Cosmetic Sets/ru

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Косметические наборы - это все различные наборы тем косметической настройки, доступные в Sea of ​​Thieves. Все предметы Одежда, Шик, Снаряжение, Оружие и Корабль можно настраивать с помощью различных тематических косметических перерисовок.

Постоянные наборы

Регулярные наборы

Это наборы предметов, которые разблокированы для всех и не привязаны к какой-либо конкретной Торговой компании, Событию или рекомендациям.

  • Набор Матроса - Стандартный набор косметики, с которым начинает каждый игрок. Некоторые предметы необходимо приобрести в Магазине одежды.
  • Набор общей одежды - Коллекция предметов одежды, не связанных ни с одним набором, доступным в Магазине общей одежды.
  • Набор Салаги - Базовый набор косметики Салаги, доступный в магазинах Форпостов.
  • Скверный набор Салаги - Вторичный набор косметики Трюмные крысы, доступный в магазинах Аванпоста.
  • Негодный набор Салаги - Косметический набор Bilge Rats самого высокого уровня, доступный по высокой цене в магазинах Outpost.
  • Дрянной набор Салаги - Уникальный набор одежды и туалетных принадлежностей Bilge Rats, доступный в General Clothing Shop.
  • Грязный дрянной набор Салаги - Дорогой перекрас Rotten Bilge Rat Set.
  • Набор Охотника - Темный косметический набор, доступный для всех в магазинах Форпостов.
  • Набор Охотник на акул - Эксклюзивный вариант набора кораблей Набор Охотника, доступный для всех в любой Shipwright Shop.
  • Набор Наемника - зеленый, золотой и коричневый вариант Набора черного пса, частично доступный для покупки в магазинах Outpost, в то время как другие предметы были доступны в течение ограниченного времени.
  • Набор попугая - уникальный набор в стиле Parrot, доступный для всех в магазинах Outpost.

Наборы Торгового Союза

These sets are thematically tied to the Merchant Alliance Trading Company, with some pieces requiring a certain Reputation level with the company to become available.

  • Набор Адмирала - The basic blue Admiral Cosmetic Set, available for purchase at Outpost Stores.
  • Помпезный набор Адмирала - Secondary Admiral Cosmetic Set, available for purchase at Outpost Stores.
  • Парадный набор Адмирала - Red variant of the basic Admiral Set, unlocked for purchase at Outpost Stores after reaching certain Reputation Ranks with the Merchant Alliance.
  • Щегольский набор Адмирала - Unique Admiral Clothing and Vanity Set, available from the General Clothing Shop.
  • Щегольский набор Британского Адмирала - Expensive recolour of the Executive Admiral Set.
  • Набор Торгового Союза - Cosmetics obtained from, or directly related to the Merchant Alliance Trading Company.
  • Набор "Эмиссар Торговцев" - Cosmetic Set Awarded by the Emissary Ledger every Season.

Наборы Ордена Душ

These sets are thematically tied to the Order of Souls Trading Company, with some pieces requiring a certain Reputation level with the company to become available. Despite the cosmetics being named after the Sea Dogs, these Cosmetic Sets are separate from the Sea Dog Trading Company.

  • Набор Шкипера - The basic red and green Sea Dog Cosmetic Set, available for purchase at Outpost Stores.
  • Набор Бандитского Морского Волка - Secondary Sea Dog Cosmetic Set, available for purchase at Outpost Stores.
  • Набор Опасного Морского Волка - Yellow and green variant of the basic Sea Dog Set, unlocked for purchase at Outpost Stores after reaching certain Reputation Ranks with the Order of Souls.
  • Разбойничий набор Шкипера - Unique Sea Dog Clothing and Vanity Set, available from the General Clothing Shop.
  • Багряный разбойничий набор Шкипера - Expensive recolour of the Corsair Sea Dog Set.
  • Набор Ордена душ - Cosmetics obtained from, or directly related to the Order of Souls Trading Company.
  • Набор Тёмная реликвия - Cosmetic Set Awarded by the Emissary Ledger every Season.

