
Grandee tier in Order of Souls Emissary Ledger 12 times 12x Pocket Watch Relic of Darkness "Keep an eye on the time, the Order tell their representatives. Good at prophecy, bad at comedy."

Order of Souls Emissaries

Any players wishing to represent the Order of Souls on the open seas can do so by becoming an Order of Souls Emissary. To hoist an Order of Souls Emissary Flag, Players must first purchase it from any Company Representative for 20000 Gold once they have achieved the level 15 Rank of Mystic Apprentice. Player Crews can vote to raise a Company Emissary Flag at the Company's Emissary Table. Order of Souls Emissary Tables can be found inside every Order of Souls tent at Outposts. Once voted upon, the Crew's Ship will receive two Company themed Flags on their Ships to designate their Emissary status: a big Flag on the back of the ship and a Pennant on top of the Crow's Nest. These Flags will signify the Emissary Ship's current Emissary Grade and will change as the Crew progresses through these Grades. Order of Souls Emissary Flags are Purple and Green and will play a distinct tune when viewed from a Spyglass by other Crews. When an Emissary Ship sinks or is scuttled, the Emissary Flag will be lost along with any earned Grade progress. The Broken Emissary Flags that float up from the sunk ship can be sold to The Servant of the Flame at The Reaper's Hideout. When Crews vote to lower their own Emissary Flag, they earn large sums of Gold and Reputation with the Emissary Company (only after Grade 2).

Emissary Grades

The Emissary Grade icon of the Order of Souls.

Every Order of Souls Emissary will start out at Emissary Grade I and be able to progress up to Grade V. These Grades are displayed on the Ship's Emissary Flags. Players can also check their Emissary Grade progress by using the Equipment Radial Menu or opening up their Reputation tab at the Pirate Menu.

When reaching Grade V, Order of Souls Emissaries are eligible to claim a special Order of Souls Emissary Quest from any of the Order Representatives.

With each Emissary Grade, players will receive greater Rewards, Order of Souls Reputation and Emissary Value for any sold Bounty Skulls or Mermaid Gems. Note that Players do not get Emissary Grade Reputation from selling Items to the company. The following is a chart of the reward and value multiplier of Emissary Grades:

Emissary Grade Rewards, Reputation & Emissary Value
Grade 1 Base Reward
Grade 2 +33% Base Reward
Grade 3 +67% Base Reward
Grade 4 +100% Base Reward
Grade 5 +150% Base Reward

Emissary Reputation

Order of Souls Emissaries can gain Emissary Reputation and progress through Emissary Grades in the following ways:

Things that do not give Emissary Grade Reputation for Order of Souls:

Emissary Quest

Once Crews have reached Emissary Grade V when sailing as an Order of Souls Emissary, they will be eligible for an Order of Souls Emissary Quest. Only one Quest can be claimed per Crew per Emissary Run. This means that if players want to receive more Emissary Quests, they will have to reset their Emissary progress and work their way back up to Grade V again.

The Order of Souls Emissary Quest gives all Players of the Crew four Bounty Maps with 4 Skeleton Captains each dropping Villainous Bounty Skulls. Players can easily work their way back up to Emissary Grade V with the Quest alone if they decide to turn in their previous Grade V flag to the Company and start over from Grade I. Once back at Grade V, the crews can claim another Emissary Quest and repeat the process.

Emissary Value & Ledger

Order of Souls Emissary Value is earned every time a Crew sells a Treasure item to any Order Representatives while flying an Order of Souls Emissary Flag. Each Bounty Skull and Mermaid Gem has a set base Emissary Value. Crews get increased Emissary Value the higher the Grade of their Emissary Flag. When selling Treasure as a Grade V Emissary, the Emissary Value is doubled (see the above chart for the multipliers). Emissary Value acts as a Player Pirate's individual scoreboard with a Trading Company.

A player's Emissary Value is counted in their Emissary Ledger, which divides all of the Company's Emissaries into four Ranks based on their total Emissary Value. Each Emissary Rank accounts for a percentage of the Company's total Emissary Value holders. A single Emissary Ledger scoreboard remains active for one month, after which it will be closed and reset. At the close of a Ledger, every Player Pirate to place in the first or second top tier will be rewarded with exclusive Company Sails.