Наборы Златодержцев

These sets are thematically tied to the Gold Hoarders Trading Company, with some pieces requiring a certain Reputation level with the company to become available.

  • Набор Наместника - The basic Black, Brown and White Sovereign Cosmetic Set, available for purchase at Outpost Stores.
  • Набор Импозантного Наместника - Secondary Sovereign Cosmetic Set, available for purchase at Outpost Stores.
  • Набор Бунтарского импозантного Наместника - Expensive recolour of the Imperial Sovereign Set Clothing and Vanity items.
  • Набор Роскошного Наместника - Green and gold variant of the basic Sovereign Set, unlocked for purchase at Outpost Stores after reaching certain Reputation Ranks with the Gold Hoarders.
  • Набор Царственного Наместника - Unique Sovereign Clothing and Vanity Set, available from the General Clothing Shop.
  • Пурпурный набор Царственного Наместника -
  • Набор Златодержцев - Cosmetics themed after the Gold Hoarder Trading Company and their leader, the Gold Hoarder.
  • Набор "Скала Памяти" - Cosmetic Set Awarded by the Emissary Ledger every Season.

Наборы Братства Охотников

The following Sets are thematically tied to The Hunter's Call Trading Company.

  • Набор Killer Whale - Cosmetic Set related to Merrick's old ship, The Killer Whale, obtained as rewards through Promotions at The Hunter's Call Trading Company.
  • Набор Братства Охотников - Cosmetic Items unlocked through The Hunter's Call Commendations.
  • Набор Рубиновый брызгохвост - A Pirate Emporium exclusive Set themed around the most common fish, the Ruby Splashtail.

Наборы Арены Славного Морского Волка (Устаревшее)

The following Sets are thematically tied to the Sea Dogs and the Arena Game Mode.

Наборы Костей Жнеца

These sets are thematically tied to the Reaper's Bones Trading Company, with some pieces requiring a certain Reputation level with the company to become available.

  • Набор Костей Жнеца - Cosmetics obtained from, or directly related to the Reaper's Bones Trading Company.
  • Набор Сердце Жнеца - A Pirate Emporium exclusive Set, supposedly designed by the Reaper's Bones
  • Набор Мрачные приключения - High gold priced cosmetic set themed after Pirate Legends and the Reaper's Bones
  • Набор Замаскированный предатель - Cosmetic Set Awarded by the Emissary Ledger every Season.
  • Набор Слуги Пламени - Cosmetic Set themed after the The Servant of the Flame. Available to purchase from the Pirate Legend Hideout after completing Legend of the Veil commendations.

Легендарные наборы

The following Sets are thematically tied to the Athena's Fortune and everything related to Pirate Legends.

  • Легендарный набор - The Pirate Legend Set. The Clothing and Vanity items are provided upon reaching the Pirate Legend Status. The rest of the Set items are purchased from the Athena's Fortune Hideout, some of which are unlocked through earning Athena's Fortune Commendations.
  • Золотой Легендарный набор - Golden variant of the Legendary Set, rewarded to all players who became Pirate Legends during the first year of Sea of Thieves.
  • Набор Призрака - Unique glowing dark green Cosmetic Set available for Pirate Legends. Purchased from the Athena's Fortune Hideout. Ghost Set Items are locked behind Athena's Fortune Reputation Levels and Commendations.
  • Набор Мрачные приключения - High gold priced cosmetic set themed after Pirate Legends and the Reaper's Bones
  • Набор Легендарный дух - Cosmetic Set Awarded by the Emissary Ledger every Season.
  • Набор Завеса древних - Cosmetic Set themed after The Ancients and the Veil of the Ancients. Awarded by progressing through Athena's Fortune Reputation and the Legend of the Veil commendations.
  • Набор Легендарная удача - Recolour variant of the Legendary Weapons.
  • Набор Сорочье крыло - Ship set themed after the Magpie's Wing.
  • Набор Призрака-хранитель - Cosmetic Set recolour variant of the Ghost Set available for Pirate Legends. Purchased from the Athena's Fortune Hideout. Guardian Ghost Set Items are locked behind Guardians of Fortune Commendations.
  • Набор Таинственной персоны - Clothing set themed after the Mysterious Stranger.

Наборы Tall Tales

The following Sets can be unlocked by completing Tall Tales and related Commendations.

  • Набор Morningstar - Cosmetics themed after the Morningstar Ship & Crew.
  • Набор Бриггси - Cosmetics themed after Captain Briggsy.
  • Набор Дикая Роза - Cosmetics themed after Rose and George. Largely made available at the Outpost Stores for Doubloons.
  • Набор Верховного пирата - Cosmetics themed after the Pirate Lord.
  • Набор Златодержцев - Cosmetics themed after the Gold Hoarder Trading Company and their leader, the Gold Hoarder.
  • Набор Проклятого капитана - Cosmetics themed after the Cursed Captain from the A Pirate's Life tall tale.
  • Набор месть Silver Blade - Cosmetics themed after the remains of the Silver Blade during The Sunken Pearl Tall tale
  • Набор Затонувшая Печаль - Cosmetics themed after the Sunken Kingdom. Available as Tall Tale and Sunken Kingdom Bilge Rat commendation rewards.
  • Набор Острова Меле - Emporium Cosmetic set themed around characters and events from Mêlée Island. Partly available via Tall Tale commendations.

Наборы Капитанства

These Cosmetic Sets can only be unlocked by levelling up the respective Ship Milestone alignments for the current Captained ship.

  • Набор Золотоискателя - Cosmetic set tied to The Gold Seeker Alignment.
  • Набор Путешесвенника - Cosmetic set tied to The Voyager Alignment.
  • Набор Эмиссара - Cosmetic set tied to The Emissary Alignment.
  • Набор Охотника - Cosmetic set tied to The Hunter Alignment.
  • Кошмарный набор - Cosmetic set tied to The Feared Alignment.
  • Набор Бродяги - Cosmetic set tied to The Rogue Alignment.
  • Злополучный набор - Cosmetic set tied to The Ill-Fated Alignment.
  • Набор Хранителя - Cosmetic set tied to The Guardian Alignment.
  • Набор Служителя - Cosmetic set tied to The Servant Alignment.

Наборы Гильдии

These Cosmetic Sets are available to Guild members after their Guild reaches the required reputation level, and will be accessible as long as they remain part of that guild.

  • Набор Опытного штурмана - Navigator-themed cosmetic set available at Guild Reputation 20.
  • Набор Шеф-повара морей - Cook-themed cosmetic set received at Guild Reputation 40.
  • Набор Проклятый артиллерист - Cannoneer-themed cosmetic set received at Guild Reputation 60.
  • Набор Герой-рулевой - Helmsman-themed cosmetic set received at Guild Reputation 80.

Наборы Обновлений контента

The following Sets are related to past Content Updates. Some of these Sets were time-limited to the Update itself, whereas some of the sets can still be unlocked by completing Commendations.