The Order of Souls Emissary Ranks and rewards are as follows:

Order of Souls Order of Souls Ledger Rewards
Tiers Rewards
Order of Souls Emissary Tier 1 Apprentice.png

(bottom 25%)

No reward
Order of Souls Emissary Tier 2 Mercenary.png

(bottom 25-50%)

  1. Emissary of Mystic Mercenaries Title
  2. Mercenary of Sundered Skulls Title
  3. Mercenary of Ghostly Galleons Title
  4. Mercenary of Stray Spirits Title
  5. Mercenary of Fated Foresight Title
  6. Mercenary of Spectral Supplies Title
  7. Mercenary of Remarkable Relics Title
  8. Mercenary of of Inky Insight Title
  9. Mercenary of Scorching Skulls Title
  10. Mercenary of Mysterious Missions Title
  11. Mercenary of Supernatural Skirmishes Title
  12. Mercenary of Terrible Tides Title
Order of Souls Emissary Tier 3 Chief.png

(top 25-50%)

  1. Order of Souls Inaugural Chief Sails
  2. Relic of Darkness Hull
  3. Relic of Darkness Cannons
  4. Relic of Darkness Capstan
  5. Relic of Darkness Pistol
  6. Relic of Darkness Blunderbuss
  7. Relic of Darkness Drum
  8. Relic of Darkness Hurdy-Gurdy
  9. Relic of Darkness Fishing Rod
  10. Relic of Darkness Spyglass
  11. Relic of Darkness Shovel
  12. Relic of Darkness Speaking Trumpet
Order of Souls Emissary Tier 4 Grandee.png

(top 25%)

  1. Order of Souls Inaugural Grandee Sails
  2. Relic of Darkness Figurehead
  3. Relic of Darkness Wheel
  4. Relic of Darkness Sails
  5. Relic of Darkness Cutlass
  6. Relic of Darkness Eye of Reach
  7. Relic of Darkness Concertina
  8. Relic of Darkness Banjo
  9. Relic of Darkness Tankard
  10. Relic of Darkness Bucket
  11. Relic of Darkness Compass
  12. Relic of Darkness Lantern


The following Commendations are achievable for the Order of Souls.