Permanent Additions

  • Набор Кракен - Cosmetics themed after the Kraken, unlocked for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Bilge Rats Commendations.
  • Набор Донный обитатель - Cosmetics themed after Crabs, unlocked for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Bilge Rats Commendations.
  • Набор Наёмника - Green, Gold and Brown variant of the Black Dog Set, partially available for purchase from Outpost Stores. Some Set Items were available for a limited time during various Mercenary Voyage Content Updates.
  • Набор Костолом - Cosmetics themed after Skeletons and Skeleton Ships. Partially available for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Bilge Rats Commendations. The rest of the Set Items were only available for a limited time during Cursed Sails and Skeleton Thrones.
  • Набор Одинокое Пламя - Cosmetics themed after The Devil's Roar and the Forsaken Ashes Alliance. Partially available for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Bilge Rats Commendations. Partially available at the Outpost Stores for Doubloons. The rest of the Set Items were only available for a limited time during Forsaken Shores.
  • Набор Проклятых - Cosmetics themed around the Ferry of the Damned and the Ferryman, made available for purchase at Outpost Stores, with some items being unlocked after completing Fort of the Damned Commendations. Not to be confused with the exclusive Ferryman Set.
  • Набор Ashen Dragon - Cosmetics themed after The Ashen Dragon and its Crew. Available for purchase at Outpost Stores. Most of the items are unlocked for purchase after completing Ashen Treasures Commendations, while the Sails, Hull and Curse of the set are unlocked for free after completing the Tall Tale Commendations for The Seabound Soul and Heart of Fire Tall Tales.
  • Набор Легенд моря - Tattoo Sets themed after infamous Player Pirates, unlocked for purchase from Umbra for completing Legends of the Sea Commendations.
  • Набор Пепельные Ветра - Cosmetic Set themed after the Ashen Lords, unlocked for purchase for completing Ashen Winds Commendations.
  • Набор Безмолвной ракушки - Recolour variant of The Wailing Barnacle set. Available for purchase after completing the Hoarder of Barnacled Gold commendation.
  • Испачканный скверный набор Салаги - Yellow-orange variant of the Castaway Bilge Rat Clothing Set.
  • Набор Солнечный попугай - Vibrant red, blue, gold, and bronze colour variant of the Parrot Set. Available for purchase after completing the Legends of the Sea II commendation.
  • Предательский набор Шкипера - Variant of the Sea Dog Clothing set.
  • Набор Ядовитый кракен - Green recolour variant of the Kraken Set. Available for purchase after completing the Legendary Kraken Hunter commendation.
  • Выдающийся камзол Адмирала - Recolour variant of the Grand Admiral Set.
  • Набор Блестящей Бороды - Cosmetic set themed after Glitterbeard. Awarded by completing The Legend of Glitterbeard Legends of the Sea commendations.
  • Набор Благородного Аристократа - Yellow, white, and red recolour variant of the Aristocrat Set. Available for purchase after completing The Curse of the Pacifist's Demise commendation.
  • Набор Величественный наместник - Recolour variant of the Sovereign Set.
  • Лазурный набор донного обитателя - Recolour variant of the Ocean Crawler Set. Available for purchase after completing the Hunter of Trophy Fish commendation.
  • Чёрный щегольский набор адмирала - Recolour variant of the Executive Admiral Set.
  • Мрачный набор адмирала - Recolour variant of the Admiral Set.
  • Набор утреннего охотника - Recolour variant of the Hunter Set. Available for purchase after completing the Plundered Prizes commendation.
  • Запачканный набор Салаги - Recolour variant of the Bilge Rat Set.
  • Набор Расцветающей Дикой Розы - Recolour variant of the Wild Rose Set. Available for purchase after completing the Always Yours commendation.
  • Набор стойкого бандитского Морского Волка- Recolour variant of the Ruffian Sea Dog Set.
  • Набор Затонувшей Печали - Cosmetics themed after the Sunken Kingdom. Available as Tall Tale and Sunken Kingdom Bilge Rat Commendation rewards
  • Оливковый набор царственного наместника- Recolour variant of the Majestic Sovereign Set.
  • Набор Опалённое одинокое пламя - Cosmetic Set Recolour of the Forsaken Ashes Set. Available for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Ashen Winds Commendations.
  • Мерзкий дрянной набор Салаги - Recolour of the Rotten Bilge Rat Set.
  • Помпезный набор британского Адмирала - Recolour of the Grand Admiral Set
  • Набор Праздничная подсветка - Cosmetic Set themed after Bilge rat festivals. Available for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Buried Treasures Commendations.
  • Набор Полуночные клинки - Clothing Cosmetic Set themed after Thieves. Available for purchase at Outpost Stores for completing Buried Treasures Commendations.
  • Набор Бросок кости - Набор из 6 эмоций, которые позволяют вам бросать любой из 6 многогранных кубиков.
  • Скверный пенистый набор Салаги - Recolour variant of the Castaway Bilge Rat Clothing Set.
  • Разбойничий набор песчаного Морского Волка - Recolour of the Corsair Sea Dog Set.
  • Изумрудный набор импозантного Наместника - Recolour of the Imperial Sovereign Set.
  • Набор ночного Охотника - Variant of the Hunter Set. Available for purchase after progressing through the Hunter of Cursed Captains commendation.
  • Нефритовый набор восточных ветров - Oriental and Festively coloured variant of the Ashen Dragon Set. 12 of the equipment items were available to players for free by completing 12 Deeds of Giving goals, and the Eye of Reach was available for progressing through Season One renown, while the rest were added to the outpost stores in the last month of Season Six.
  • Набор отважного бандитского Морского Волка- Recolour variant of the Ruffian Sea Dog Set.
  • Набор Обожженное одинокое пламя - Cosmetic Set Recolour of the Forsaken Ashes Set.
  • Набор со Свирепой ракушки - Recolour variant of The Wailing barnacle set.
  • Пурпурный набор царственного Наместника- Recolour variant of the Majestic Sovereign Set.
  • Набор Судьбы фортуны - Special Cosmetic set themed after a three-headed serpent. Awarded for completing commendations, with more items to be added in later Seasons.
  • Набор озноба - Arctic-themed cosmetic set.
  • Набор Улыбка фортуны - Playing card-themed cosmetic set.
  • Набор Огненный шакал - Arena cosmetic set themed after The Flaming Jackal Team Ship. Partially available in the outpost stores.
  • Набор Неразрывные узы - Guild-themed ship set unlocked for purchase by progressing the Distinguished Guild Legend commendation.
  • Набор дерзкого обманщика - Gentlemanly themed cosmetic set.
  • Набор из сусального золота - Gold archer-themed set. Available for purchase after completing the Hoarder of Lost Artefacts commendation.
  • Набор череп Песни Сирен - Skull of Siren Song themed set. Available after completing Skull of Siren Song commendations.
  • Набор Маэстро - Bard-themed set.
  • Набор Картографа - Cartographer-themed set.
  • Набор Гибельная паутина - Cosmetic Set themed after Halloween and cobwebs.
  • Набор Цветущая Дикая Роза - Recolour variant of the Wild Rose Set. Available for purchase after completing the Always Yours commendation.
  • Набор Колокольная бригада - Cosmetic Set themed after Christmas.
  • Набор Зимнее пламя - Cosmetic Set themed after the winter season.
  • Набор Полночные мародеры - Cosmetic Set themed after the elusive black Arena Team Ship, the Midnight Prowler. Available for purchase after completing War Chest Commendations.
  • Набор флотский командор - Cosmetic Set themed after the Spanish Navy commanders.
  • Набор Горделивое перо - Cosmetic Set themed after birds.
  • Набор плотника - Cosmetic Set themed after carpentry.
  • Набор обсидиановый костолом - Cosmetic Set recolor of the Bone Crusher set. Available to players after progressing through The Flame Rises commendations.
  • Набор Возрождённый Burning Blade - Cosmetic Set themed after The Burning Blade. Available to players after progressing through The Flame Rises commendations.