Voyager of Lost Souls emblem
Voyager of Lost SoulsComplete 250 Order of Souls Voyages.
  • Grade I: 5
  • Grade II: 25
  • Grade III: 50
  • Grade IV: 100
  • Grade V: 250
Title reward Rewards the Voyager of Lost Souls Title.
Mercenary of the Ancient Order emblem
Mercenary of the Ancient OrderEarn 150,000 gold with the Order of Souls Voyages.
  • Grade I: 1,000
  • Grade II: 5,000
  • Grade III: 15,000
  • Grade IV: 75,000
  • Grade V: 150,000
Title reward Rewards the Mercenary of the Ancient Order Title.
Sailor of the Whispering Bones emblem
Sailor of the Whispering BonesSail 1,000 nautical miles on Order of Souls Voyages bounties.
  • Grade I: 10
  • Grade II: 75
  • Grade III: 200
  • Grade IV: 500
  • Grade V: 1,000
Title reward Rewards the Sailor of the Whispering Bones Title.
Unlockable rewards Unlocks Order of Souls Bucket for purchase.
Seeker of Lost Souls emblem
Seeker of Lost SoulsPurchase 250 Bounty Voyages
  • Grade I: 5
  • Grade II: 25
  • Grade III: 50
  • Grade IV: 100
  • Grade V: 250
Unlockable rewards Previously rewarded the Seeker of Lost Souls Title
Previously unlocked the Order of Souls Blunderbuss, Cutlass, Pistol and Eye of Reach for purchase.
Hunter of Foul Skulls emblem
Hunter of Foul SkullsDeliver 90 Foul skulls to the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 5
  • Grade II: 15
  • Grade III: 30
  • Grade IV: 60
  • Grade V: 90
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Foul Skulls Title.
Hunter of Disgraced Skulls emblem
Hunter of Disgraced SkullsDeliver 180 Disgraced skulls to the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 10
  • Grade II: 30
  • Grade III: 60
  • Grade IV: 120
  • Grade V: 180
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Disgraced Skulls Title.
Hunter of Hateful Skulls emblem
Hunter of Hateful SkullsDeliver 270 Hateful skulls to the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 15
  • Grade II: 45
  • Grade III: 90
  • Grade IV: 180
  • Grade V: 270
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Hateful Skulls Title.
Hunter of Villainous Skulls emblem
Hunter of Villainous SkullsDeliver 360 Villainous skulls to the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 20
  • Grade II: 60
  • Grade III: 120
  • Grade IV: 240
  • Grade V: 360
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Villainous Skulls Title.
Hunter of Cursed Crews emblem
Hunter of Cursed CrewsDefeat 180 Skeleton Crews.
  • Grade I: 2
  • Grade II: 10
  • Grade III: 35
  • Grade IV: 90?
  • Grade V: 180
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Cursed Crews Title.
Hunter of Cursed Captains emblem
Hunter of Cursed CaptainsDefeat 1000 Skeleton Captains.
  • Grade I: 20
  • Grade II: 70
  • Grade III: 200
  • Grade IV: 450
  • Grade V: 1,000
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Cursed Captains Title.
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Nightfall Hunter Belt, Boots and Gloves for purchase at Grade I, the Nightfall Hunter Trousers, Shirt and Eyepatch for purchase at Grade II, the Nightfall Hunter Pegleg and Hook for purchase at Grade III, and the Nightfall Hunter Dress, Jacket, and Hat for purchase at Grade IV.
Raider of Cursed Strongholds emblem
Raider of Cursed StrongholdsClear 120 Skeleton Forts.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 10
  • Grade III: 25
  • Grade IV: 60
  • Grade V: 120
Title reward Rewards the Raider of Cursed Strongholds Title.
Hunter of Fort Skulls emblem
Hunter of Fort SkullsDeliver 60 Skeleton Fort Skulls to the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
  • Grade IV: 30
  • Grade V: 60
Title reward Rewards the Hunter of Fort Skulls Title.
Distinguished Member of the Order emblem
Distinguished Member of the OrderEarn a Distinction for the Order of Soulsn/a
Voyages of the Soul emblem
Voyages of the SoulDive to and complete Order of Souls Voyages.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
Soul Raider emblem
Soul RaiderDive to and complete Raid Voyages for the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
All-seeing emblem
All-seeingSell Eyes of Souls that you or another pirate earned from completing Raid Voyages for the Order of Souls.
  • Grade I: 5
  • Grade II: 10
  • Grade III: 15
  • Grade IV: 25
  • Grade V: 50
Emissary of Souls emblem
Emissary of SoulsBecome an Emissary for the Order of Souls.
High Seas only
Worthy Emissary of Souls emblem
Worthy Emissary of SoulsReach Order of Souls Emissary Grade 2, 100 times.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 25
  • Grade III: 50
  • Grade IV: 75
  • Grade V: 100
Title reward Rewards the Seeker of Lost Souls Title.
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Order of Souls Blunderbuss, Cutlass, Pistol and Eye of Reach for purchase.
Dedicated Emissary of Souls emblem
Dedicated Emissary of SoulsReach Order of Souls Emissary Grade 3, 80 times.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 20
  • Grade III: 40
  • Grade IV: 60
  • Grade V: 80
Esteemed Emissary of Souls emblem
Esteemed Emissary of SoulsReach Order of Souls Emissary Grade 4, 40 times.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 10
  • Grade III: 20
  • Grade IV: 30
  • Grade V: 40
Unrivalled Emissary of Souls emblem
Unrivalled Emissary of SoulsReach Order of Souls Emissary Grade 5, 20 times.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
  • Grade IV: 15
  • Grade V: 20
Unlockable rewards Unlocks Order of Souls Spyglass for purchase.
Gathering Secrets emblem
Gathering SecretsSell 600 Order of Souls Treasures while flying the Order of Souls Emissary Flag.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 120
  • Grade II: 240
  • Grade III: 360
  • Grade IV: 480
  • Grade V: 600
Honoured Mystic emblem
Honoured MysticSell 320 Order of Souls Treasures while flying a Grade 5 Order of Souls Emissary Flag.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 60
  • Grade II: 120
  • Grade III: 200
  • Grade IV: 260
  • Grade V: 320
Order's Garb emblem
Order's GarbRepresent the Order of Souls through your appearance while sailing as an Emissary.
High Seas only
Order's Livery emblem
Order's LiveryRepresent the Order of Souls through your ship's appearance while sailing as an Emissary.
High Seas only
Order Through and Through emblem
Order Through and ThroughAs Emissaries, fully represent the Order of Souls through your crew and your Ship's appearance.
High Seas only
Scourge of Brutal Bastions emblem
Scourge of Brutal BastionsDefeat 10 Forts of Fortune.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 3
  • Grade III: 5
  • Grade IV: 7
  • Grade V: 10
Scourge of the Damned emblem
Scourge of the DamnedDefeat 500 Ghost Ships.
  • Grade I: 25
  • Grade II: 50
  • Grade III: 100
  • Grade IV: 250
  • Grade V: 500
Title reward Rewards the Scourge of the Damned Title.
Unlockable rewards Required to unlock the Chest of the Damned Disguise in conjunction with The Power of Three for purchase at Grade III.
United Against the Damned emblem
United Against the DamnedDefeat 25 Ghost Ships whilst in an Alliance.
High Seas only
  • Grade I: 5
  • Grade II: 10
  • Grade III: 25
Voyager of Damned Souls emblem
Voyager of Damned SoulsComplete 50 Ghost Ship Voyages.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 15
  • Grade IV: 25
  • Grade V: 50
Banisher of the Spectral Flame emblem
Banisher of the Spectral FlameDefeat the Burning Blade 10 times.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
Title reward Rewards the Banisher of the Spectral Flame Title.
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Burning Blade Sails for purchase.
United Against the Flame emblem
United Against the FlameDefeat the Burning Blade whilst in an Alliance.
High Seas only
Hunter of Damned Captains emblem
Hunter of Damned CaptainsSell 50 Captain Skulls of the Damned.
Note: Progress for this Commendation will also count if the Skulls are sold to Reaper's Bones.
  • Grade I: 1
  • Grade II: 5
  • Grade III: 10
  • Grade IV: 25
  • Grade V: 50
Unlockable rewards Unlocks the Ghost Captain Sails for purchase.
Unleash the Damned emblem
Unleash the DamnedHit another Crew's Ship with a Wraith Cannonball, 25 times
Note: This Commendation counts personal hits and is not shared within the crew. Skeleton Ship hits count as well.


  • The Motto Omnes in servitium animarum is Latin, for All in the service of Souls.
  • The ambient music of the Order is composed of haunting strings accompanied by bone chimes and low deep notes, in tune with their unsettling business.
  • All Madames of the Order have names beginning with "O", similar to the "H" names of the Hoarders.

Patch history

  • 2.6.0 (August 4, 2022)
    • Order of Souls representatives should all now have the correct dialogue options during interactions.
  • 2.0.14 (April 22, 2020)
    • Order of Souls Promotion Ranks were increased from level 50 to 75 with new cosmetics to unlock with each Promotion.
    • Introduced the Emissary system.
  • 2.0.6 (August 14, 2019)
    • The Order of Souls no longer let the players sell kegs to them.
  • 2.0.5 (July 17, 2019)
    • Trading Companies Stockpiling – The Order of Souls have begun stockpiling defences and will now reward players for handing over Gunpowder and Stronghold Kegs.
  • 1.3.2 (October 31, 2018)
    • Order of Souls NPCs now transition between animations correctly.
  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • Added Ashen Variants of the Order of Souls voyages.
  • 1.0.7 (May 15, 2018)
    • Being on an Order of Souls voyage no longer causes fewer ambient skeletons to spawn.


  1. Madame Olga
  2. Madame Olive
  3. Madame Olwen
  4. https://seaofthieves.gamepedia.com/Curse_of_the_Order