Временные наборы Обновлений контента

Наборы Чёрного рынка (Наследие)

The following Set Items were previously available for purchase from the Bilge Rats at the Black Market Archive for gold or Doubloons. The Black Market Archive was retired in 2.1.1 and these items are now found in their respective Outpost Stores.

Наборы Пиратской лавки

The following Sets are exclusive to the Pirate Emporium and can only be acquired via Ancient Coins, which can be purchased with either real money or acquired from the rare Ancient Skeletons.

Heritage Collection Ship Sets

Ship livery sets themed around games developed by Rare Ltd. and from other game companies.

Сезонные и Эксклюзивные наборы

Emporium cosmetic sets with various seasonal and exclusive themes.

Наборы Капитанства

A Pirate's Life/Pirates of the Caribbean Sets

Emporium cosmetic sets themed around Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, made to tie in to Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life.

The Legend of Monkey Island/Monkey Island Sets

Emporium cosmetic sets themed around Lucasfilm's Monkey Island franchise, made to tie in to Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island.

Shipwright Specials

Ship cosmetic sets that were introduced in past seasons via the Plunder Pass, which is ideal for mixing and matching with different ship sets.

Pet Outfit Sets

Exclusive Sets

The following Sets are exclusive sets that are released through Contests, Promotions, or as Pirate Emporium exclusives.

zh:外觀套裝 ru:Косметика